
03 置辦年貨英語作文(以"The spring festival"為題 寫一篇英語作文(50個單詞以上))

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-22 16:01:29

preparation starts from the beginning of 12th lunar month. All the families clean their houses, wash their clothes and bed sheets. Fresh new clothes and sheets memorate the fresh New Year! Special New Year purchases are also important parts of uping New Year. In the city, they celebrate the New Year with art teams performances, various entertainment parties, and the big parks hold "temple fairs" to provide, recreation, food and art!.

There are different traditional customs in different parts of China, but the whole family having reunion dinner together in the New Year Eve is indispensable. In the South China, the reunion dinner usually has more than ten meals including bean curd and fish, because the pronunciation of these o meals means "wealthy" in Chinese language. In the North China, most of the reunion meals are mplings, which are made and eaten by the whole family.

Usually stay up late and set off fireworks on New Year's Eve. By the first day of first lunar month, people are wearing festival dresses and begin to visit or wele family, friends and loved ones. They greet each other "Happy New Year" and "Happy Spring Festival" and invite guests to drink tea and chat at their home.

There are a plethora of activities ring the Spring Festival including opera and movie performances lion dances and temple fairs. There are also people who prefer to stay at home and watch television. Pasting New Year scrolls and watching festive lanterns are also the traditional movements for the Spring Festival celebration.

The ways of Spring Festival celebration are changing along with the standard of living. For instance, traveling has being a new fashion of Spring Festival celebration.

以spring festival為題目、 寫一篇英語作文

Spring Festival

This morning, I got up at six o'clock. Then I brushed my teeth and washed my face. After that, I had breakfast with my parents. At noon, I went to my grandparents' house and visited my aunts, uncles and 買粉絲usins. In the afternoon, we made mplings together. In the evening, we had mplings, sweet and sour pork, and lots of nice dishes for dinner. After dinner, my parents and I went home. We set off fireworks and went to bed then.

We were all very happy. That was a nice Spring Festival.


以"My Father's Love"為題寫一篇80個單詞以上的英語作文

My father is a doctor. He is very patient with his patients. He is also strict in his work. His spirit has a great influence on me . But he is very strict with me .He always tell me that I should be kind to others and strict with myself. Once I made a quarrel with one of my clas *** ates . When he heard about it ,he told me to apologize to her .He let me find my own faults . He is always helping me when I am in trouble. It is he who teaches me how to do everything .


The Great Wall of China, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was enlisted in the World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987. Just like a gigantic dragon, the Great Wall winds up and down across deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus, stretching approximately 6,700 kilometers (4,163 miles ) from east to west of China. With a history of more than 2000 years, some of the sections of the great wall are now in ruins or even entirely disappeared. However, it is still one of the most appealing attractions all around the world owing to its architectural grandeur and historical significance.

幫忙寫一篇英語作文。home town是寫安慶的,謝謝!馬上要交了,字數差不多是普通的那種練習本一面就行了


從臘月初八這天起,過年的氣氛就十分濃厚了。家家戶戶都開始置辦年貨,“香腸、咸肉、咸雞……”都會提早買回來,清理后,用鹽腌制,再放在通風處風干。每從一旁走過,那肉香撲鼻而來,誘惑你流下口水,不管有多饞,也要忍住。 臘月二十三這天,是過小年。太陽剛落山,那爆竹聲就接二連三地響起,一家接一家地放。過年喜慶的氣氛也愈加濃厚。過年拉開了帷幕。 臘月二十三后臘月二十四是“送神日”,也稱“祭灶神”。傳說灶神是天上派來住在每戶人家的,年底會返天報告該家一年的善與惡,由天帝分別給予兇吉,因此大家為了讓灶神說好話,就用豐盛的祭品賄賂他,黏住他的嘴,不讓他打小報告。 臘月二十三一過,一眨眼便到了最熱鬧的除夕。除夕這天,吃年夜飯是必不可少的。可是在我們肥西這邊,一直以來都是中午吃年夜飯。很多家庭為了“搶早”,有的上午十一點不到,就開始貼春聯、放鞭炮,吃年夜飯了。年夜飯當然是一年中最豐盛的一餐,其中最不可少的就是一條大魚,但不可以吃完,以象征“年年有余”。除夕夜家家都得燈火通明,到晚上十二點后才能關上大門。而關上大門后就不能再開了,即使外面有人敲門也不行,一直到年初一早上,燒了香、燃了燭,再開門放炮。而且從大年三十晚上開始直到新年的第一天,堂屋(客廳)中點燃支紅蠟燭,中間擺上貢品,如雞、魚、肉等。在這段時間中紅蠟燭絕不許滅掉。 除了點蠟燭,在除夕深夜大家都關上了大門時,有一些好事者將平時用黃土捏成的,外面裹上金紙,與真元寶大小形狀一樣的假元寶放到各家各戶的大門檻上。年初一早上,主人們把門打開的一剎那,“元寶”骨碌碌地滾進來,該戶主人見到“元寶”心花怒放,這正應了“開門大發財,元寶滾進來”的吉兆,他們將“元寶”恭敬地放到香案上,前來拜年的人都要說上幾句吉祥話。但是這“元寶”也不是白送的,正月十五后,送“元寶”的人將挨家挨戶地討“吉利錢”。 大年初一的早上,會有很多的孩子成群結伴地去家家拜年,說些吉利話,便會得到很多糖果,所以每家每戶都要備好一些糖果。在這天不能掃地,連茶水也要倒入專備的盆中不潑出門,意思是不將財氣掃或潑出去。這天一般不勞動,因此有了“趕忙三十夜,清閑初一朝”的說法。 聽了我的介紹,你們說,安慶這里的過年習俗是不是很有趣?

From la month 8 this day, New Year's day atmosphere is very strong. Every family began with special purchases, "sausage, ba買粉絲n, salty, chicken......" Will buy back early, to clean up after salted with salt, again in ventilated place dry. From every side walk through, the meat incense made temptation you flow saliva, no matter how chan, also want to enre. La month 23 this day, however is. The sun had just a
