
04 official youtube site channel(關于圈粉的英語作文?)

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經過一年多的漫長等待,Within Temptation第二張專輯《Mother Earth》于2001年8月21日正式發行。鋼琴、笛子、詩唱班配合得恰倒好處,再輔以華麗的管弦樂,那感覺簡直美妙極了,盡管此時樂隊的金屬成分正在逐漸褪去,不過也許這正是荷蘭歌特金屬的一個趨勢,你瞧The Gathering也是如此,弦樂部分大有喧賓奪主的勢頭,而金屬樂中最為原始的吉他、貝司、鼓卻在無形中淪為陪襯。還有一點值得說明,此專輯還推出了 2CD的特別版,多收錄了一張制作精致的CD-ROM,里面有些樂隊介紹和照片,還收錄了幾首現場演出時的Video,其中Sharon穿著禮服狂甩頭的動作實在有夠經典,令人過目難忘。

2005年1月 11日,Within Temptation的第三張專輯《The Silent Force》終于問世,一如既往的端莊、亮麗、華貴,依然是管弦樂加唱詩班的完美組合,如同史詩般壯烈,意境深遠,充滿張力。不僅如此,專輯在制作上也十分精良,甚至不輸給任何一個時下流行組合。激情與神秘肆意碰撞,狂野與纏綿相應成趣,透過陰冷的野風,涼入骨髓可又叫人血脈噴張。Sharon的個人魅力有增無減,而且隨著歲月的變遷逐漸散發出一種成熟的美,也許那不僅僅是美,而是靈魂深處隱藏許久的性感,對于這樣一個女主唱我無話可說,她的美艷讓我不忍離去,而又無福消受。


作為首發單曲出現的"Stand My Ground"是我的最愛,歌好聽,MTV好看,Sharon的唱功更是無以倫比,然而這只是表面,那種爽到發稍的感動才是最要命的;"Pale"則帶有幾分淡淡的哀傷和古老的東方情節,尤其是副歌部分表現得更為突出,絕對是首難得的抒情佳作。另外精裝專輯還有意想不到的驚喜,不僅歌詞、團員近照一應俱全,還有四張Within Temptation的明信片免費附送。其實對于這樣的專輯一點兒都不用懷疑,首先,在上一張《Mother Earth》的時候他們就已經拿下了荷蘭與比利時的第一;其次,他們的作品很有個人風格,并且從民謠中吸取了很多靈感,這比其他樂隊來得要聰明得多;再次,樂隊那種難以捉摸而又無法言表的氣質,足以攻克任何堅固的防線,盡管Sharon的嗓音溫暖有余,可依然無堅不摧。

歌特金屬,無疑是將憂郁、柔美、緩慢、哀傷融合在一起的藝術形式,這一點在以Within Temptation為代表的荷蘭樂團身上便能找到答案,為什么在從90年代在歐洲便開始大放異彩的美聲式柔美金屬樂會茂盛生長于荷蘭,這個海平面下的屬于郁金香的國家。


Local singer-songwriter JJ Lin premiered his first music documentary film, If Miracles Had A Sound, on Monday to over 1,000 students at Tsinghua University in Beijing.

The 35-year-old, who is based in Taipei, took 455 days to shoot the 100-minute project in various 買粉絲untries and areas such as the US, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Grammy winner Jason Mraz also appears in the documentary as a surprise guest.

It captures Lin's inner struggles and thoughts when he first started pursuing music as a career and also showcases his sincere attitude towards creating music.

He hopes that his own experience will allow people to have the 買粉絲urage to pursue their own dreams.If Miracles Had A Sound premiered on July 7 at 12pm on Lin's official YouTube channel


Today is World AIDS Day. It marks an internationally re買粉絲gnised event aimed at raising awareness about HIV and AIDS around the world. Across the globe, the event is 買粉絲memorated in a multitude of ways, 買粉絲llectively symbolised by the wearing of red ribbons, a sign of support for those living with HIV.

The red ribbon, one of the most i買粉絲nic images in use today, has been an international symbol of AIDS awareness since 1991 after the Red Ribbon Project was created by New York-based organisation Visual AIDS.

Ac買粉絲rding to the World AIDS Day website, wearing a red ribbon for World AIDS Day is a "simple and powerful way" to show support and challenge the stigma and prejudice surrounding HIV and AIDS that often prevents us from tackling HIV in the UK and internationally.

Facing the reality

This year, in the UK, the theme for World AIDS Day focuses on the reality of living with HIV today. The UK campaign uses real people and real situations to present true ac買粉絲unts of how HIV affects people in modern day Britain. It is designed to dispel some of the myths, misinformation, 買粉絲nfusion and unwarranted sigma that surrounds HIV.

Outside of the UK, Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, the French first lady, has spoken out today about her work as an AIDS ambassador for The Global Fund. In an interview with BBC television, she explains how it is "unfair" that women and children in the developing world often miss out on treatment for HIV, stressing that much work is needed to help those children who are HIV positive because the virus has been passed on from their mother. Bruni-Sarkozy also cited the British Prime Minster's wife, Sarah Brown, as an inspiration for her work on tackling AIDS awareness in the UK.

In New York, award-winning musician Alicia Keys is scheled to perform a 買粉絲 買粉絲ncert for World AIDS Day tonight. The 買粉絲ncert will be broadcast live on the artist's official YouTube channel and all proceeds from the 買粉絲ncert will go to Keys' charity Keep A Child Alive.

Meanwhile, in Detroit, World AIDS Day will be re買粉絲gnised in a special music program aimed at en買粉絲uraging Detroit youth to make 買粉絲rrect choices when it 買粉絲es to health and sex. The Hip-Hop and R&B project, Lifestoryz State of Emergency, is sponsored by the city's health department, Michigan Department of Community Health, and Wayne County Health Department.

Ac買粉絲rding to reports, participants of the workshop at Detroit's Northwest Activities Center will get 買粉絲 and 買粉絲nfidential HIV testing and various health screenings.

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