
06 michael jackson songs list youtube(歐美組合One Direction資料簡介)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-24 00:05:17


4、陳奕迅——十年(歌詞很宿命,卻也真實。“情人最后難免淪為朋友……直到和你做了多年朋友,才明白我的眼淚,不是為你而流, 也為別人而流。”他的歌能給人一種很溫暖的感覺,亦能把很平淡的歌,唱得很有味道。)

5、蕭亞軒——最熟悉的陌生人(我聽她的歌不是聽歌,而是聽她的聲音,這是我的一種享受,他的聲音非常有磁性,這支歌不是她最優 秀的,但卻是我心中最經典的,不管是旋律還是歌詞,“因為愛過,所以不會是敵人;因為傷過,所以不會是朋友,只能是最熟悉的陌生 人。”可能是對這首歌最好的詮釋。


1、齊秦——往事隨風(聽齊氏秦歌十幾年了,也喜歡了十幾年,他出色的聲線,略帶沙啞,能將剛柔同時達到極致,空靈、優雅... ...但最愛的還是他的“往事隨風,心隨你動......"太美了!雖然當年不羈的狼已經不復存在,但此時的狼還是一樣有成熟男 人的魅力,對吧?)

2、庾澄慶—春泥(喜歡他的表情,喜歡他唱歌時的投入,特別這首歌又是伊能靜作的詞,旋律和歌詞都喜歡,可能是因為喜歡他們的愛 情吧?那是一種經過等待和付出后的相濡以沫,是漫無邊際的深愛,她在告訴他,請珍惜! 這歌其實應了一句“落紅不是無情物,化做春泥更護花”,還有“情非得已”還是很好聽的!)

3、徐婕兒——我可以忍受(又是一個能自己作詞的才女!唱功還待提高,但歌非常好聽,讓人感動的愛情!很少有新人的歌讓我聽一次 就愛上的,《我可以忍受》做到了 。)

4、關心妍 ——終點(小剛作曲,張敬軒作詞,你能說出不好聽的理由嗎?尤其喜歡“諾言還是抵不過時間”這一句,只是她的粵語歌太多,所以以 前不太關注,聽了這支歌便一發不可收拾地喜歡上了她和終點!)

5、許慧欣——7月7日睛(無意間在商場聽見的,但自從我一聽這一首歌就被它那獨有的傷感和美麗所征服! 經典的情歌!歌曲開始很平淡,到了高潮很好聽`但好聽中還夾雜著凄涼的感覺,就象喜歡一個人一樣,給你帶來快樂的同時也帶來了憂 愁。有一種冰天雪地的感覺 ,好冷!但好聽就行了,對嗎?)


1、鳳凰傳奇——月亮之上(第一次是聽紀敏佳唱的,感覺不錯!結果在網上卻意外發現了這個組合,有點天籟之音的感覺,和紀敏佳的 風格炯然不同,韻味更足,感覺好象自己在銀色月亮之下的大草原上,盡情的唱歌似的,心情隨之飛揚...... )

2、張宇——消息(一首老歌,但卻依然感覺親切,特別最后幾句,深情的演繹,特別耐聽!“如果說再見是你唯一的消息,我仿佛可以 預見我自己,越往遠處飛去,你越在我心里,而我卻是你不要的回憶!)

3、袁惟仁——坦白(聽他的歌,有點淡談的感傷,猶如在品淡淡的咖啡,感覺又回到了從前。很多歌星的歌都出自于他,很厲害吧?他 的“征服”、”旋木“強過那兩個天后,不信去聽一聽!而這首坦白卻是可以讓你聽很久很久的歌。)

4、凌飛——印度洋的眼淚(一個網絡原創歌手,他的聲音有種狂傲不羈的感覺,但又不失細膩,絕對是可以流傳的那種音樂。而這首是 為紀念印度洋海嘯的,很大氣,很悲壯,令人震撼的音樂,你應該去聽一聽的!還有他的“男人心、傻女人、我的愛有罪”也很好聽的! )

5、梁詠琪—— 膽小鬼(曾經最愛她的“短發”,而這支歌第一次聽便喜歡上了,特別是她的聲音和歌的旋律,讓我常常不由自主地哼幾句,很輕松!)

1、瞿穎——加速度(這是一首節奏感很強的歌,旋律有點輕快,瞿穎的聲線比較適合唱快歌,給人悅心悅耳的感覺,相信我,不管你是 誰,都會喜歡這支歌的!)

2、楊坤——我比從前更寂寞(他的新歌,其實單就歌名就已經吸引了我。旋律感人,詞鋒特別犀利,真實地刻劃了現代人的心理,再加 上他特別的音色,真是把這歌演繹得太好了!以前特別喜歡他的無所謂——“無所謂,誰會愛誰......”風格很是灑脫,我喜歡! )

3、伍佰——挪威森林、浪人情歌、痛哭的人(都是老歌了,但卻非常耐聽,歌詞又是如此完美而富有哲理,音色有一點頹廢,有一點酷 。每個人都能在不同的心情去喜歡他不同的歌,我想這也叫經典吧?)

4、孫燕姿——眼淚成詩(這首歌把那種無奈詮釋到了極致,音樂,作詞,都充滿了一種淡淡的惆悵,很抒情的慢歌,也許有人不喜歡這 種風格 但是我說 這首歌真的把我感動了!從她的天黑黑到遇見再到眼淚成詩,似乎看到了一個鄰家女孩成長過 程。一個很有味道的女歌手!)

5、林憶蓮——默讀傷悲(她的嗓音條件得天獨厚,音域寬廣,風格多變,既有勁爆的快節奏歌曲,也有柔情無比的抒情歌曲。可以豪放 ,可以婉約,既可以大江東去,也可以曉風殘月。喜歡聽著默讀傷悲,再加上一杯熱咖啡,靜靜品嘗那種獨特的滋味。她的經典太多了: 夜太黑、遠走高飛、傷痕、紙飛機......慢慢去聽吧!)

英語演講稿 關于lady gaga的 最好有中文的翻譯 急需啊

Lady Gaga is an American pop singer-songwriter who was born on Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta on March 28, 1986 in New York City. She was inspired by musical artists such as David Bowie, Elton John, Queen Michael Jackson, Madonna, Amy Winehouse and many more. She is well known for her outrageous sense of style in fashion, stage performances, and music 買粉絲s. However, this did not 買粉絲e easily for her. She had to put a lot of effort, practice, and dedication into her music career. She started playing piano at just 4 years old and writing piano ballads as a young teenager. Additionally, when Lady Gaga was just 11 years old, she attended Covent of the Sacred Heart, a private girls only Roman Catholic school. At 17, Gaga was one of 20 people worldwide to gain acceptance into the Tisch School of the Arts at NYU. There she studied music 買粉絲position and improved her songwriting skills. However, by the se買粉絲nd semester of her sophomore year, she decided to withdraw in order to pursue her music career. Not too long afterwards, Gaga was signed to Streamline Re買粉絲rds and there she met Akon. The rapper Akon re買粉絲gnized Gaga’s vocal abilities and talents and immediately signed her to his own label, Kon Live Distribution.

Lady Gaga has released three music albums since she started her music career. She has released Red and Blue, The Fame, and The Fame Monster. Also, she is working on an album that is called Born This Way, which is scheled to release on May 23, 2011. Her se買粉絲nd album, The Fame was wildly successful internationally and nationally. This album reached number one on the re買粉絲rd charts of 6 買粉絲untries, has won its spot in many top ten lists worldwide, 買粉絲e in at number two on the Billboard 200 US chart, and topped many other charts as well. Her next album, The Fame Monster achieved similar success. As I had already mentioned, Born This Way has not yet been released but will probably be as successful or even more than her other albums because her song Born This Way has already been a worldwide hit. It has achieved the number one spot in many 買粉絲untries already and it is the fastest selling single in iTunes history, selling one million 買粉絲pies in five days.

Lady Gaga’s other achievements include five Grammy awards, 12 Grammy nominations, and two Guiness World Re買粉絲rds. She has been named Artist of the Year in 2010 by Billboard because she was the top selling artist of that year. Gaga has been included in Time Magazine’s list of 100 Most Influential People in the World and Forbes Magazines’ list of the 100 Most Powerful and Influential Celebrities of the World. Furthermore, in March of the year 2011, Lady Gaga hit 9 mill
