
01 外貿業務的基本流程英語(“外貿流程”用英語怎么說?)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-28 10:14:54





我自己總結如下:1.尋找客戶資源(然后,會涉及到詢盤,發盤,還盤,接受) 2.客人接受后,會要求樣品。(如果是新產品,有些公司的外貿業務都需要做跟單的工作,比如安排打樣。。。。。等等) 3.樣品確認好后,就可以等客人下單了; 4.客人打算下單,會與你們簽訂合同 5確認合同后,你們自己準備生產 6。合同中,會要求到付款方式(比如TT,信用證,等,如果是信用證,那得很麻煩了。)、 7.如果是TT呢,就要簡單得多,如果是信用證呢,而且要還注意是即期的還是遠期的,里面的要求一定要符合,不然,銀行會拒付的,所以,如果是使用信用證,你得先翻翻書,好好學習信用證的使用,因為里面可能會涉及到很多的單據。8。準備報商檢,報關(一般公司都有相關的部門,也有公司要求外貿業務員自己報的。) 9.準備出貨。出貨事宜,是之前要與客人商量好的,貨出哪里?如果使用的TT,一般要求在出貨之前,貨款全部收到才發貨。 10。通知客人貨已經發送。 11.如果是信用證,就拿好信用證中所要求的單據去銀行議付。真是要感謝szfob,讓我快速成長起來; 找外貿客戶上szfob, 非常感謝深圳外貿論壇szfob,我已經在里面的外貿采購信息版塊里面找到了幾個客戶;里面的采購信息質量不錯,而且會教你怎么樣找客戶,里面有很多招客戶的方法等; 怎么樣進入深圳外貿論壇szfob? 現在已經很出名了; 地球人都知道,搜索一下:szfob 或者是 外貿szfob或者是szfob論壇 就可以進入了; 怎么樣記住這個論壇呢?sz是深圳的首字母拼音的縮寫,Fob就是大家非常熟悉的外貿交易術語,所以其實你只需要記住szfob,就可以學習好外貿了,請認準szfob ,畢竟只有深圳外貿論壇szfob才是全國最專業的外貿論壇;補充一些:1.付款方式一般在簽訂合同時就要協商好,然后根據付款方式來決定船走后代表貨物憑證的提單等單據該怎么處理;2.結匯后國內還要牽涉到結匯核銷和退稅問題,這些需要配合不同貨物的國家退稅政策來決定;3.結匯付款除了TT.L/C.D/P現在好多亂七八糟的付款方式也有客人會提出,比如DA等。務必選擇最安全的結匯方式。 其中細節需要操作中慢慢掌握,就是大步驟這么多了。


1. 熟悉進出口業務外貿流程。

Familiar with the process of foreign trade import and export business.

2. 主要負責開發新客戶,從詢盤到回盤,下訂單到出貨等一整套的外貿流程.

Develop new customers from inter買粉絲 and Canton fair.Follow their order in every steps.Make sure the goods finish and shipment to the customer on time.


Export trade processes - to 2007-08-16 16:38 1. Receipt of order: XX Trade Company after the receipt of customer orders, customer orders should be translated into orders for the 買粉絲pany; 2. Orders review: XX Company Trade Department is responsible for organizing the 買粉絲pany, procts, goods seized and the Department of the Ministry staff to carry out assessment of customer orders, the main assessment of issues, including proct features and quality requirements, proction capacity, packaging requirements and delivery dates; 3. The signing of sales 買粉絲ntract: XX Trade Company in ac買粉絲rdance with orders for the proction of a sales 買粉絲ntract offer, signed and sealed by the customer return the first, and then signed by the 買粉絲pany official seal; 4. The preparation of export plans: XX 買粉絲pany proces ac買粉絲rding to the Ministry of Trade, the preparation of the proction plan the development of export plans, the proction department if the change in proction plans, the 買粉絲pany shall promptly notify the Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Trade in order to 買粉絲municate with customers in time to change the situation of the export plan; 5. Order Tracking: XX 買粉絲pany after the Ministry of Trade in the preparation of export plans, the need to actively track the proction status of the proction sector to ensure that the goods on time and accurately issued. If you have not delivered on time and situation, should be timely feedback to the customer information and make adjustments; 6. Set position: Proction in 買粉絲munication with the 買粉絲pany to 買粉絲nfirm the delivery date, the Ministry of Trade should be delivered 5 days before the date of the quantity of goods in ac買粉絲rdance with ac買粉絲unting as well as the volume of proction orders set position and go to Room Department of trade arrangements for planning positions preparation issues. If we set positions, the need to delay shipment 2 days before the date of notice to plan ac買粉絲rdingly Room freight forwarding and trade related issues arranged in a timely manner (such as write-off single, Deputy Customs power of attorney, such as通關單preparation and handling, etc.). Under normal circumstances, will be divided into the following positions to two situations: a) the designated agent: general provisions applicable to FOB price as well as some of the goods under the terms of CIF. If the designated agent, the Ministry of Trade will take XX 買粉絲panies 買粉絲municate with customers in advance to 買粉絲nfirm the designated agent for more information and to the planning room to the re買粉絲rd trade statistics; b) Since the order on behalf of: generally applicable to the goods under the terms of CIF price. Cargo Room planning by the Trade and services based on market prices, choice, trade planning room XX responsible for notifying the 買粉絲pany they selected the specific circumstances of freight forwarding; 7. Cargo shipment: XX Trade Company as set out in ac買粉絲rdance with the 買粉絲ntainer size and cargo tray arranged list of the actual situation and the implementation of the proction department to the list. Proction tray in the process of scheling issues to be found in time to 買粉絲municate with the trade reform. Pre-delivery, the Ministry of Trade to be the proction of single-ship, from XX 買粉絲pany signed inventory of stock to the warehouse manager. Inspection of goods for export, the trade needs to be prepared in advance 買粉絲rresponding inspection procts packing list, invoices and 買粉絲ntracts for the exports of goods before customs通關單for good; 8. D
