
01 we are playing with my friends(mike with his friends ____ playing chess in the classroom when mr li came in .)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-28 22:32:23

i like ____ with my friends. 填playing對嗎

I like playing with my friends.


也可以用 talking /chatting

I like chatting with my friends.


i am playing with my friends改成復數形式

We are playing 后面朋友已經是復數了 主語I變成復數我們 動詞變成are就可以了 但是記得金平路精銳教育上課的時候主謂一致一定要注意單復數

mike with his friends ____ playing chess in the classroom when mr li came in .


be動詞的用法 :

be動詞的一般現在時有三種形式,即:am, is, are。

1. 如果主語是第一人稱I(我)時,be動詞用am。

如:I am a student. 我是一名學生。

I am 還可縮寫成I'm。如:

I'm David. 我是大衛。

2. 如果主語是you (你,你們), they (他們,它們,她們)或名詞復數 (兩個以上的人或物)時,be動詞必須用are。

如:Are you twelve? 你是十二歲嗎?

Tom and Lily are good friends. 湯姆和莉莉是好朋友。

They are at school. 他們在學校。

are與主語還可縮寫。如: We are= We're, They are =They're, You are = You're。而are與 not可縮寫成aren't。

如:They aren't students. 他們不是學生。但是am與not不能縮寫。

3. 如果主語是單數名詞、不可數名詞或單數第三人稱代詞(he, she, it)時,be動詞用is。

如:My mother is a teacher. 我的媽媽是一名老師。

He is a student. 他是一名學生。

is也可與主語縮寫,如: He is = He's, My mother is = My mother's等。但是This is不可縮寫。而is與not可縮寫成 isn't。

如:This isn't a book. 這不是一本書。




剩下is留給她(she), 他(he), 它(it),



“Be”除了原形的“be”之外,還有另外七種形式:am, is, are, been, being, was, were.

在句子中,“be”可以是主動詞(The Principal Verb)或助動詞(The Auxiliary Verb).

當主動詞時,“be”在性質上屬于接系動詞(The Linking Verb), 后面要有名詞、形容詞、地方副詞或短語作補足語(The Complement)。例如:

1. The man is a science teacher.

2. Mary's new dresses are 買粉絲lourful.

3. I have been there before.

4. Mother is in the kitchen now.


5. Is the man a science teacher?

6. Are Mary's new dresses 買粉絲lourful?

7. Have I been there before?

8. Is mother in the kitchen now?


9. Don't be silly!

10. Do be obedient!

11. Don't be a fool!


12. He's not...../He isn't....

13. You're not...../You aren't...

但“am + not”的縮寫法只有一個:

14. I'm not.

有人用“ain't”, 但這并不是標準英語。


1.“Be + 現在分詞”以組成進行式時態(Continuous Tenses),如:

15. Tony's maid is washing his new car.

16. The children are playing in the field.

17. Samuel was eating when I came in.

18. We have been living here since 1959.

2.“Be + 過去分詞”以組成被動語態(The Passive Voice),如:

19. Her money in the drawer was stolen.

20. A number of good jobs are taken up byforeigners.

21. David studied in Taiwan but has been trained as a language lecturer in America.

22. Can all the wonderful birds be found in our Bird Park?

23. The disobedient boy was told to stand out- side the classroom.

24. Steps are being taken to rece traffic 買粉絲n- gestion ring peak hours.

25. Dishonest students will be immediately dealt with.

Im playing with my friends at home是什么意思?


We like piaying table tennis with our friends.(改為一般疑問句)


Unit 1 The first day at school


1.the first day 第一天 2.all the students所有學生 3. a new term新學期 school在學校

5. the first day of the new term 新學期的第一天6. the first day at school 在學校的第一天

7.each other 彼此 8. a lot of rooms許多房間 9.a new building一幢新大樓 many classrooms多少個教室 11.I’m not sure .我不能確定/我沒把握。

12.Let’s go and see. 讓我們去看看。 the building 在大樓里 14.two reading rooms兩個閱覽室

15.Let me see.讓我看看。 16.Let’s go and have a look 讓我們去看一看。

17.a lot of flowers and trees 許多花和樹 18.near your house在你的房子附近

19.good idea好主意 20.a small one 一個小的(這里指公園)

21.Shall we go and play there? 我們去那兒玩,好嗎? the street在街上

23.on the table/on the chair在桌上/椅子上 24.on the plate在盤子

二 重點句型

1、there be 句型 在英語中,將 there is (are)…稱之為“存在有”,即在什么地方有什么東西。




①如果有一個物或一個人(單數),就用there is,

如:There is a map on the wall. There is a teacher in the office.

②有兩個或兩個以上就用there are.

如:There are three girls in the classroom. There are some books on the desk.


There is a book and two pencils on the desk. 在課桌上有一本書和兩支鉛筆。

There are two pencils and a book on the desks. 在課桌上有兩支鉛筆和一本書。

不可數名詞: 表示存在的是不可數物質名詞(如 水,頭發,沙子,面包) 都用there is:There is some milk in that glass.


There are three cups of milk on the desks.

上述句型也可將地點狀語提前: On the wall there is a map.

一般疑問句: be 動詞提前, some 一般改成 any
