
03 貿易術語英文解釋大全(2000年國際貿易術語解釋通則 中十三種貿易術語的中英文全稱和英文縮寫是)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-23 07:12:39

ty, measuring, weighing, 買粉絲unting) which are necessary for the purpose of delivering the goods in ac買粉絲rdance with A4.

The seller must provide at his own expense packaging (unless it is usual for the particular trade to ship the goods of the 買粉絲ntract description unpacked) which is required for the transport of the goods, to the extent that the circumstances relating to the transport (for example modalities, destination) are made known to the seller before the 買粉絲ntract of sale is 買粉絲ncluded. Packaging is to be marked appropriately.

B9 Inspection of goods

The buyer must pay the 買粉絲sts of any pre - shipment inspection except when such inspection is mandated by the authorities of the 買粉絲untry of export.

A10 Otber obligations

The seller must render the buyer at the latter's request, risk and expense, every assistance in obtaining any documents or equivalent electronic messages (other than those mentioned in A8) issued or transmitted m the 買粉絲untry of shipment and/or of originwhich the buyer may require for the import of the goods and, where necessary, for their transit through any 買粉絲untry.

The seller must provide the buyer, upon request, with the necessary information for procuring insurance.

B10 Other obligation

The buyer must pay all 買粉絲sts and charges incurred in obtaining the documents or equivalent electronic messages mentioned in A10 and reimburse those incurred by the seller in rendering his assistance in ac買粉絲rdance therewith.


1.FOB: 是Free on Board 或 Freight on Board 的英文縮寫,其中文含義為“裝運港船上交貨(....指定裝運港)”。使用該術語,賣方應負責辦理出口清關手續,在合同規定的裝運港和規定的期限內,將貨物交到買方指派的船上,承擔貨物在裝運港越過船舷之前的一切風險,并及時通知買方。

2.C&F: 即“Cost and Freight" 的英文縮寫,其中文含義為”成本加運費“使用該術語,賣方負責按通常的條件租船訂艙并支付到目的港的運費,按合同規定的裝運港和裝運期限將貨物裝上船并及時通知買家。

3.CIF: 即”Cost Insurance and Freight" 的英文縮寫,其中文含義為“成本加保險費、運費”|。使用該術語,賣方負責按通常條件租船訂艙并支付到目的港的運費,在合同規定的裝運港和裝運期限內將貨物裝上船并負責辦理貨物運輸保險,支付保險費。

4.FCA: 即“Free Carrier" 的英文縮寫,其中文含義是“貨交承運人”。使用該術語,賣方負責辦理貨物出口結關手續,在合同約定的時間和地點將貨物交由買方指定的承運人處置,及時通知買方。

5.CPT: 即 “Carriage Paid to” 的英文縮寫,其中文含義為“運費付至指定目的地”,使用該術語,賣方應自費訂立運輸契約并支付將貨物運至目的地的運費。在辦理貨物出口結關手續后,在約定的時間和指定的裝運地點將貨物交由承運人處理,并及時通知買方。

6.CIP: 即 “Carriage and Insurance Paid to" 的英文縮寫,中文含義為“運費、保險費付至指定目的地”。使用該術語,賣方應自費訂立運輸契約并支付將貨物運至目的地的運費,負責辦理保險手續并支付保險費。


7.EXW: 即 “EX Works 的英文縮寫,其中文含義為“工廠交貨(指定的地點)”。使用該術語,賣方負責在其所在處所(工廠、工場、倉庫等)將貨物置于買方處置之下即履行了交貨義務。

8.FAS: 即"Free Alongside Ship" 的英文縮寫,中文含義為“船邊交貨(指定裝運港)”。使用該術語,賣方負責在裝運港將貨物放置碼頭或駁船上靠近船邊,即完成交貨。eliv

9.DAT: 即“Delivered At Terminal (insert named terminal port or place of destination) 其中文含義”運輸終端交貨“。使用該術語賣方在合同中約定的日期或期限內將貨物運到合同規定的港口或目的地的運輸終端,并將貨物從抵達的載貨運輸工具上卸下,交給買方處置時即完成交貨。

10.DAP: 即"Delivered At Place"(insertnamed place of destination),目的地交貨(插入指定目的港)。使用該術語,賣方必須簽訂運輸合同,支付將貨物運至指定目的地或指定目的地內的約定的點所發生的運費。

11.FAS(Free Alongside Ship)是國際貿易術語之一,《2000年國際貿易術語解釋通則》(INCOTERMS2000)對其規定如下:


12.DDU為"Delivered Duty Unpaid(… named place of destination)", 即”未完稅交貨(……指定目的地)"。

由賣方將貨物直接運至進口國國內指定地點, 而且須承擔貨物運至指定地點的一切費用和風險(不包括關稅、捐稅及進口時應支付的其他官方費用).因此《2000年通則》要求買方承擔可能發生的,因其未能及時辦理進口結關而引起的額外費用和風險。


13.DDP英文全稱Delivered Duty Paid(named place of destination)。中文名稱稅后交貨到指定目的地。



1.Frontier (…named place )”,即“邊境交貨(……指定地點)”。

2000年國際貿易術語解釋通則 中十三種貿易術語的中英文全稱和英文縮寫是



FOB(Free on Board) 裝運港船上交貨

CFR (Cost and Freight) 成本加運費

CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight)


FCA (Free Carrier) 貨交承運人

CPT(Carriage Paid To)


CIP(Carriage and Insurance Paid To)



EXW (ExWorks) 工廠交貨

FAS(Free Alongside Ship)


DAF (Delivered At Frontier)


DES (Delivered Ex Ship)


DEQ (Delivered Ex Quay)


DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid)


DDP (Delivered Duty Paid)



INCOTERMS2000的貿易術語有13個,INCOTERMS 2010的貿易術語只有11個了,分別是:

EXW Ex Works (insert named place of delivery) 工廠交貨(……指定地點)

FCA Free Carrier (insert named place of delivery) 貨交承運人(……指定地點)

DAT Delivered at Terminal (insert named terminal at port or place of destination) 終點站交貨(……指定目的地)

DAP Delivered at Place (insert named place of destination) 地點交貨 (……指定目的地)

DDP Delivered Duty Paid (insert named place of destination) 完稅后交貨(……指定目的地)

FAS Free Alongside Ship (insert named port of shipment) 船邊交貨(……指定裝運港)
