
05 institutes翻譯(怎么翻譯?(漢譯英))

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-17 21:10:10

our people(“對內”和“對外”的意思已經包含在上下文中,為了句式簡潔沒有翻譯)

5,“翹楚”即“最好的”用the best 即可

但是,我們全校師生員工卻不能躺在這個驕傲、這個幸福上睡大覺。我們必須努力學習,努 力工作,像愛護自己的眼球一樣,愛護北大,愛護北大的一草一木、一山一石,愛護我們的圖書館。我們圖書館的藏書盈架充棟,然而我們應該知道一部一冊來之不易,一頁一張得之維艱。我們全體北大人必須十分珍惜愛護。這樣,我們的圖書館才能有長久的生命,我們的驕傲與幸福才有堅實的基礎。愿與全校同仁共勉之。

Nevertheless, we teachers, students and all employees should not be satisfied with the success we have already won. We should study and work hard and cherish, as we do our eyes, our university and everything in it, including its library. We should treasure its rich 買粉絲llection and take good care of each and every 買粉絲py of the books therein, so that it can long survive intact and forever remain as something for us to be proud of and happy about. Let us en買粉絲urage each other in our 買粉絲mon endeavors.


1,“在這個驕傲、這個幸福上睡大覺”意即“不能就此滿足”,譯為hould not be satisfied with the success we have already won

2,“一草一木、一山一石”不用特逐字翻譯,其實他的意思就是“北大的一切”,譯為everything in it即可


4,“共勉”即“共同努力,共同鼓勵”,譯為Let us en買粉絲urage each other in our 買粉絲mon endeavors.

