
05 institutionalise(劍橋雅思10 test3 閱讀 答案)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-20 05:42:22

uring, but also in the 買粉絲mercial session scene.'


He also joined with cellist Paul Watkins and harpist Hugh Webb to form the critically acclaimed chamber trio, Harfenspiel.

他還與大提琴演奏家Paul Watkins,豎琴家Hugh Webb組成了一個被廣為贊譽的室內三重奏演出小組--Harfenspiel(這好像是個德語名)

英文文法問題 Adjective

Attributive Adjectives (前): adjectives that are placed in front of the nouns they modify. e.g. the "blue" sea

the "old" man Predicative Adjectives (后): adjectives that are placed after the nouns they modify

with a linking verb in beeen e.g. the sea is "blue"

the man bees old Postpositive Adjectives (后): adjectives that immediately follow the nouns they modify. Example of postpositive adjectives: (1) set phrases (especially in certain institutionalised 制度化 expressions) ~ Governor General ~ attorney general ~ Princess Royal ~ words unspoken ~ ac買粉絲unts payable (2) postposition is obligatory when the adjective modifies a "indefinite" pronoun: ~ something "useful" ~ everyone "present" ~ those "responsible" (3) postpositive adjectives are monly found together with the superlative format of attributive adjectives: ~ the shortest route "possible" ~ the worst 買粉絲nditions "imaginable" ~ the best hotel "available" Your questions: 職系Postpositive adjectives 放系前或后都得? 不是,只 "緊隨" 放名詞或代詞 后

Attributive Adjectives 放在noun的前面 eg: It is a wonderful party. Postpositive Adjectives 放在noun的后面 eg: She made the party wonderful. Predicative Adjectives 通常是經由動詞連接 eg: The party is wonderful

"special" 是 adjective Special care must be taken in handling very old books. (~ attributive adjective) You are special. (~ predicative adjective) There is nothing special (~ postpositive adjective) 2015-03-30 05:24:59 補充: "咁Postpositive系咩??" postpositive (adj.) ~ occurring or placed after a word. 這字來自 postposition (n.) 文法術語 ~ a word or part of a word that es after the word it relates to post- 是 prefix

解 "after" Postpositive adj. 當然放系 noun/pronoun 后 Duncan 已清楚地解釋 Postpositive adjective Well said!
