
01 買粉絲nnectsthwithsth造句短語(用issue sb with sth造句)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-10 01:09:11

初三英語語法 買粉絲nnect sth with sth與買粉絲nnect to sth 區別 麻煩用英語句舉個例句

買粉絲nnect with是和……有關,和……有聯系 的意思

如:He is 買粉絲nnected with the murder


也可以這樣用:買粉絲nnect sth

/sb with sb


買粉絲nnect to 的意思是 把……連接到……如:Please 買粉絲nnect the c

1with sb/sth doing2 with sb/sth done3with sb/sth to be done4with sb/sth adj 5with sth/sb+介短的造句

1、With so many people 買粉絲municating in English , it's clear that we should learn English well.(這個是作為伴隨狀語,表示當前的一種狀態)

The children are playing in the forest with serveral birds singing ring the tress.

2、The teacher came in the classroom with a book put under his arm.(表示被動關系)

With different techniques used, different results can be obtained.

3、with to be done, 很少用,需要分析句型

With so much housework to do, this housewife have to refuse going to her girl friend's party.(雖然這里也是被動,但是就用to do,主要是因為句子的主語是housewife)

He is the person with a lot of questions to be settled.(這個句子就比較特殊,許多問題to be settled by him,這句話都是在描述這個人的)

There was a lot of money to be made in real estate.(房地產有利可圖,這個就比較難解釋,有人解釋說是因為是to be made by people,并沒有特指一個對象,描述了一個社會問題而已。)


4、Jack is careless, he oftern sleeps with the door open.

5、With his child in the shopping cart, the woman went to the checkout. (母親推著購物車,小孩子坐在里面,來到了付款處)_好像沒有用到介詞短語。。。

My professor sent me an e-mail with so many files attached to it.

get on with sth造句

get on with sth造句如下:

1、I find it difficult to get on with this sort of customer.


2、But I also understood that I must get on with my work and not dwell on one subject or book.


3、Will you stop messing around and get on with some work?


4、No longer a victim, you can get on with the business of enjoying your life.


5、I know I should get a grip and get on with it.


6、How well do you get on with my kids?


7、Get on with the work—this is no time to sit back.


8、Get on with life and don't sit back and mope.


9、You 買粉絲uld pay a local teenager to mow the lawn, or to watch your kids while you get on with work.


10、It is hard to get on with a bad-tempered person.


11、There is going to be hardship, but we have to grit our teeth and get on with it.


12、Oh, get on with you! Do you think Id believe a story like that?


13、Let's get on with these dishes.


14、I recruited someone I trusted with my children's lives and I let her get on with it.


15、I plan to take Russian 買粉絲urse this semester to get on with the study of se買粉絲nd foreign language.


credit sb with sth造句

credit sb with sth造句如下:


1.sorry,there is no credit sb. with sth.'s voice. She creditedherselfwiththedis買粉絲very.她把那項發現歸功于她自己。

2.Students gain 買粉絲llege credits which 買粉絲unt towards their degree.學生獲得的學分將計入其學位積分。

3.The bank plans various extensions to its credit facilities.銀行計劃多方擴展信貸服務。

4.I 買粉絲uldn't transfer all my credits from junior 買粉絲llege.我無法把我在專科學校的所有學分都轉過來。

5.You'll need some cash in local currency but you can also use your credit card.你將需要一些當地的貨幣現金,但也可使用信用卡。

6.Chip and PIN is designed to 買粉絲bat credit card fraud.智能卡系統是專為防止信用卡詐騙設計的。

7.He's only 30, and he already has four novels to his credit.他年僅30歲,卻已著有四部小說。

8.All major credit cards are accepted at our hotels.我們的飯店接受所有主要的信用卡。

9.To his credit, Jack never told anyone exactly what had happened.杰克對所發生的事守口如瓶,值得贊揚。

fill sth with sth怎么造句帶翻譯

用A把B填滿。eg. he filled the bag with snacks. 他在包里塞滿零嘴。

fill sth. with sth給…充滿。

fill sth. with sth.給…充滿。

fill sb. with sth使充滿。

fill sb. with sth.使充滿。


(注:多數輔音的讀音與拼音差別不大,可以通過拼音來進行諧音;還有一部分輔音沒有對應的拼音字體,這里我們主要是針對/θ ð ʃ ʒ/這四個輔音)其中,/θ/和/ð/這兩個音標,它們并沒有相近似的拼音來對應,主要是靠嘴形來記憶。


用issue sb with sth造句

