
02 過年買年貨的英語(買年貨用英語表達怎么說?)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-29 10:56:24

le to dispel evil and bring good luck.)

舞龍 dragon dance (to expect good weather and good harvests) 戲曲 traditional opera

雜耍 variety show; vaudeville

燈謎 riddles written on lanterns

燈會 exhibit of lanterns

守歲 staying-up

拜年 pay New Year's call; give New Year's greetings; New Year's visit

禁忌 taboo

去晦氣 get rid of the ill- fortune

祭祖宗 offer sacrifices to one's ancestors

壓歲錢 gift money; money given to children as a lunar New Year gift
