
05 社交媒體對人們的影響英文(社交媒體的英文)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-18 06:22:19

romote your business on social media to increase your online visibility。你應該在社交媒體上推廣你的業務,增加你的在線可見性。Parents should monitor their children's activities on social media to make sure they are safe online.家長應該監控孩子在社交媒體上的活動,確保他們在線安全。

These days, people rely on social media for news, information and entertainment。現在,人們信賴社交媒體獲取新聞、信息和娛樂。Companies use social media platforms to engage with their target audiences and build brand awareness.公司使用社交媒體平臺與目標受眾進行互動,并建立品牌知名度。


社交網絡(social 買粉絲working)指的是為了讓人們能夠互相聯系、交流和分享信息而構建的在線平臺。造句為She spends a lot of time on social 買粉絲working sites like Facebook and Twitter. (她花很多時間在像Facebook和Twitter這樣的社交網絡網站上)。


Friendship Nero: Dennis! The day after tomorrow is lily’s birthday, how about a birthday party?! Dennis: Well, you must haven’t know what happened between us

Nero: en? What’s wrong? Dennis: We have finished

Nero: What?! Why?!
