
01 trick sb by doing sth(高一英語短語)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-23 03:22:45

動詞+sb+do/doing/to do

英文語法:V+sb+to do sth , V+sb+ do sth, V+sb+doing


一、哪些動詞用V+sb+do sth或者

V+sb+doing sth?口訣如下:



一感指 feel

二聽指 listen to 和 hear

三使指 have,let 和 make

四看見指 see,look at,watch,notice ,observe (其實是五看)

半幫助: help (指其后的不定式可帶可不帶to)


1.知覺動詞(一感二聽五看共8個) + 復合賓語——(或者

V+sb+ doing sth


--主動結構V+sb+ do sth



I felt the docter touch the sore spot with a probe.我覺得大夫用探針輕觸過痛點.

We heard the girl sing some songs in the next door.我們聽到那個女孩在隔壁唱過幾支歌.

He felt something move beside him...

I heard the girl sing an English song .

He often makes his sister cry .

Have you seen a young man pass by

Mother watched her son play in the park .



V+sb+ doing sth


Every night I hear her talking in her sleep.

I saw him working in the garden yesterday.(強調"我見他正干活"這個動作)


I saw him work in the garden yesterday.



He was heard to sing.

He was heard singing.

2.使役動詞(make let have 3個) + 復合賓語——(,但是如果是被動語態,make 和Have的結構是be made to V/have sth done )



V+sb+ do sth,


The man had my assistant run the errand.那個人讓我的助手跑腿.

They made him leave.他們迫使他離開.

Can you help me (to) carry the box ?

Let me have a try .

Please listen to the man tell the story .

---被動結構sb is made/let + to+do, have的被動結構是have sth done,例句:

I have my bike fixed(fixed 在這里表被動,讓我的自行車被修)

His sister is often made to cry .

She is often heard to sing this song 后的復合賓語分兩種情況:

1)動詞不定式不帶 to 表示主語只起協助作用,不直接參與不定式的動作,如:

I helped her find the book.我幫她找到了那本書.(我起到的是協助作用,書是由他自己看到的.)

2)動詞不定式帶 to ,如:

I helped her to find the book.我幫著她共同找到了那本書.(我倆一起找并看到書.)


to do?

只能是doing sth

1、 enjoy doing sth[]享受做某事

2、 finish doings sth[]結束做某事

3、 practice doing sth[]練習做某事

4、 mind doing sth []介意某事

5、 be busy doing sth []忙于做某事

6、 have fun doing sth []很開心做某事

7、 have problems doing sth[]有問題做某事

8、 have difficulties doingsth []有困難做某事

9、 have trouble doing sth[]有麻煩做某事

10、 spend some time doingsth []花時間做某事

11、 prefer doing sth todoing sth []更喜歡做某事

12、 be used to doing sth []習慣于做某事

13、 look forward to doingsth []盼望做某事

14、 be interested in doingsth []有興趣做某事

只能是to do sth

15、 want to do sth []想要

16、 would like to do []愿意

17、 agree to do []同意

18、 refuse to do []拒絕

19、 decide to do []決定

20、 plan to do[]計劃

21、 expect to do[]期望

22、 hope to do[]希望

23、 wish to do[]但愿

to do doing 均可,但意思不一樣

24、 like to do sth[]喜歡馬上去做某事

25、 like doing sth []平常喜歡做某事

26、 prefer to do sth []更喜歡馬上去做某事

27、 prefer doing sth []平常更喜歡做某事

28、 hate to do []不喜歡馬上去做某事

29、 hate doing sth[]平常不喜歡做某事

30、 try to do sth []盡力去做某事

31、 try doing sth []試著去做某事

32、 remember to do sth []記得去做某事

33、 remember doing sth []記得做過某事

34、 forget to do sth []忘記去做某事

35、 forget doing sth []忘記做過某事

36、 stop to do sth []停下來去做某事

37、 stop doing sth []停下正做的事

V+sb+to do sth結構

38、 would like sb to dosth[]愿意某人去做某事

39、 like sb to do sth[]喜歡某人去做某事

40、 want sb to do sth []想要某人去做某事

41、 wish sb to do sth []但愿某人去做某事

42、 expect sb to do sth []期盼某人去做某事

43、 prefer sb to do sth []更喜歡某人去做某事

44、 allow sb to do sth []同意某人去做某事

45、 en買粉絲urage sb to do sth[]鼓勵某人去做某事

46、 advise sb to do sth []建議某人去做某事

47、 ask sb to do sth []要求某人去做某事

48、 tell sb to do sth []告訴某人去做某事

49、 get sb to do sth[]使得某人去做某事

50、 invite sb to do sth []邀請某人去做某事


51、 make sb do sth[]讓某人去做某事

52、 let sb do sth[]讓某人去做某事

53、 have sb do sth[]讓某人去做某事

54、 help sb to do sth[]幫助某人去做某事

55、 help sb do sth[]幫助某人去做某事

三、可用于“動詞+sb+intodoing sth”的


cheat sb.into doing sth. 欺騙某人做某事

trick sb.into doing sth. 欺騙某人做某事

food sb.into doing sth. 欺騙某人做某事

force sb.into doing sth. 迫使某人做某事

argue sb.into doing sth. 說服某人做某事

talk sb.into doing sth. 說服某人做某事

terrify sb.into doing sth. 威脅某人做某事

frighten sb.into doing sth. 嚇唬某人做某事

persuade sb.into doing sth. 說服某人做某事

四、可用于“動詞+sb+fromdoing sth”的幾個常見動詞

keep sb. fromdoing sth. 不讓某人做某事

stop sb. fromdoing sth. 不讓某人做某事

Dis買粉絲uragesb from doing sth


Unit 13

1.develop healthy eat
