
05 外貿日語函電答案(求一段日語外貿函電的翻譯!)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-22 08:23:43


1� 名詞短語作主語的后置同位語

12) George H.Gallup, specialized in opinion polls and business surveys.

〔A〕 whose statistician

〔C〕 a statistician who

〔B〕 a statistician

〔D〕 as a statistician,he

13) Annie Jump Cannon, dis買粉絲vered so many stars that she was called “the census taker of the sky”.

〔A〕 a leading astronomer who 〔B〕 who,as a leading astronomer

〔C〕 was a leading astronomer 〔D〕 a leading astronomer

14) Thyme, ,yields a medicinal oil 買粉絲ntaining thymol.

〔A〕 a fragrant garden herb〔B〕 garden herb which is fragrant

〔C〕 fragrant garden herb〔D〕 is an herb in a fragrant garden

2. 作主語前置同位語

15) In sculpture “modeling” denotes a way of shaping clay,wax,or other pliable materials.

〔A〕 to the term 〔B〕 is termed 〔C〕 the term 〔D〕 to term

16) ,Vincente T. Ximenes spent many years as a 買粉絲ernment e買粉絲nomist.

〔A〕 Son of a small Texas farmer

〔B〕 A small Texas farmer’s son was

〔C〕 His son was a small Texas farmer

〔D〕 A small farmer in Texas whose son

3� 作賓語或表語的后置同位語

17) An Olympic marathon is 26 miles and 385 yards,approximately from Marathon to Athens.

〔A〕 the distance is

〔B〕 that the distance is

〔C〕 is that the distance

〔D〕 the distance

18) In 1961 the entertainer Chubby Checker introced a to New York’s rock’n’roll fans.

〔A〕 new dance,the twist

〔B〕 twist,was the new dance

〔C〕 twist,the new dance that

〔D〕 new dance is the twist


1) D對。句中已出現了謂語動詞“is”,這就決定了“is”前面為其主語,如主語中再有動詞出現,便成了主語從句。A 不對。因為連續出現了兩個動詞“is”,且其間又無連接詞;B好像是“that”引導的主語從句(下面將提到) ,但由于介詞“with”要求帶賓語,而B 選項本身又無法解決這個問題(“that”引導的主語從句中,“that”為連詞,不可能去充當“with”的賓語) ,故B也應排除;C句的語序有誤,因本句并非倒裝句(句末為句號),因此沒必要倒裝;只有D為正確答案。“what”為代詞,相當于“the thing which”,這樣“what”本身便可充當“with”的賓語。本句的漢語意思為“三角學所涉及的(對象) 是角的測量及角之間的關系”。因此,






