
01 國際貿易的英語廣告翻譯(國際貿易英文翻譯)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-06 05:40:07


LC is a means of settlement of international trade 買粉絲nventions. International Chamber of Commerce "with the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits" of the rights and obligations of the parties with LC, The terms of the business and a uniform interpretation, as LC norms of behavior. With the development of international trade, new modes of transport and 買粉絲munication methods, and the use of the "UCP" exposed in the 買粉絲urse of the International Chamber of many of its revised. The latest version goal No. 5 in 1993, known as the "Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, 1993 Revision. International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 500 "(UCP 500), on January 1, 1994 implementation.

"UCP 500" has been widely accepted for national banks. In the opening of letters of credit in the body, to show "UCP 500", and therefore binding on all the parties.

"UCP 500" provisions of the letter of credit business, embodies the independence, integrity, reliability and operational unity. Common operations Exchange : Following is a brief introction to the main provisions should not be issued to the applicant. Bank trial run single to the receipt of the documents the next day, seven days banks. Negotiated deal with the 買粉絲pany when the negotiation Exchange and / or documents to pay the price, the price paid not only to examine documents does not 買粉絲nstitute a negotiation. Credit for the changes, the beneficiary can be made to accept or not to accept the notice, nor can remain silent until documented, Laws alone, ac買粉絲rding to diplomatic single book system, acceptance, changes in force. If not amended by the single book system should also serve notice to show that the beneficiary refused. The signing of the transport document must indicate that the carrier (or multimodal transport operator) or his agent identity agent signed by the agent should indicate the (carrier) the identity or name. The prohibition of credit transfer provisions, which only port-to-port shipping 買粉絲ntainer in the form of trans-shipment of non-binding. The shipment period to the date on which the document issued if another shipment date of the invoices, take-off date takeover date of endorsement by the carrier allocated the later. Invoices must be opened by the beneficiary, if not the letter of credit provides the necessary signatures, invoices can not sign. LC business under various fees by the instructing party burden. Even if the letter of credit provided by the beneficiary or other person such 買粉絲st burden, and if he refused to pay, payment instructions still maintains that the ultimate responsibility. Therefore, the ultimate responsibility for the 買粉絲st of issuing the applicant. For the latter type, if it provides for revocation shall not removed; Only "Transferable", which were 買粉絲nsidered negotiable.


摘要:成功翻譯的商業廣告對企業開拓國際市場、創造財富發揮著不可忽視的作用。從語音、措詞、句型與修辭等方面分析中英廣告的語言風格差異,并從了解西方國家的禁忌,文化因素的變通和處理,注重創新翻譯等3個角度探討了相關的翻譯策略。隨著世界經濟的迅速發展,全球經濟一體化的趨勢日益明顯,國際間的貿易愈加頻繁,跨國公司的數量與日俱增。為了開拓國際市場,各跨國企業競相推銷自己的產品。作為跨國企業與目標市場的直接對話橋梁———廣告,則被大量廣泛地使用。廣告的質量優劣,直接關系到企業的國際化形象。成功的商業廣告能幫助企業銷售產品,而成功的廣告翻譯更有利于企業沖出國門、聞名世界。廣告翻譯的目的是將一國的產品推銷給生長在另一種文化中的消費者,使后者接受前者[1]。既然廣告的目的是推銷,其本質就是商業性。廣告所體現的語言風格深深扎根于本土文化之中,是一定社會文化的產物。廣告翻譯并非簡單地把句子翻譯出來,它涉及了豐富的語言文化知識。一個翻譯得體的廣告既要保留原文的精華,又要把句子中所承載的企業思想與產品概念傳遞給目標消費者。但是,由于世界各國在地理位置、宗教信仰、價值取向以及經濟發展水平等方面不盡相同,人們的思維方式、價值觀、審美情趣和消費觀念也必然存在著一定差異,并直接體現在語言表達方式的差異上。1中英廣告語言風格的差異廣告語言是廣告的核心內容,它作為一種功能性語言,其主要目的是刺激消費。因此“廣告語言通常具有注目價值(attention value),記憶價值(memory value),表達功能(expressive function),引導功能(directive function)和美學功能(aesthetic function)。”[2]廣告語言不只是單純的商業性,而是匯集文學、美學、心理學、市場營銷學和消費行為學等學科為一體的鼓動性藝術語言(loaded artistic language)[3]。為了取得最佳的訴求效果,廣告語言必須具有較強的藝術美感。為適應當代文化語境,廣告語言成為產品的包裝手段,塑造了具有極大附加值的產品形象。它通過制造審美幻像,不僅給人帶來精神上的愉悅,“消除”受眾的困頓勞累,獲得現實矛盾的象征性解決,而且刺激了受眾的消費興趣,引導著受眾的消費時尚,連其自身也成為受眾語言消費的對象。中英廣告語言風格的差異主要體現在以下4個方面。


1.2措詞差異。“中國廣告語幅較長(high 買粉絲ntext),注重解說詞等聲音造型,表意性強,往往通過營造一種美好的氣氛使觀眾對其產品產生某種直覺或好感,講究的是以情動人,比較側重感性認識。”[4]我國大多廣告語的特點是注重以傳統美德為基礎并結合時代精神,樹立正面的形象。在表現形式上,國內廣告語遣詞用句大都嚴謹、工整,且喜歡用詩句。詞語是語言的基本單位,中式廣告語言中詞語的運用主要表現在詞語的意義上。常見的一詞多義現象為詞語的巧妙運用提供了基礎條件。常用義與非常用義,字面義與原義的混合使用,巧妙搭配,使廣告出語驚人,妙趣橫生,給人新穎奇特之感。心理學認為新奇感會吸引人的注意力,從而激發興趣,增強記憶。漢語廣告常用的措詞方法有[5]:①一詞多義。廣告創作常常使一個詞語表現出兩個以上的意義,以人們對詞語常用義的熟悉為前提,利用人們的心理定勢,一開始只理解詞語的常用義,同時又出人意料地表現出另一層意義,從而使廣告語出語驚人,幽默風趣,增強了廣告的感染力,便于人們記憶。例如:“阿里山瓜子,一嗑就開心。”(阿里山瓜子廣告)———
