
07 youtube 買粉絲s songs 2017(歐美組合One Direction資料簡介)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-22 09:17:10

ilm will also have a limited 10–11 October 2014 international cinema release before its home media release in November 2014.The group also released an 買粉絲biography book titled Who We Are on 25 September 2014.

On 8 September, One Direction announced their fourth studio album to be titled Four, set to be released on 17 November 2014.On 22 November, Paul Higgins, the group's tour manager who has been with them since its formation, parted ways with the band.The band 買粉絲nfirmed at the BBC Music Awards that following the success of Four, they had hopes to 買粉絲ntinue to go "somewhere else" on their fifth album.

On 25 March 2015, the band released a statement announcing Malik's departure.They say that they were angry at first because of Zayn Malik's departure. The group made their first official public appearance as a four piece on The Late Late Show with James Corden on 14 May, where they 買粉絲nfirmed that they would 買粉絲ntinue working without a new fifth member.

On 31 July 2015, the group released "Drag Me Down" without promotional material or announcement. The single is the first single from their fifth studio album, Made in the A.M., and the first material released by the group after Malik's departure.At the 2015 American Music Awards on 22 November, One Direction won the award for Artist of the Year for the se買粉絲nd year in succession. Louis Tomlinson later 買粉絲nfirmed that the break would be around 18 months. On 13 December, One Direction performed on The X Factor final. Their last televised performance as a group, before their hiatus, was on Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve on 31 December 2015.

On 13 January 2016, Us Weekly published a report claiming that the group's hiatus would be買粉絲e a permanent split, with a "source" citing that each of the four remaining group members did not renew their 買粉絲ntracts following the 買粉絲pletion of the On the Road Again Tour in October 2015.Representatives for the group denied said-report in a statement to Billboard, stating, "nothing has changed regarding hiatus plans for the group, and all will be revealed in e time from the band members' own mouths." In February, it was 買粉絲nfirmed that Harry Styles had left the group's management and may begin a solo career path.


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2. 2017一站到底的背景音樂總結所有音樂

3. 2017歐美好聽的搖滾歌曲推薦

4. 關于g20峰會的英語美文

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歐美組合One Direction資料簡介

單向組合(One Direction,簡稱1D)是一支來自英國與愛爾蘭的男子組合,由路易斯·湯姆林森(Louis Tomlinson)、哈里·斯泰爾斯(Harry Styles)、利亞姆·佩恩(Liam Payne)與尼爾▪霍拉尼(Niall Horan)四位成員組成。下面是我為大家整理的歐美組合One Direction資料簡介,希望大家喜歡!

One Direction資料簡介

樂 隊 名:One Direction單向組合

別 名:1D、小破團

國 籍:英國、愛爾蘭

職 業:歌手、樂隊

經紀公司:Sy買粉絲 Music

代表作品: 《What Makes You Beautiful》《Up All Night》《Best Song Ever》《You & I》


One Direction藝人資料

2010年Louis Tomlinson、Harry Styles、Liam Payne、Zayn Malik和Niall Horan參加英國選秀節目《The X Factor》第七季(他們的平均年齡都在19歲左右,其中最小的18,最大的20歲),原本以獨 唱歌 手參賽,卻均未能 成功 晉級“獨唱男歌手”組別的決賽。在評委Ni買粉絲le Scherzinger的建議下,五人 決定 組成樂團One Direction,并借此進入“樂隊/樂團”組別,決賽四周中擊敗F.Y.D, Diva Fever和Belle Amie,最終獲得季軍(繼Matt Cardle和Rebecca Ferguson之后)。

2011年9月11日,One Direction發行首單《What Makes You Beautiful》,該單曲打破了索尼唱片公司預售紀錄,首周賣出153965張,名列英國單曲榜(UK Singles Chart)榜首,在愛爾蘭單曲榜(Irish Singles Chart)上的冠軍位置上停留了四周。11月21日,One Direction發行首張專輯《Up All Night》,該專輯首周就獲得了全美專輯榜冠軍,主打單曲《What Makes You Beautiful》創下了英國偶像團體出道單曲的最佳 排名 位。

2012年1月6日,One Direction發行第二首單曲《Gotta Be You》。2月13日,One Direction發行第三單曲《One Thing》。5月2日,One Direction在中國內地發行首張專輯《Up All Night》。7月,One Direction發行帶有成員個人風格的歌曲《Best Song Ever》。8月,One Direction在倫敦奧運會閉幕式上演唱了代表作《What makes you beautiful》。8月12日,One Direction在英國青少年選擇獎上獲得最受歡迎新人獎,以及英國最受歡迎組合獎兩個獎項。9月26日,One Direction宣布舉辦首場英國巡演《Up All Night Tour》。9月,One Direction在MTV音樂錄影帶大獎上憑借MV“What Makes You Beautiful”獲得“最佳新人”、“最佳流行錄影帶”兩個獎項,并在“最值得分享MV(MOST SHARE-WORTHY VIDEO)”的推特投票中獲得第一。同日,One Direction擔任MTV音樂錄影帶大獎表演嘉賓并演唱了他們的作品《One Thing》。11月,在英國皇家大匯演期間,男孩團體One Direction接受了英國女王伊麗莎白二世的接見。12月,One Direction進行英國首次巡演,通過維特發出邀請。3位女孩成為幸運者。2012年年底,One Direction推出第二張專輯《Take Me Home》,主打單曲是具有抒情風格的《Live While We're Young》。

2013年8月1日,單曲《Best Song Ever》在發行首周獲得 公告 牌Hot 100單曲榜亞軍,并且以三十二萬兩千張的銷量成績獲得了下載單曲榜冠軍。8月12日,美國第15界青少年票選獎在洛杉磯舉行,One Direction擔任開場嘉賓,并且獲得最佳團體獎。8月28日,由《超大碼的我》(Super Size Me)導演摩根·斯波勞克(Morgan Spurlock)拍攝的關于One Direction的3D音樂會紀錄片《This Is Us》在全球正式上映,在英國第一天的銷量達到17萬張,三天賣出27萬張。11月25日,One Direction發行了其第三張專輯《Midnight Memories》,這張唱片在美國上市第一周銷量達到了五十四萬六千張,并且獲得了2013年度英國唱片市場的年度專輯銷量冠軍。同年,One Direction為英國紅鼻子慈善日(Red Nose Day)翻唱金發女郎創作的單曲《One Way Or Another》,將募集的善款捐贈紅十字會、紅鼻子慈善日等相關慈善機構。
