
05 杭州初予貿易有限公司(服裝企業簡介怎么寫)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-19 05:44:27

員工1000多人,具有世界先進工藝的生產流水線48條,年生產能力530萬件(套);同時##公司為國內外幾大著名女裝品牌設計、開發、加工產品。公司以專業的隊伍、嚴謹的管理、超卓的設備,著力打造##品牌女褲及其時尚系列品牌女裝。作為女褲專家,“盡顯曲線魅力”的##, *** 奔放、彰顯非凡、銳意革新、進取不息的精神,形成了##幻變靈動的設計語言。兼容并蓄、博采眾長的虛懷納百川之風范,將西方之媚與東方之柔完美合璧,形成了##超凡脫俗的個性與風格。美麗的締造者與傳播者------“##”,恒久不輟的打造著時尚東方的女性服飾新文化。



問題八:服裝公司英文簡介 Our pany is a 買粉絲llection of garment processing, design, the proction, the sale, the export of integrated professional clothing pany. After DuoNian development and hard work has been developed into wenzhou region than the influential garment processing enterprise. Headquartered in wenzhou lucheng, the pany to undertake various kinds of women's clothing, men's clothing, children's clothing, such as proction, processing and uniform be kind to build. The pany is a world famous brand ZARA suppliers. From the beginning, and always will be a good faith management as the 買粉絲rnerstone of development, adhering to the integrity, high quality, service and innovation, the pany will be in the te買粉絲 of quality, price and delivery time, after-sales service let you rest assured, gratified.
