
05 國際貿易付款條件對話(現代國際商務函電的目錄)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-28 21:33:51

, which is scheled to sail on or about the 20th of May. We shall send you an email as soon as the loading is 買粉絲pleted. Yours faithfullyNational Textiles I/E Corp.

貴方三月五日來函昨日收悉。 據此,我們立即與廠方聯系,催促他們趕快交貨。由于交貨任務繁重,他們不能把交貨日期從六月份提前到四月份。但是他們非常清楚七月份是貴方市場襯衣的銷售季節,故最終他們同意五月中旬交貨。 我們已訂妥 "和平輪"的艙位,預計五月二十日左右開航。一旦裝貨完畢,我們即發電子郵件告知貴方。

國家紡織品進出口公司Substitution Drills1 A: May I know when we 買粉絲uld expect delivery? B: We can deliver 50% promptly, that is, in August. And the balance in October. We can deliver 50% right away. The remaining half in the next two months. Our earliest time of delivery is October.

能告訴我你們什么時候可以交貨嗎? 我們可以在八月份交一半貨,其余的十月份交貨。 有一半貨我們可以馬上送貨,剩下的一半后兩個月交。 我們最早的交貨日期是十月。

2 A: I'm afraid October is the best we can do. October is the earliest possible date of delivery. we can't promise delivery earlier than October. B: October then. 恐怕 十月是我們能夠做到的最早的了。十月是最早的交貨日期了。我們不能早于十月交貨。那就十月吧。

3 A: Could you deliver 100 tons immediately? Is it possible to effect shipment immediately? Do you think you can ship the goods soon? B: No problem. We can deliver that from stock to meet your requirement. I'm afraid prompt shipment is impossible. I'll have to look into the stock position.

您能即刻運輸100噸嗎? 能立即安排裝船嗎? 你認為能很快裝船嗎? 沒問題。我們可以交現貨來滿足你們的要求。 恐怕立即裝船不太可能。 我得仔細檢查一下存貨的情況。

4 A: Please ship the goods in one lot in May. B: I'm sorry that's impossible. It would be very difficult for us to get the goods ready within such a short time. I'm not sure if we are able to get the necessary shipping space. We'll have to 買粉絲ntact the manufacturers. Maybe it's possible. 請在五月份將貨物分一批運過來。 對不起,那不可能。這么短的時間把貨物準備好對我們來說很難。 我不敢肯定我們是否能訂到必要的艙位。 我們將得聯系生產商。也許可以。

5 A: Could you find a way to advance the shipment somehow? do something to advance the time of delivery? make the delivery a little earlier? B: May I suggestwe effect shipment in three equal lots, starting from May? we spread the goods over three months - May, June and July? partial shipment be allowed? 你能不能想辦法提前裝運? 你能想辦法提前交貨嗎? 你能不能早一點交貨? 我可否建議 我們從五月份開始分相等的三批辦理裝運? 我們把貨物分五、六、七三個月交貨? 允許部分裝運?

6 A: Our people are most anxious about the October shipment; so far they've heard nothing from you. B: We're sorry for the delay. The trouble is thatdirect sailings to your port are very few. there is great demand on shipping latelyyou changed the port of destination我方很想知道十月裝船一事,但到現在還沒有聽到你們的任何消 息。 此次拖延我們很抱歉。問題是 直達你們港口的船只太少了。 最近需要裝運的太多了。 你們改變了目的港。

7 A:You knowwe must have the goods in time for the Christmas rush. we must have the goods ready for the shopping season. the goods have to be here in March. Otherwise we'd be behind the season. B: I understand. I'll try my best. 你知道 我們必須在圣誕節采購前及時供貨。 在購貨旺季時我們必須把貨準備好。 貨物必須在三月份到位。否則我們就趕不上銷售季節了。 我理解。我會盡力的。

8 I don't think I can promise you any September shipments. OctoberJune我想我不能答應你 九月 裝運。 十月六月9 Would you like to have your refrigerator delivered? furniturewashing machine你的 電冰箱 要送貨上門嗎? 家具洗衣機10 You will probably get it within 10 days. in a weekby the end of this monthno later than tomorrow afternoon 也許 十天內 你就可以收到。 一周內這個月底不遲于明天下午


Lesson One商務信函基礎 Basics Of Business Letters

Part One:特點和原則 Features And Principles

Part Two:格式和結構 Format And Structure

1. 一般商務信函格式 Format Of Ordinary Business Letters

2. 傳真及電子郵件 Fax and E-mail

3. 商務信函的結構 Layout of Business Letters

Lesson Two國際市場營銷 International Marketing

Part One:什么是市場營銷 Understanding Marketing

Part Two:國際市場營銷基礎 Basics Of International Marketing

Part Three:對話 A Dialogue

Part Four:詞匯 New Words

Part Five:注釋與常用短語 Notes & Useful Expressions

Part Six:練習 Exercises

Lesson Three建立業務關系 Establishment Of Business Relations

Part One:業務溝通基礎 Basics Of Business Communication

Part Two:信函樣本 Some Specimen Letters

1. 賣方向買方做自我介紹并希望建立業務關系 Seller is writing to the buyer, making a self-introction in the hope of establishing business relations

2. 出口商向國外客戶介紹并推銷產品 An exporter is writing to his foreign customer, introcing his proct and trying to promote its sales

3. 廠商致函國外進口商推銷自己的產品 A maker is writing to the foreign importer in order to promote the sales of his procts

4. 廠商介紹新軟件 The maker is introcing his new software

5. 進口商的自我介紹 An importer is making a self-introction

6. 希望成為國外廠家的銷售代理 Hoping to be a sales agent of a foreign procer

7. 進口商對貿易展覽會上的產品感興趣 An importer is showing his interest in some proct displayed at a trade fair

8. 尋找新的供貨商 Try to find a new supplier

9. 經人介紹后通過互聯網求購化工產品 To purchase some chemicals on the inter買粉絲 at sb’s introction

Part Three:介紹你的公司 Introce Your Company

Part Four:詞匯 New Words

Part Five:注釋與常用短語 Notes & Useful Expressions

Part Six:練習 Exercises

Lesson Four詢盤與復盤
