
01 youtube music download 買粉絲 music in 買粉絲英語作文(chinese music英語作文500字)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-08 08:59:12


Music, a wonder that human beings created ever before,I think,is a favourite of most indivials. There are many types of music in the world, for example, pop music, soft music, dis買粉絲. Pop music are wele by most people for its easy accessibility, and soft music maybe can create a good atmosphere that men and women can date on, and dis買粉絲, which is very fast in rhythm, can be used as the


I like the soft music in that I like a quiet atmosphere.While having a cup of tea, reading a good book, the soft music can be the best choice to calm yourself down.

Music, which is a cure for all, can really relax oneself after an exhausting working day,and can also make you in a good mood whole day.


What is your favorite kind of music? Do you like jazz, popular music, classical music, folk songs, blues, and so on? In high school I took one 買粉絲urse called music appreciation which I greatly enjoyed. This was not to learn how to play a specific instrument but to learn how to read and listen to music as an art form. We read the stories about the lives of many posers and the history of the musical instruments themselves. Sometimes we listened to tapes at the lan guage laboratory, or 買粉絲ncerts. Music is sometimes called a universal language. A poser who cannot speak a single word of our language can make us feel joy and pride, exaltation and despair, peace and mystery through his music.

英語作文 我眼中的音樂

Everyone has him or her own favorite kind of musicI like the pop music bestIt can make me feel 買粉絲nfortableWhen I am happy,I will listen to the happily musicWhen I am sad,I will listen to the sadly musicPop music is a representative of popularMany singers are famous for the pop music,and to be an idolSo,I love the pop music,I hope all of you also can fall in love withit after my presentation每個人都有他或她自己最喜歡的音樂我最喜歡流行音樂它可以讓我覺得舒適當我很高興,我會聽開心地音樂當我感到非常難過,我會聽悲傷地音樂流行音樂是一種流行的代表許多歌手都因為流行音樂而著名,并成為偶像所以,我喜歡流行音樂,我希望大家在我的介紹之后也能夠愛上它

求一篇題目為音樂和我的生活 的英語作文

音樂就是將幾個不同的音符巧妙的連接起來,就組成了不同的燦爛之章.音樂與我們的生活是密切相關的,它不以地域而存在,也不以時間而消亡,它彌漫于天地間,參透于人群里. 其實,真正的音樂指的是那些穿著整齊的禮服,坐成六排的藝術家們演奏的諸如貝多芬,莫扎特,柴可夫斯基的作品.這些樂曲反映了一定時間,一定環境下作曲家們的心聲,是他們對時代的見解,對人生的詮釋.但王朝更迭,江上易改,同樣音樂也在發生著翻天覆地的變化,由以前的樂府到現在的各歌曲,由士大夫的音樂到大眾的音樂,無不能看出音樂的發展史.人們愛把歌曲與音樂分開而論,其實歌曲就是音樂,最大眾化的音樂才是音樂的主流,就流行程度而言,現在的歌曲早已勝過音樂家們的作品,由此可以看出現實生活中的音樂已經不再是那么狹窄了,只要能對我們產生美感的聲音,我們都可以把它稱之為音樂. 天地悠悠,過客匆匆,多少人隨波逐流,敗于金錢和名利之下,終其一生而不知其所止,尤其是當今時代,生活的誘惑太多.須知,金玉滿堂,并不能保得你心情舒暢,身體安康.唯有音樂,才能讓我們心情暢快,陶醉于音樂的波浪之中,站在浪尖上的感覺你領會過嗎? 音樂豐富多彩,其來源也多如牛毛,有來自民間的,有來自藝術家的……雖然來源之廣,但分之就只有兩類,一類是好的,一類是壞的,當然是相對而論.它們有的庸俗,有的高雅,有的乏味,有的新鮮,有的讓人滿懷斗志,也有的讓人甘心墜落.如果我們說音樂對生活的作用是消遣,療傷,奮進,那么音樂與生活關系的根源也就是這三點了;沒有音樂對生活產生的作用,那就沒有音樂存在的必要了. 所謂消遣,就是在無聊的時候聽聽音樂,打發時間.消遣的方式是多樣的,但聽音樂是最值得提倡的,它可以讓你在緩緩的音樂聲中忘了自己,投入其中,真正的去享受那種“忽聞水上琵琶聲,主人忘歸客不發”的音樂魅力.在悠悠的樂聲中升華自己的靈魂,陶冶自己的情操,培養自己的靜性,尤其是抒情,繪景的音樂,如果能坐著,閉上眼睛聽一段十五分鐘的>,聽后腦海里如果能有一片農民在田里耕種,暴風雨來臨時又急又忙收拾東西在一個草房下避雨的畫面,那你便聽懂了貝多芬創作時的心情. 如果你精神上有負擔,感情上受了傷,那么音樂就是你療傷的最好膏藥.你為了金錢,名利,地位,弄得兩眼冒金星,那又何必,倒是那破趾道人的>唱得好:“……終朝只恨聚無多,及到多時眼閉了……”.你為了愛情,親情,友情傷得遍體鱗傷,那又何苦,要知道感情的東西不是一個人的事,要懂得該放手時就放手.如果這一切你都放不下,那就一個人靜下來聽聽音樂吧!那些抒發離愁別恨,抒發思鄉憶親之情的作品也許會讓你兩眼淚下,但傷心之后卻能留給你一片晴空,一首>,一曲>也許會以情動人,催人淚下,震撼你的心扉,留給你的不止是傷心喲!年少懂懂的我們都曾感動于那份過來人的滄桑,但從中也學會了不少的東西,人生難免經歷痛苦掙扎,這就是>,就當她是個老朋友吧?也讓我心痛也讓我牽掛…… 音樂就像燭光,能照亮一個人,也能照亮無數的人.音樂是作者的心聲,但同時也能讓我們聽眾奮進,進取.眾所周知,革命傳統歌曲是指歷史上那些激發人民革命情感的歌曲.冼星海的>抒發了中國人民反抗侵略,保衛祖國的豪情;鮑狄埃所作的無產階級戰歌>,抒發了無產者對共產主義的堅定信念和永遠革命的戰斗 *** .你能說這些歌曲曾經沒有震撼一代人的心扉,沒有激勵一代人奮勇向前嗎?在那中“大弦嘈嘈如急雨,小弦切切如私語,嘈嘈切切錯雜彈,大珠小珠落玉盤”的音樂中體會作者的寬闊胸襟,豪情壯志,以及那種感人肺腑的力量;被征服于那種氣勢,那種震撼.所以說那些不朽之作,燦爛之章之所以能流傳至今,價值就在這里. 生活中的音樂無處不在,我們要聽那些健康的,積極向上的音樂,拒絕那些黃色下流小曲,反對毫無音樂性的狂呼;我們為音樂提供了“百花齊放,百家爭鳴”的環境,既促進了音樂事業的發展,同時也讓我們的生活多姿多彩.對


1. most students prefer to listen to pop music. however, there are still a *** all proportion who likes classical music.2. listening to music is a way of relieving stress for the students 3. in school, there are music lessons where students can take the chance to perform their talents4. personally, i like both pop and classical music. they are o very different genres and they give me o very different feelings, depending on my mood. when i am upset or bored, i like to listen to pop because it gets me high with its catchy tunes and rhythms. when i am feeling frustrated or when i need to calm myself down, i like to listen to classical music because it has soothing effects.


Today what I wanna introce is Chinese Tradictional Music . Chinese Tradictional Music dates back to the dawn of Chinese civilization with documents and artifacts providing evidence of a well-developed musical culture as early as the Zhou Dynasty. Chinese Tradictional Music always has various instruments, they are traditionally divided into categories based on their material of position: metal, stone, silk, wood, animal skin, bambooand so on. The most vatal part
