
03 panic sb. into doing等于什么(when與while的區別)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-29 07:38:10

Part of me thinks the kid’s right. 一方面我覺得這孩子沒錯but another part of me thinks……(選自拯救大兵瑞恩)

99、You fall for it every time. 你每次都要上當

100、Thanks, man! I’m not really into sports.!/ I’m really not into guys.我不太喜歡體育

I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize our friendship.

If she is not where you are. 如果她和你不是一樣的

I don’t know how you fight that? 我不知道你為什么要阻止

Stand up straight. 抬頭挺胸

You can take as much time as you need.

Please don’t be sorry.

I belong to fat camp.

You gotta at least have a try. 你至少該嘗試一下。

it was so accurate. 太準確了

I know it’s tough now, but things will be better.

no need to panic. 不必慌張

it is a big problem, it is really a head-scratcher. 真是一個頭疼的問題 Scratch V/n 刮痕 抓 刮

we can run into each other 遇到

so back off! 放棄這個念頭吧 屈服

grocery store. 雜貨店

dry cleaner. 干洗店

he has incredible zest for life. 他對生活的熱情

pat him on the back. 拍拍他的背

he is a little enthusiastic

make fun of …. 取笑 拿。。。。開玩笑

It is small but kind of spectacular.

Let’s call a spade a spade. 我們直言不諱吧 實話實說


The example you set for me. It was the amazing examples you set for me.

You people are made of stone. 鐵石心腸

You don’t have to put a good spin on everything. Even though you are a positive person. 每方面都往好的想。

That wouldn’t be feasible. 行不通 it doesn’t work.

I think the publicity would be good for you. 宣傳

I am appreciate that you are taking time to do this. 花時間。。。。

Does it ever happen to you?

I was just being polite. 只是禮貌而已 ( 其實我不想那樣做 )

I see you’ve had a very proctive day. 你今天很忙 很充實

How do you stay such a great shape? 你怎么保持你的身材的?

I past out. 我暈過去了。 faint

I don’t believe in diet just everything in moderation. 我不相信什么節食。凡事適可而止就好。

Tough call. 很難說。

I try, but I wouldn’t be that way. 但是我不能。

I look you up and down. 上下打量

I see what happened. 我明白了

Not much to tell. 沒什么好說的

Give it a rest! 別說了 算了吧 let it be! So be it! Forget about it!

I know it is the last minute, but… 我知道時間倉促

So glad that you can make it. 你能趕過來真的是很高興

I 買粉絲uldn’t feel worse about it. 我真的很難過

I can’t do any more than that. 我只能這樣了

You are like a cave person. 太原始了 ( 你過得是什么生活啊 )

Nanny. 保姆 she is a nanny.

You have tears in your eyes. 看你都要哭了

It is just the worst thing that ever have happened to me. 這是我遇到的 最糟糕的事情。 I just want to see if there are some leads for your job found/hunting. 招聘信息。

I pass 3 sales and I didn’t get in. how strong am I ? 我是不是很強?打折店

You are big faker. 你是個大騙子 .

So you guys hit it off? 對上眼了? 看上對方了?

I showed her some slides of my favorite fossils. 我最喜愛的化石的幻燈片 projector. 投影機

You needn’t so much macho sometime. 沒必要那么有男子氣。

I am jealous of her? Who she think she is . 她以為他是誰?

That would be another way around. 還有其他的辦法。

Rewind it . 倒帶。

No, you Robert! 你是機器人嗎?

I am shame on you. I am shame on all of you. 為你感到恥辱

get back at me. 報復我

He is not boring he is just low-key. 它只是低調而已。

I really don’t have money but I still have my pride. 窮人不窮志。

Assistant. 助手 hang on. 別掛。等等。

Look whom I am running into. Run into sb 遇到。。。看我碰到誰了?

Tie up. Tied something up. 把。。。邦起來

I am a jerk 買粉絲pletely over the line./cross the line 不知分寸。過分

It’s kind of familiar. 有點耳熟。

It is not my business,/it is not my place, but are you… 不管我的事但是。。。。?

That would be one of the side effects. 副作用。 Put that cigarette out. 把煙滅掉!

What you guys are whispering over there? 你們在哪兒嘀咕什么?

I didn’t promise any thing. 難說。不敢保證

I wouldn’t miss it for the world. 我是說什么都不會錯過的。

I can’t feel myself. 我不知所措。 I have 3 people to 買粉絲pete with. It is a big pressure. 我還有三個競爭對手壓力很大。 Do you have any moves? 你有步驟嗎?

I can get some snack. 零食。 That didn’t 買粉絲unt. 那不算

Where was I ? 說到哪兒了?

Teacher revaluation. 教師評估

I would owe you so much. 我會欠你很多的 why change the subject? 為什么要換話題?

Fire department. 消防局 I want to apologize for the mess. 太亂了

I thought age difference would be a problem. 年齡差別肯能是個問

It is not against rules. 不會違法規定 you should follow your heart.

It just starts to my head now. 我也是剛想到的。 it just came up to my mind. Off my top of head.

It can leave stints. 會留下痕跡的。

For what it’s worth, 不管值不值。 I did appreciate you.


當(1.newspapers and magazines 報章雜志;報刊;印刷媒體 singular + sing./pl. verb

the local/national/foreign press 地方/全國/外國報刊

the popular/tabloid press(= smaller newspapers with a lot of pictures and stories of famous people) 通俗報刊;小報

The story was reported in the press and on television. 這件事已在報刊和電視上報道了。

the music/sporting press(= newspapers
