
01 youtube music on mp3 player專輯(如何在youtubemusic中創建快捷指令)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-22 08:15:21








今日新聞淺談:Youtube Music 也加入串流音樂服務大混戰

youtube Music 在這幾天正式上線,雖然相較其他音樂服務真的晚很多,但是卻不會是一個阻礙 Youtube 發展的絆腳石,除了已經有非常強大的音樂資料庫之外,用戶的數量也早就不是其他平臺可以較勁的,而且還有像是 Live 版、惡搞版和混音版各式各樣的版本可以收聽,光想就覺得這個對手根本有課金!(最近手游玩很多...) Youtube Music 也不意外的會在音樂轉場期間播放廣告,要用付費的方式才能移除這些穿插廣告,而且付費后就可以離線收聽、背景播放;其實到現在看過比較過 Apple Music、Spotify(在臺灣則是 KKBOX 為龍頭)這些串流音樂服務之后,能提供的服務落差著實不大,完全看使用者喜歡什么類型的音樂,哪一間能提供最多該類型的音樂以及適合的價格,在這場和平之爭中用戶也許可以成為漁翁。 -- 一張圖就能看到今天最重要新聞,這么好康,不按贊嗎? 請幫討喜小姐按贊:facebook/ --看更多攪豬屎練肖話的 今日新聞淺談 傳送門 討喜小姐粉絲團

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家電全面下殺四天 有買有保佑



歌曲名是 Don't Push Me

I'm a love em and leave em

Touch and thease em kinda girl

I'm the perfect type for one wild night

Yeah I suffocate quick

Does that make me a bitch

I don't really care though

Well your roses were sweet really swept me off my feet

But I start to choke when you say let's elope

Yeah I suffocate quick

Does that make me a bitch?

I don't really care

No no no..................

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

Can we take a bubble bath have a drink and a laugh

Just enjoy what we have and then leave It to the past

Cause I don't give a damm if you're the perfect man

That's not how this story goes

You can write me fat checks, or buy diamonds for my neck

Buy me big fat rings I prefer Tiffany's

Cause I don't give a damn if you're the perfect man

That's not how this story goes

No no no..................

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

And I'm not trying to be giving you a bitter pill, no

And I don't wanna make you promises I can't fulfil

No I...............

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

I'm a love em and leave em

Touch and thease em kinda girl

I'm the perfect type for one wild night

Yeah I suffocate quick

Does that make me a bitch

I don't really care though

Well your roses were sweet really swept me off my feet

But I start to choke when you say let's elope

Yeah I suffocate quick

Does that make me a bitch?

I don't really care

No no no..................

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down

Don't push me so hard

Don't push me so far

Don't cage me in

Don't tie me down


Sweetbox成立于1995年。最先由TinaHarris擔任主唱。95年推出首只單曲《Booyah Here We Go》,隔年發行第二張單曲《Shakalaka》,在紐約的舞曲榜3周冠軍。97年一首取樣自巴哈名曲《G弦之歌》的《Everything’s Gonna Be Alright》傳唱全球,在英國、全歐洲日本與美國告示牌都登上銷售排行。不僅如此,Sweetbox還贏得了日本葛萊美點播榜Top10中停留了8周之久。如此耀眼的成績,讓Sweetbox的專輯被全球47個國家發行,一共創下了3千萬張的絕佳銷售。


這是這首歌曲的 MTV 很經典的








Hoobastank-《the reason》


Rob Thomas-《Little Wonders》


Breaking Benjamin-《The Diary Of Jane》(這首感覺不太軟……)


Bush-《The People That We Love》(說實在的,我沒看見有多少人提這個樂隊,這算不算非大牌……)

