
04 外貿業務面試問題英語(外貿業務員面試英語問題)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-18 15:19:02



面試題7:What motivates you to do this kind of work? (是什么促使你想從事這類工作?)

面試題8:Does the frequent travel required for this work fit into your lifestyle? (經常需要出差的工作適合你的生活方式嗎?)

解讀:不是在見客戶,就是在見客戶的路上,是業務員的生活常態。特別是外貿業務員,因為溝通對象距離問題,為了更好的與客戶洽談,經常需要做空中飛人。如果你可以接受經常出差的話,可以這樣答:The frequent travel in this 買粉絲nsulting positionis no problem for me or my family.

面試題9:What skills do you offer that are most relevant to this job? (你能提供哪些和這份工作最緊密相關的技能?)

面試題10:How do you manage stress in your daily work? (日常工作中,你怎樣應付壓力?)

解讀:在這里,敘述一個你已解決的壓力較大的項目,及你在這個項目中組織每一步驟時所采取的具體行動,以及如何把工作堅持下去的事例,這可能會有好處。在壓力下你是如何保持心境的平和及保證你的職業水準的。例:I try to get out for lunch at least once ring the week to clear my head.I also have a personal rule that stops me from reacting to any problem until I fee calm about it.I think,then act,but Ive learned to do that over time.

