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来源: 发表时间:2024-07-13 03:15:07

say goodbye》是由莎拉和盲人男歌手 andrea bocelli合唱的,整首歌曲旋律優美,演繹經典,男女聲的配合渾然一體,令人神魂顛倒

42------雅尼-with an orchid53 。翻譯過來就是和蘭花一起,超動聽旋律,你會不由自主地跟著這股旋律“ 翩翩起舞”哦,這只曲目也是鳳凰衛視“鳳凰氣象站”的背景音樂。一張由其個人擔當所有樂器的演奏的完完全全的電子音樂專輯,沒有特別的技巧,沒有獨特的概念,只有回歸音樂本質的旋律。聽這張專輯時,不必像聽tribute那樣放下手頭的事,你可以一邊看書,一邊欣賞它,電視臺的節目也可以把這里的很多曲子用作背景音樂。回歸起點并不意味著退步,當我們聽到“with an orchid“和“if i 買粉絲uld tell you“時,依然可以為之深深感動,就像聽雅尼的其他經典作品。依然是那個胸懷寬廣,熱愛生活的雅尼,無論以何種音樂形式,雅尼的fans都能感受到

43-------法語歌曲-yesterday yes a day。又一首充滿浪漫氣息的法國歌曲,就像愛人在你耳邊輕輕呢喃,超好聽的,雖然算是老歌了,我還是每天重復聽十次以上,推薦!





Come over here honey.

Get on your knees for daddy.

Aww yeah.

You know you like it.

Now turn around.

I’m feeling horny in my dreams yeah I want to get laid. I want a girl to make me 買粉絲e, not to be hand-made.

I close my eyes, fantasies going through my mind. I see you naked on the bed, wanting me from behind.

I ´m getting closer I ´m ready for the doggy style. But then you turn around, suck your lips and smile. Open my pants and take a grip on my dick. Masturbate me for a while, now you want to lick.

Uhh, You swallow just the way I like it, honey.

You better be careful now or daddy might 買粉絲e. Turn around baby let’s change roles for a minute. Lay down relax and let me take you to the limit.

Uhh I like it, now tell me honey who is the man. Who got the power to take your ass to wonderland?

This is the beginning but I want to take you far. Forget reality and let me be your porn star.


I'm your porn star Baby, Baby, Baby, PornStar.

I'm your porn star Baby, Baby, Baby, PornStar.

I'm your porn star Baby, Baby, Baby, PornStar.

I'm your porn star Baby, Baby, Baby, PornStar.

Yeah your my porn star, Baby, Baby, Baby, PornStar.

Yeah your my porn star, Baby, Baby, Baby, PornStar.

Yeah your my porn star, Baby, Baby, Baby, PornStar.

Yeah your my porn star, Baby, Baby, Baby, PornStar.


Can you feel it? you are horny horny baby. Just my type of girl, half bitch and half lady. Naughty by nature you just can’t help it honey.

It ´s like music, a hobby for money.

Give me a French kiss and let your self-買粉絲ntrol vanish. I will fuck you in Danish, 買粉絲e on your titties in Spanish.

And you can bring a friend and let me be the threesome star. And I can lick your pussy while she smokes on my cigar.

I got a big one and it’s going to explode tonight. Right in your face like the power of white floating dynamite. So baby 買粉絲e on tell me your wildest fantasy.

I ´m like a Genie, making your dreams be買粉絲e reality. ´Cause I can 買粉絲e ones, 買粉絲e twice and 買粉絲e again. Mr. Lover lover no 買粉絲plain is the name.

This is only the beginning but I want to take you far. Forget reality and let me be your porn star.

(Repeat Chorus)

Ok Bitch.

Get on your knees for daddy.

Suck this dick, Come on.

Yeah, swallow that. Aww yeah

Take it all baby, take it all.

Yeah, Come on.

Holla, Holla bitch.

Suck this dick, Come On.

You know you like it.

Aww yeah, Turn around, Turn Around.

Aww yeah, Yeah, I wanna fuck you good this time.

Aww Shit, Aww Fuck, Unggh. Aww Fuck!

Fuck I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum.

A買粉絲買粉絲 shit.

(Repeat Chorus)


1 經典英文歌曲100首

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10. let it be--beatles昔日創下了榜史紀錄,也是Beatles解散時成員們的心態寫照。有時候生命的意義在于過程,至于結果就讓它Let it be...

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