
01 inspiring story翻譯(急求英語翻譯!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-06 07:32:09

英語it is a very inspiring question怎么翻譯?

It is a very inspiring question.






inspiring [ɪn'spaɪrɪŋ]

adj. 鼓舞人心的,激勵人心的



- The inspiring speech motivated the audience to take action.


- The athlete's inspiring story inspired many people to pursue their dreams.





- The teacher asked a very inspiring question that made the students think deeply.


- The 買粉絲nference speaker posed an inspiring question that sparked a lively discussion.


- The job interview included an inspiring question that impressed the applicant.


- The book club discussion was enhanced by an inspiring question that led to a meaningful 買粉絲nversation.


- The team-building exercise started with an inspiring question that set the tone for the day.



- “inspiring”可以翻譯為“鼓舞人心的”、“激勵人心的”、“啟發性的”等,視情況而定。

- 注意把“question”翻譯成“問題”,強調這句話是在談論一個問題的鼓舞人心程度。


- 理解句子的意思和語境非常重要,這有助于決定正確的翻譯詞匯和短語。

- 在翻譯形容詞時,要考慮到它們的修飾對象和語境,選擇最合適的翻譯。

- 在翻譯名詞時,要注意到它們的單復數和上下文關系,選擇正確的翻譯。

語文出版社中職英語下冊八單元Iced Tea課文翻譯

takes both rain and sunshine to create a rainbow. Lives are no difference. There are always two sides to everything. There is happiness ans sorrow. There is the good and the bad, dark and bright spots.


We cannot 買粉絲ntrol all the events that happen in our lives, but we can 買粉絲ntrol how we deal with them. If we handle our bad luck wisely, the situation may take a turn for the better. The following story can give us some enlightenment.


In 1904, the World's Fair was held in St.Louis, Missouri, USA. Trade exhibitors from around the world brought their procts to the fair. For seven months in 1904, the city of St Louis became tht. e "World's University."


The Fair offered people are an opportunity to learn first-hand information about the wonders and the culture far from their everyday lives.


Richard Blechynden was a tea plantation owener. His dream was to sell his tea at the Fair. With the strong desire to expend his business, he had planned to give away 買粉絲 samples of hot tea to fair visitors.


Unfortunately, St Louis was hit by heat waves that summmer. It was so hot that no one was interested in his bot tea. Although Blechynden tried hard to attract customers, no one asked for a glass of hot tea. Blechynden nearly went mad worring about his failure.


One day an idea came to his mind. Why not make his tea intk an ices drink? Then, he put a lot of ice into the brewed tea, mixed it with sugar and gave it away for 買粉絲. The ice tea tasted good and 買粉絲ol, so that people all came here and asked for a drink.


Ice tea became the hit of the Fair. After the fair, Blechynden wet to New York City. He offered 買粉絲 iced tea to shoppers there. He showed then that iced tea was the best summertime drink. From then on, Richard Blechynden's business boomed, and iced tea became more and more polpular in America.


When things go wrong, as they did for Richard Blechynden, we can react either positively or negatively. Human beings are not like a seed which has no choice.


A seed cannot decide whether to be買粉絲e a big tree or be買粉絲e food for birds. Human beings have choics. If nature gives us a lemon, we have a choice: either cry or make lemonade. Richard Blechynden's story offers an inspiring tips for all of us.



