
05 forget doing sth造句帶翻譯(高考英語作文亮點句型有哪些?)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-22 13:59:46

How do you do ? B . How are you ? �

C . I‘m fine , thank you . D . What do you do ?

※ 介紹 ( Introctions ) �

2 . — Li Ping , ______ . �

— Nice to meet you , Zhang Hong . �

A . that’s my friend , Zhang Hong B . this is Zhang Hong�

C . she is Zhang Hong D . I introce Zhang Hong to you

3 . “Nice to meet you . ”“_______”�

A . Is that so ? B . I‘ve got a 買粉絲ugh . �

C . Yes , do please . D . Nice to meet you , goo .

※ 打電話 ( Making telephone calls ) �

4 . “Hello , 5847552 . ”“Hi ! _____”�

A . Are you Linda ? B . Who are you ? �

C . I am David . D . Is that Linda speaking ?

5 . — This is John speaking . Who is that ? �

— _____�

A . This is Bill . B . I am Bill . �

C . You are Bill . D . Where is bill ?

6 . — Could I speak to headmaster ? �

— ______ please . �

A . Hold on for a moment B . Speak loudly�

C . He is at work D . What’s wrong ?

7 . A : Hello ! Could I speak to Miss Grey , please ? �

B : ______�

A . I‘m Miss Grey . B . Yes , you 買粉絲uld . �

C . SPeaking . D . Who are you ?


1 . C。“How are you ? ”是熟人之間常用的客套招呼語,答語常用 “Fine , thank you . ”或“Very well , thank you . ”表示問候的用語還有“Good morning / afternoon / evening . Hello / Hi . ”等,答語須重復原話。�

2 . B。介紹某人,常用句型“This is . . . ”。自我介紹則用“My name is . . . ”或“I’m . . . ”。� 3 . D。“Nice to meet you . ”一般在兩人初次見面被互相介紹后使用,其答語為“Nice to meet you , too . ”。“How do you do ? ”和“Glad to meet you . ”也屬于介紹用語。�

4 . D。打電話時,欲問對方是誰,應說“Who is that ( speaking ) ? ”。�

5 . A。打電話時,欲說“我是……”,應說“This is . . . ”。�

6 . A。接電話時,若想請對方別掛斷或稍等,應說“Hold on ( for a moment ) , please . ”。�

7 . C。接電話時,若你正是對方要找的人,可說“請講” ( Speaking . ) ;若對方要找的人不在,可說“He / She isn‘t here right now . Can I take a message for you ? ”。�

Ⅲ. 語法透視

◆ 不可數名詞用法舉要 ◆


▲不可數名詞沒有復數形式。如:some meat , some bread , 不可說 some meats , some breads 。

▲不可數名詞不能不定冠詞 a , an 及數詞修飾,但可用 some , any , much (許多),a lot of (許多),a little(一點)等直接修飾。如:我們不可以說a tea , two milk , 但可以說 some tea , much meat 。

▲不可數名詞前通常用量詞來表示具體的數。如:a glass of water , two cups of tea , five pieces of bread 。需要注意的是:類似短語中的介詞 of 不能省去,當數詞大于“一”時,量詞需要用復數形式。


These is some water in the bottle . 瓶里有些水。

Is there any rice in the bag ? 袋子里有米嗎?


There are three bottles of orange on the table . 桌上有三瓶桔汁。

試比較:There is some orange on the table .

▲對不可數名詞前的修飾語提問,疑問詞用 how much 。例如:

They want two cups of tea .

→How much tea do they want ?

There is some milk in the glass .

→How much milk is there is the glass ?

▲對不可數名詞前量詞部分的修飾語提問題,疑問詞用 how many 。例如:

They want two cups of tea . →How many cups of tea do they want ?

▲不可數名詞表示特指時可用定冠詞 the 修飾。例如:

The bread on the table is Li Lei’s . 桌上的面包是李磊的。

▲有些名詞即可作可數名詞,也可作不可數名詞,但意思卻大不相同。如:glass 作可數名詞,意思是“玻璃杯”,作為不可數名詞,意思是“玻璃”;room 作可數名詞,意思是“房間”,作不可數名詞,意思是“空間”。

I have many friends bread meat milk fish (面包)(肉)(牛奶)(魚)

Ⅳ. 難詞解碼

◆ some 與 any之區別 ◆

some 和 any 都有“一些”的意思,都可作形容詞、代詞,可修飾或代替可數名詞的復數形式或不可數名詞,但兩者用法不同。

一、some 一般用于肯定句中。例如:

I can see some flowers . 我能直到一些花。

There is some milk in the glass . 杯子里有一些牛奶。

二、any 一般用于否定句和疑問句中。例如:

— Can you see any bread on the table ? 你看到桌子上有面包嗎?

—Yes , I can see some . 是的, 我看到一些。

—Can you see any girls in the picture ? 你能看到圖畫上的女孩嗎?

—No , I can’t see any . 不, 我一個也看不到。

三、some 可用于表示請求、邀請、希望得到肯定答復的一般疑問句中。例如:

— Can you give me some bread ? 你能給我一些面包嗎?

— Certainly . Here you are . 當然可以,給你。

Would you like some bread ? 你想要些面包嗎?

同學們,請看,Polly 給我們編出了一句順口溜:

some 用于肯定句,疑問句、否定用 any ,請求、邀請與期待,仍用 some 代 any 。

◆ do you like 與 would you like ◆

Do you like … ? 意為“你喜歡……嗎?”“你愛……嗎?”等,是提問者問對方習慣上喜愛什么,并不指目前一時愛好。其后常跟或 doing 結構作賓語。例:

Do you like meat ? 你喜歡吃肉嗎?

Do you like playing basketball ? 你喜歡打籃球嗎?

Would you like … ? 意為 “你想要……嗎?”“你愿意……嗎?”,指說話人委婉地向對方提出請求或建議,是指目前的情況,其后常跟名詞或 to do 結構作賓語。例:

Would you like some apples ? 你盧吃一些蘋果嗎?

Would you like to have a cup of tea ?你想喝杯茶嗎?

A : Would you like a bottle of orange ?

B : Yes , please . / No , thanks .

would like 還可縮寫為 ’d like 。例:

I’d like to have a cup of tea .

Ⅴ. 幽默趣賞

◆ Tom’s Answer ◆

Tom : Dad , black hens are more clever than white hens , aren‘t they ?

Dad : How do you know it , Tom ?

Tom : Well , black hens can lay white eggs , but white hens can’t lay black egg
