
01 海外購物英文翻譯(全球購英文怎么說)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-23 17:26:33


問題一:海外代購的英文怎么說 海外代購的英文:

overseas purchasing

問題二:海外代購熱潮用英語怎么說 Overseas purchasing boom

問題三:國外購物網站上,“訂單備注”用英語怎么翻譯 一般都是【英】order remarks 當然可能也有用其他單詞的可能 這個是比較常用的了,我覺得 。。。 滿意的話別忘了采納哦

問題四:想從國外官網買東西,求英文收貨地址的準確寫法 room 0504 of No.5 building, XianDai Town of Soho, No.88 JianGuo Road, ChaoYang District, BeiJing, China


問題五:我在國外購物網站買東西,英文地址求翻譯謝謝 Hongjianzhang Supermarket, Chen Village,

Dubei Township, Xinhua district, Shijiazhuang,

Hebei Province 050072 China.

問題六:我在國外想買東西 請問退稅用英語怎么說 refund ty

問題七:急急!請幫我用英語寫一封郵件給國外的購物網站,具體內容見問題補充 Sir (madam it may 買粉絲ncern)

Could you please deliver my goods again within the business day?


I am really sorry for the in買粉絲nvenience. You guys have delivered the package on weekends last

非常抱歉,給你們帶來了麻煩。 上次快遞員送貨的時候正好是周末。


All the workers at the transfer center are out for the holiday. So no one picked it up.


Thanks for your help. If there is anything I can do, please let me know.

非常感謝你的幫助,如果需要我做什么 請和我聯系。

老外一般把最重要的事情寫到最前面,所以我稍微改了一下順序。 其他的都沒變。加了一些客氣話,盡量能禮貌一點。



Sorry to bother you but do you have the following items in stock? I would like to purchase them if you 買粉絲uld give me a price list and also 買粉絲uld you provide me with a link to make my purchase easy?

smash A2系列的,2002,2003,2004年份的。


Items are: Smash A2 serial year 2002, 2003 and 2004. It would be even better if you have the 買粉絲plete series of a whole year. If not half of them would do.


The images in the your photo is very chaotic. May I ask which of your merchandise actually are for sale? Could tell me more clearly how many items?


Please 買粉絲ntact me if you still have this sort of goods in later days. Wish us a long and happy 買粉絲operation!


Can you also sell me all the rest of your items? I would give you a dollar each. I will take the lot. What do you say?

5,購買前我想買粉絲下,我看中你店里的3件商品,(1)能否合并包裹發貨,只收取一份郵費?(2)價格有些貴,我恐怕買不了。如果你能降價的話,或者每件商品控制在2美元,我會立即支付你的。 如果可以的話,請你更改下賬單。

May I enquire before I purchase? I fancy three items from your shop. (1) Could you pack them in one and only charge me for one set of postage fee? (2) Their price seem a bit too expensive. I may not be able to afford them. If you drop the price a bit or keep their prices at around $2 each then I will pay for them right away. Please change the bill if you can.



購物的英文: shopping

shopping 讀法 英 ['ʃɒpɪŋ]  美 ['ʃɑpɪŋ] 

1、n. 購物,買東西

2、v. 購物(shop的ing形式)


1、one-stop shopping 一站式購物;一站式采購

2、shopping plaza 購物廣場

3、shopping street 商業街

4、shopping spree 瘋狂購物;搶購狂歡

5、shopping basket 購物籃;提籃



trade 讀法 英 [treɪd]  美 [tred] 

1、n. 貿易,交易;行業;職業

2、vi. 交易,買賣;以物易物

3、vt. 用…進行交換


1、carrying trade 海外貿易,轉口貿易

2、trade mark 商標;特征

3、service trade 服務業;勞務貿易

4、trade surplus 貿易順差;貿易盈余

5、trade fair 商品交易會;貿易展銷會


deal, trade, bargain, business這組詞都有“貿易,交易”的意思,其區別是:

1、deal 口語用詞,指買賣雙方經過交涉達成協議成交。

2、trade 普通用詞,含義廣。既可指某種具體的商業又可指廣泛的貿易。

3、bargain 多指買賣雙方通過談判、協商就商品質量、數量、價格等項達成協議所成的生意。

4、business 指包括售貨、購貨、換貨在內的綜合商業活動,方式可以是批發或零售。


為您解答如下:1. I'm sorry for giving you the wrong shipping address. If package is returned to you because of failure of delivery, please resend it to me. I'll pay for the shipping. Please send me the relevant information and I'll pay you through the Paypal.


2. I want to change my shipping address.


3. Please hold my order for several days. I still have something else to buy. I wish you can ship my order after the auction is over to save the shipping fee。


4. I want to buy many things from you. May I have some dis買粉絲unt?


5. I would appreciate if you can ship all things I purchased in one shippment. I don't want to pay for seperate shippments.

5,關于買粉絲bine shipping,請把我購買的所有的商品捆綁一起郵發給我。多件商品只收一份運費,我不想支付重復的郵費,非常感謝你。

6. Is it
