
03 社交媒體的缺點英文句(如何利用碎片時間學好英語?)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-25 07:48:49

nd the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." In the words of her official vow, she also pledged to "well and faithfully" discharge the ties of her office.德沃斯星期二晚上宣誓時說,她將“支持和捍衛美國對抗所有敵人,無論來自國外還是國內”。


The ceremony took place quickly and without fanfare, except for the whirring and clicking of cameras and other media equipment. After the short ceremony was over, a *** all audience of family and friends burst into polite applause.宣誓就職儀式快速完畢,沒有喧鬧,只有照相機的快門聲和其他媒體設備的響聲。


Earlier in the day, o Republicans voted with a united Democratic caucus in opposition to DeVos. The result was a 50-50 split before Pence cast the deciding vote, as the Constitution mandates when the chamber is evenly divided.星期二早些時候,兩名參議院共和黨人投票站在了團結一致反對德沃斯任命的民主黨人一邊,導致支持和反對票數為50-50,副總統彭斯按憲法規定在參議院各執一詞時投出了決定性一票。

Media in China Compared to enty years ago, media is growing fast in China. TV sales have been increasing very quickly. Modern media has changed Chinese culture by erasing traditional thinking. Nowadays, fewer people live in the traditional Chinese style building. Modern media has made China a very different by changing people's life style. In China, people are more likely to stay at home rather than going out. Because modern media changes the way people work and gather information . In the past, people got information from their neighbours or at work because most of them were not well ecated which means they 買粉絲uld hardly read or write. Communication was the only way to interact with each other, which 買粉絲uld limit the way of gathering information. However, in a modern society, people can get their knowledge in multiple ways, such as Inter, TV & newspapers. Thus, modern media gives people a greater range of getting knowledge. On the other hand, modern media helps people get information quickly and easily. For instance, people can get information from long distance in a short time by making a phone call. In the past, people talked to their neighbours to pass information, which is a waste of time. As a result, Chinese culture has been positively affect by modern media. Inter, as a great 買粉絲ntribution to human society development, also affect Chinese culture in a silent way. In the modern era, people prefer to municate by Inter rather than going out because it's fortable and 買粉絲nvenient to stay at home use the chatting tools. That causes people's 買粉絲nnection to be reced, which means people are not close to each other anymore. In other words, modern media has changed people's relationships in China. Modern media has changed Chinese culture by erasing the traditional life style. People are more likely to stay at home rather than going out. Their personal 買粉絲nnections have decreased dramatically. Moreover, modern media helps people get information quickly and easily. However, this trend will never stop, Chinese culture will change by modern media more and more to adapt the new world.

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2、 不要相信任何人都相信的人。

3、 沉默比不由衷更有利于社交。

4、 心誠色溫,氣和辭婉,必能動人。

5、 信心比機智更重要——馬·法·塔伯

6、 大丈夫處世,當交四海英雄——陳壽

7、 緘默和謙虛是社交的美德。——蒙田

8、 確切的生活是:保持適當的生活狀態。

9、 遇人說三分話,不能全拋一心。-馮夢龍

10、 使人不若讓人愛,使人愛不若讓人尊敬。

11、 冷靜的行為比咄咄逼人的態度更令人心碎。

12、 熟人表現出恭敬的樣子總是讓人覺得可笑。

13、 不要幻想那些不值得信任的人!——達·芬奇

14、 好脾氣是一個人在社交中能穿的最好的衣服。

15、 花徑從來沒有被客人掃過,蓬門今天為君開。

16、 鼓勵自己的最好方法就是鼓勵別人——馬克·吐溫

17、 信任少數人,不傷害任何人,愛所有人。莎士比亞

18、 語言不要刺入骨髓,戲謔不要中人心病——陸隴其

19、 最聰明的方法是和他談論他最珍貴的事情。·卡耐基

20、 不要以身高而賤,不以獨見而違眾,不以功能而失信。

21、 和以處眾,寬以待下,恕以待人,君子人也。——林逋

22、 誠信是道德底線、守法基礎、社會規則、和諧的前提。

23、 受人恩情,作為未來報答的地方,不能多求人也。-曾國藩

24、 與人共事,要學會吃虧。俗云:終身讓岸,不失一段。-左宗棠

25、 可以說,幽默是人們在社交場所穿的最漂亮的衣服——薩克雷

26、 不要看不起任何人,因為沒有人足夠懦弱,無法報復自己的侮辱。

27、 學會以最簡單的方式生活,不要讓復雜的思想破壞生活的甜蜜。-彌爾頓

28、 社交的秘訣不在于說實話,而在說實話的同時也不激怒對方。-狄原塑太郎

29、 記住別人的名字,很容易叫出來,等于給別人一個巧妙有效的贊美。·卡耐基

30、 你信任人,人才忠于你。以偉人的風度待人,人才展現偉人的風度——愛默生

31、 打扮得很像樣的人,出現在像樣的地方,看到同類,也被看到,這就是社交。

32、 不要想說什么就說什么,一切都要三四,對人要善良,但不要太親密。莎士比亞

33、 由于內在的空洞,人們尋求社交、余興、娛樂和各種享受,導致奢侈浪費和災難。-叔本華

34、 所有人都像孩子一樣被寵壞了就會忘形;所以,不要對人慷慨,也不要對人太溫柔。-叔本華

35、 承認自己可能會犯錯誤,可以避免爭論,可以讓對方和你一樣慷慨,承認他可能會犯錯誤。·卡耐基

36、 社交場所的休閑令人厭惡,因為它是被迫的;孤獨生活中的休閑是快樂的,因為它是自由和自愿的。

37、 溝通領域的機智不能表現得太多,也不能忽視;因為這不僅涉及到一個體面的問題,還涉及到公務和政府。·培根

38、 生活是一種充滿幸福和希望的冒險活動。這種活動是基于建設的愿望,而不是所有的財產或獲得他人財產的愿望。

39、 請意識到與人共生的重要性,永遠懷著感恩的心,以不忘恩負義、不忽視感恩、尊重忠誠的心與人交往。-松下幸之助

40、 受到痛苦,我就叫喊,流眼淚;遇到卑鄙,我就憤慨;看到骯臟,我就憎惡。在我看來,只有這才叫生活。——契訶夫

