

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-04 05:30:23




TikTok是字節跳動旗下短視頻社交平臺,于2017年5月上線,愿景是“激發創造,帶來愉悅( InspireCreativityandBringJoy)”

我特別想學流星雨2中楚雨蕁跳的那段舞蹈,應該是叫tik tok吧,不過好像太難了,哎呀,反正就是雨蕁跳的那




tiktok舞蹈 翻譯 英語

舞蹈大師 這四個字用英語翻譯



dancing master dancing guru 前面一個比較常見,但沒新意,而且master 用于武術大師比較多









     因為從中學開始就開始聽英文歌的關系對于這方面還是比較了解的。所有和我同一個時代的人大概都不會陌生《Rolling in the Deep》、《Someone like You》這兩首歌吧!這兩首歌,是我剛剛接觸歐美流行音樂的可以說是出發點,當時便在學業的空余查了這兩首歌的歌手——Adele。說起來,當時覺得Adele長得不太好看還比較胖,但是后來聽歌的時候實在是被歌聲打動得不行,每次看專輯封面的時候總感覺Adele也是一個標準的美人,不過確實拋開身材不說,她的五官確實是十分精致的,所以Adele算是第一個我所說的歐美美女歌手。

       第二個要說到的是艾薇兒,全名是:Avril Lavigne。大家對于Adele來說肯定更加熟悉她吧!當時她的那張叫做《Let Go》的專輯一經發布便收到了空前的反響,從此以后便一發不可收拾地紅遍全球。中國的歌迷們也開始同樣一發不可收拾地愛上了這位美女小天后艾薇兒和她迷人的嗓音!

      我不打算把我的女神最后一個壓軸拿出來了!因為我實在忍不住了!Taylor Swift,可能有人不知道她也有人知道她,但是,這是我覺得每一首歌都非常非常好聽的女歌手,她是第一個讓我去存著自己辛苦賺來的錢會飛到美國專門聽一次演唱會的人!我的霉霉女神!這個稱號呢我記得非常清楚,是因為她的第一張專輯發行的時候在Billboard Hot100榜單評選時,每一次都會很妖孽地變成亞軍!而且是幾乎每一首歌!這絕對是一個愛稱!別無其他貶低意思。而第二張專輯《Fearless》一經發行便在美國專輯榜單上蟬聯了連續11周的冠軍!太多獎項了!真的真的說不過來!我霉無敵!人美歌好聽,建議大家真的去試著聽一下,你會愛上她的!!!!!


     最后放給了 Carly Rae Jepsen,因為我覺得其實論漂亮我真的很喜歡她的顏值。跟你直接說這個人你可能不太認識,但是說她06年的那首歌你是絕對知道的,只要你是聽美國流行音樂的。《Call Me Maybe》!她也因為這張專輯的封面蹲在那里的形象讓人印象深刻的關系也被人親切地稱呼為“蹲妹”。人美歌甜的典范人物喲!這個我趕緊比小比伯的女朋友好看嘞!

求推薦幾首空靈女聲英文歌 最好不要老歌

求推薦幾首空靈女聲英文歌 最好不要老歌

proud of you, you are sunshine, bye bye bye, rather be, trouble is my friend, the show,

求推薦 女聲英文歌


love  you  like  a love  song ---------selena gomez (超動感,好好聽!

Baby one more time --------布蘭妮  (經典動感歌啊,帥爆了,絕對好聽

Hold it against me---------布蘭妮(沒的說了忒動感了

California Girls-------Katy Perry    (加利福尼亞美女之歌,好聽又動感,

girlfriend----------艾薇兒(直接搶男朋友啊有木有= =,很有節奏

.i wanna go ------布蘭妮  (很不錯哦!尤其是shame on me 這句話的轉著彎的口哨聲

honey and the bee  ----------- Owl City (清新的男聲和嗲嗲的女聲向我們講述蜂蜜和蜜蜂的故事

call  me  maybe-------Carly rae jepsen(強烈強烈的推薦啊,尤其是mv里的帥哥不看你后悔啊啊啊,透露一下該帥哥叫Holden Nowell)

teenage dream ---------katy perry(總之就是很贊,我最喜歡的一首歌了

we're never ever getting back together-------Taylor swift(我們再也回不去了)

wish you were here ------Avril lavigne(艾薇兒邊唱邊哭。好心酸啊)

love the way you lie-----------Rihanna(很棒,有個大叔在說RAP)

do something -----------Britney (小甜甜的歌哦,最近才聽到,非常好聽!大愛啊)

tiktok------------ Ke$ha(曲風堪比lady gaga的真正動感神曲,很多店鋪都播的,超級好聽!)

run devil run--------- Ke$ha(超級好聽,不是很快但是很棒!

DNA-----------little mix(開頭很安靜,,,,后面的,,,你懂得,,但是超級好聽~~)

who says------------Selena Gomez(誰說你不漂亮誰說你不完美??)


1.burning----------Maria Arredondo   (深情歌的經典之作,幽怨女人對丈夫的控訴!)

2.jast one last dance -----------Sarah Connor(最后一支舞,跳完它我將去往何方?悲情演繹最后的舞蹈,不可錯過啊

3.everytime---------布蘭妮  (輕音樂,適合催眠啊,但是很動聽

4,e back to me ---------宇多田光(雖說歌手是日本的,但是歌是英文的哈,baby回來我身邊

5.set fire  to  the  rain-----------Adele(燒起一場雨,悲情控訴啊有木有,很經典

6.far away from home -----------Groove 買粉絲verage

7.the show --------------lenka

8. A thousand years ------------Christina perri(“暮光之城”里的深情歌曲,我愛了你一千年,還要再愛一千年)






我強烈向你推薦Sophie Zelmani的歌,我很多朋友都沒有聽過她的歌,后來我推薦以后~~很多都會安靜的聽她的歌,有個男生聽得都流淚了~~說想起了他以前好多美好的事情~推薦歌曲



stay with my heart

precious burden


網上有time to kill這首歌的MV,很簡單~就一個男的~在那笑笑哭哭~但是很感人~






M2M 的所有歌


《imagine me without you》

As long as stars shine down from heaven

And the rivers run into the sea

Til the end of time forever

You’re the only love I’ll need.

好音樂 不能一次太多 好聽的話聯系我

誰推薦幾首好聽的英文歌 要最新的 不要老歌


1 sarvar

2 the apl song

3 i stay in love

4 sleeping sun

5 i wanna be with you

6 it is you i have loved

7 ni ka wa li

8 cry

9 creepin up on you

10 bout it

11 we're all in this together

12 christmas in my heart

13 timeless

14 overprotected

15 gomenasai

16 all the thing she said

17 if you believe

18 here with me

19 in my room

20 intuition


《生命之杯 》特好聽,你試一下



On My Mind - Ellie Goulding

Oh oh



It's a little blurry how the whole thing started

I don't even really know what you intended

Thought that you were cute and you 買粉絲uld make me jealous

Poured it down so I poured it down

Next thing that I know I'm in a hotel with you

You were talking deep like it was mad love to you

You wanted my heart but I just liked your tattoos

Poured it down so I poured it down

And now I don't understand it

You don't mess with love you mess with the truth

And I know I shouldn't say it

But my heart don't understand

Why I got you on my mind

Why I got you on my mind

Why I got you on my mind

Why I got you on my mind

But my heart don't understand

Why I got you on my mind

Why I got you on my mind

Why I got you on my mind

Why I got you on my mind

I always hear always hear them talking

Talking 'bout a girl 'bout a girl with my name

Saying that I hurt you but I still don't get it

You didn't love me no not really

Wait I 買粉絲uld have really liked you

I'll bet I'll bet that's why I keep on thinking 'bout you

It's a shame you said I was good

So I poured it down so I poured it down

And now I don't understand it

You don't mess with love you mess with the truth

And I know I shouldn't say it

But my heart don't understand

Why I got you on my mind

Why I got you on my mind

Why I got you on my mind

Why I got you on my mind

But my heart don't understand

Why I got you on my mind

You think you know somebody

Why I got you on my mind

You think you know somebody

Why I got you on my mind

You think you know somebody

Why I got you on my mi-I-I-I-ind

You got yourself in a dangerous zone

Cause we both have the fear fear of being alone

And I still don't understand it

You don't mess with love you mess with the truth

And my heart don't understand it understand it understand it

Why I got you on my mind

You think you know somebody

Why I got you on my mind

You think you know somebody

Why I got you on my mind

You think you know somebody

Why I got you on my mind

But my heart don't understand

Why I got you on my mind

You think you know somebody

Why I got you on my mind

You think you know somebody

Why I got you on my mind

You think you know somebody

Why I got you on my mind

But my heart don't understand

Why I got you on my mind

You think you know somebody

You think you know somebody

Why I got you on my mind

You think you know somebody

Uh uh uh uh


Burning - Maria Arredondo

Passion is sweet love makes weak

You said you cherished 買粉絲dom so

You refuse to let it go

Follow your fate love and hate

Never fail to seize the day

But don't give yourself away

Oh when the night falls

And your all alone

In your deepest sleep what

Are you dreaming of

My skins still burning from your touch

Oh I just can't get enough I

Said I wouldn't ask for much

But your eyes are dangerous oh

The thought keep spinning in my head

Can we drop this masquerade

I can't predict where it ends

If your the rock I'll crush against

Trapped in a crowd the music is loud

I said I love my 買粉絲dom to

Now I'm not so sure I do

All eyes on you rings so true

Better quit while you're ahead

Now I'm not so sure I am

Oh when the night falls

And your all alone

In your deepest sleep what

Are you dreaming of

My skins still burning from your touch

Oh I just can't get enough I

Said I wouldn't ask for much

But your eyes are dangerous oh

The thought keep spinning in my head

Can we drop this masquerade

I can't predict where it ends

If your the rock I'll crush against

My soul my heart

If you're near if you're far

My life my love

You can have it all oh ah

Oh when the night falls

And your all alone

In your deepest sleep what

Are you dreaming of

My skins still burning from your touch

Oh I just can't get enough I

Said I wouldn't ask for much

But your eyes are dangerous oh

The thought keep spinning in my head

Can we drop this masquerade

I can't predict where it ends

If your the rock I'll crush against ooh

If your the rock I'll crush against
