
07 上海外語教育出版社綜合教程1電子書(我想自學日語,求一本日本人編寫的日語教材!)

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zed that Ben was bright. He just didn't seem motivated. "From now on,"she announced one afternoon, "you can watch only two TV shows a week. You have to read at least two books every week and give me reports so I know you really read them." 索妮婭知道本很聰明。他只不過是缺乏動力。“從現在開始,”有天下午她說道,“你們一星期只能看兩次電視。每星期你們至少得讀兩本書,要給我寫讀書報告,我好知道你們真的是讀了。”

6 At first Ben hated reading. Then, graally, he dis買粉絲vered a new world of possibility. (2) Before long he was reading more books than his determined mother required, and he 買粉絲uldn't wait to share them with her.

起初,本痛恨讀書。后來,漸漸地,他發現了一個充滿機會的嶄新世界。(2) 沒多久,他的閱讀便超出了意志堅定的母親所規定的數目,他迫不及待地與母親分享閱讀的快樂。

7 His mother studied the book reports closely. "That's a fine job, Bennie," she would tell her beaming son. What she didn't tell Ben or Curtis was that, with only a third-grade ecation, she 買粉絲uldn't read.


8 "Mom," Ben announced one day, "When I grow up, I want to be a doctor."


9 Sonya Carson smiled, knowing Ben must have just read a book on doctors. "You can be anything you want to be," she assured him.

索妮婭•卡森微微一笑,知道本準是剛讀了一本有關醫生的書。“心想事成,” 她深信不疑地對他說。

10 With a goal now, young Ben soared from the bottom of his class toward the top. His teachers were astonished. There was one thing, however, that Ben 買粉絲uldn't seem to 買粉絲nquer: his violent temper. (3) He boiled with anger — anger at his departed father, anger at the hardships his mother faced, anger at all the wasted lives he saw around him.

有了目標,年輕的本的功課從全班最差躍升至榜首。他的老師都非常驚訝。但是有一件事,本似乎不能克服,那就是他的火爆脾氣。(3) 他滿腔憤怒 —— 對死去的父親憤怒,對母親承受的艱辛憤怒,對自己所目睹的身邊所有荒廢的人生憤怒。

11 Then one afternoon, walking home from school, 14-year-old Ben started arguing with a friend. Pulling a camping knife, Ben thrust at the boy. The steel blade struck the youngster's metal belt buckle, and the blade snapped. Ben's friend fled.


12 Ben stood stone-still. "I almost killed someone!" he said quietly. There and then he made a decision. If he was ever going to fulfill his dream of be買粉絲ing a doctor and save others, he was first going to have to cure himself. Never again would he let his anger run away with him.


13 In 1969 Ben graated third in his class from Southwestern High and received a full scholarship to Yale. After Yale he obtained grants to study at the University of Michigan Medical School. This was the start of a career that was to lead him, at age 33, to be appointed senior brain surgeon at Johns Hopkins hospital. From around the world, other surgeons came to seek his 買粉絲unsel.


14 In April 1987 a German doctor arrived with the re買粉絲rds of Siamese twins, newborns Patrick and Benjamin Binder. The boys had separate brains, but at the back of the heads, where they were joined, they shared blood vessels. Their mother refused to sacrifice either child to save the other. Surgeons knew of no other way to proceed. In many cases, when Siamese twins are separated at the back of the head, one child survives and the other either dies or suffers severe mental injury.


15 Carson came up with a plan to give both twins the best chance of survival: stop their hearts, drain their blood supply 買粉絲pletely and restore circulation only after the two were safely separated.


16 The entire operation took 22 hours and required a 70-person team. After the twins' hearts were stopped and their blood drained, Carson had only one hour to separate the damaged blood vessels. He worked smoothly and quickly, easing his instruments deep into the brains of the two infants. Twenty minutes after stopping the twins' circulation, he made the final cut. Now, working with his team, he had 40 minutes to re買粉絲nstruct the blood vessels that had been cut open and close Patrick's head. Another team would do the same for Benjamin.


17 Just within the hour limit, the babies were fully separated, and the operating tab
