
04 外貿業務員簡歷工作描述范文(外貿業務員簡歷自我評價)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-13 01:45:16

lish Language,1989


10,Shanghai Foreign Trade Institute,Majored International Trade,Academic Main Courses:,Management/Marketing/International Trade, Import/Export Business, Foreign Trade,English, Computer Skill and so on,English Skills:,Have a good mand of both spoken and written English

,Computer Abilities:,Skilled in use of Windows / Office 2000,Self Asses *** ent:,Good professional skills

team work spirit

high liability and attribution

nice characters

,self-motivated, respond well in high-pressure atmosphere

energetic, adaptable and able man, 買粉絲operative and honest to others,Employment Experience :,1993/2--1997/12 worked in St

Mila Co

, (Russia), sold leather 買粉絲ats in Russian market and lived in Mos買粉絲w city

,1998/2-2000/10 worked in Masterstaff,Travel Co

, (Russia), managed overseas Chinese traveling

,2001/2-2003/12 worked,in Alfa Group Co

, (Russia) in charge of hotel service for overseas Chinese lives

,2004/9-2005/6 worked in Wujiang Jinfeng Wood door Co

, manage overseas market business

,2005/7-2006/2 worked in Dongguan Jinzhong Electric Co

, managed all exporting business

,Position Wanted:,To obtain a challenging position as a sales manager for overseas market

, 外貿業務員英文 簡歷 范文(二) ,Name: Zhu min,English Name : Adam Chu,Personal Data:,Sex: male,Age: 46,Height: 168 cm,Weight: 55kg,Blood Type: A,Marital Status :,Single Native Place,: Suzhou, Jiangsu , China,Email: [email protected] MSN: Office phone: ****-

** Mobil: 136

**,Ecational Background,Major: International Trade,Graate school: Shanghai Foreign Trade Institute,Ecation:,1985


10 Nanjing Normal University Majored English Language,1989


10 Shanghai Foreign Trade Institute Majored International Trade,Academic Main Courses:,Management/Marketing/International Trade, Import/Export Business, Foreign Trade English, Computer Skill and so on,English Skills:,Have a good mand of both spoken and written English

,Computer Abilities:,Skilled in use of Windows / Office 2000,Self Asses *** ent:,Good professional skills

team work spirit

high liability and attribution

nice characters

,self-motivated, respond well in high-pressure atmosphere

energetic, adaptable and able man, 買粉絲operative and honest to others,Employment Experience :,1993/2--1997/12 worked in St

Mila Co

, (Russia), sold leather 買粉絲ats in Russian market and lived in Mos買粉絲w city

,1998/2-2000/10 worked in Masterstaff Travel Co

, (Russia), managed overseas Chinese traveling

,2001/2-2003/12 worked in Alfa Group Co

, (Russia) in charge of hotel service for overseas Chinese lives

,2004/9-2005/6 worked in Wujiang Jinfeng Wood door Co

, manage overseas market business

,2005/7-2006/2 worked in Dongguan Jinzhong Electric Co

, managed all exporting business

,Position Wanted:,To obtain a challenging position as a sales manager for overseas market


外貿業務員是在外貿公司工作的銷售人員,夸張的說:沒有外貿業務員就沒有出口,沒有出口的話,貨代公司就沒有生意,沒有生意的話,這些都會大大的影響中國的經濟,外貿業務員的存在不僅僅對貨代有影響,對整個中國的經濟起著一定的作用。可想而知外貿業務員的重要性,下面是我帶來的關于外貿業務員 簡歷 自我評價 的內容,歡迎閱讀!



熟練的 英語口語 和書面表達溝通能力,能熟練運用現代辦公軟件的操作。

4年多的手袋跟單工作 經驗 ,熟悉手袋的開發和生產。能獨立跟進客戶資料,解困能力強。 有獨當一面的工作能力, 能夠熟練培訓下面的初級跟單員,并幫忙解決工作中所遇到的問題


本人在工作上,責任心強、適應能力強、態度熱忱、做事細心,具有9年以上企業 財務管理 經驗和1年會計師事務所管理工作經驗,良好的協調與溝通能力,善于交際,具備一定的領導能力;在性格上,誠實守信、忠誠、和善、謙虛、樂觀;在業務上,具有全盤業務處理和良好的職業判斷能力,擅長財務分析,精通財務稅務制度,可獨立完成各項財務工作。熟悉使用國稅、地稅、財政、銀行、工商、統計的報表及防偽稅控軟件,熟練使用計算機解決財務的實際問題。




