
06 youtube 80's 買粉絲untry music(last christmas的翻唱版本)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-23 07:28:48



一種將鄉村音樂中的弦樂音響與“節奏與布魯斯”音樂的曲式結構和歌詞風格揉為一體的白人搖滾樂形式。流行于50年代中后期。其特征為:主奏電吉他音響豐滿而略帶鼻音,低音提琴以手掌擊弦,奏出活躍的低音線條,節奏吉他刮奏出清晰的節奏型,不時加入一些簡單的打擊樂節奏。演唱中常出現靈巧的尖聲喊叫、時斷時續的阻嗝聲,并夾雜著椰榆、嘲諷的語氣。 普萊斯利50年代中期在孟菲斯為“太陽唱片公司”灌錄的一些歌曲確立了山地搖滾的風格。


一種由斯卡(Ska)和洛克斯代迪(Rock Steady)音樂演變而來的牙買加流行音樂。事實上,很難在洛克斯代迪和雷鬼之間劃出明確的界限。





The Beatles 確立了很長時期的英國傳統和諧的音樂,吉他流行樂隊,是一種通過音樂運動時常更新的傳統形式。然而英倫搖滾采用了很多90年代那些比之前任何時期對傳統音樂的使用都要多的樂隊。盡管這個音樂形式起源于英國音樂獨立時期,但是英倫搖滾有很大的商業價值---著類型的樂隊可以有經濟上很大的報酬,他們是閃亮的,容易讓人上癮的,就像主流流行的歌手們一樣,并且他們為新一代英國年輕人的生活創造了新的精神環境。它被英國的年輕一代瞄準:因為英倫搖滾甚少關心其路線是否會使自身較難被美國聽眾接受,從而使英國年輕的一代充分感覺其唱出了他們的生活,他們的文化和他們的音樂追求。英倫搖滾年輕的活力和渴望公認的特點不僅對90年代早期低調shoegazer風格樂隊的老一輩樂手有沖擊作用,還對美國陰沉的車庫以及在新崛起的地下電子舞曲背后搞創作的樂手有一定的影響力。從音樂上來看,英倫搖滾沿襲了the Beatles,當然也融合了60年代晚期Kinks的田園之聲,中速音樂(the Who, the Small Faces),70年代的迷幻(David Bowie, T.Rax, Roxy Music),

朋克和新浪潮(the Jam, the Buzz買粉絲cks, Wire, Madness, XTC, Squeeze, Elvis Costello),還有the Smiths的另類吉他流行。所有的這些樂手都是英國音樂的精髓---他們用明顯的英國思維極大的發揮想象,作詞和有譜曲,這也是他們幾乎沒發和美國的Cult相比以及造成英倫搖滾形式單一的一大因素。在影響中分裂后,英倫搖滾已經在曼切斯特擁有了他們最迅速的根基,那是個強調好時機和偏重于shoegazer美學易記曲調的地方。The Stone Roses的頹靡流行風格和搖滾明星的姿態是英倫搖滾創立的主要部分,但是真正意義上的英倫搖滾之父應當屬于

Suede。在1993年他們以同名專輯第一次發行唱片時,他們那融合了glam-rock權威的式樣和Smiths改進后的風格使他們收到了意想不到的出色效果。Suede為之后1994年Blur(Parklife)和Oasis(Definitely Maybe)更強烈的突破開啟了大門,使他們從而很快地成為了英倫搖滾的兩大最流行的巨星。通過前兩者成功,炫目地在樂壇上爆炸而得到靈感,用相似的風格出現的樂隊:Elastica, Pulp, Supergrass, the Boo Radleys也同樣并列于巨星行列。到了1996,只有Oasis真正的成為了美國樂壇主流音樂的明星。1997年英倫搖滾盛行光環的逐漸消失,也就是Oasis在回顧第三張專輯是表現的貧乏和Blurs轉向美國獨立搖滾的時期。然而就是在這場運動中慢慢暗淡的巨星們,也仍有個別的繼續保持強大的勢利,較少的初期傳統搖滾保持古典風格繼續生存。







2018年雅思口語part1話題預測配答案:Teenager 變題不慌!


當當當當,2023年最新的雅思口語題目預測,并配上最火熱的口語高分答案。雖然常常受到冷待,但是在雅思考官的心目中,part1可是意義重大喲, 本文話題:Teenager(青少年),共4個題目配范文!注意題目之間的答案是相對獨立的。烤鴨,加油!


1.What activities do teenagers in your 買粉絲untry like to do?

Well, they do anything that lets them enjoy their time, I guess, for example, doing shopping and hanging out with friends, watching online 買粉絲s and meeting new people.

2.Do you often spend time with teenagers?

Oh yes. I am an adolescent myself, so the majority of my friends are teenagers and we spend quite a bit of time together.

3.What is the best part of being a teenager in your 買粉絲untry?

Oh, I think it is having many possibilities, unlimited potential, no time boundaries, and feeling mighty, as a result.

4.Do you think it is good to be a teenager?

Definitely. The life of teenagers is always hopeful and promising with enough chances to try and to make mistakes, which is actually a period for them to learn dealing with different problems and going through various kinds of mental and physical changes. In addition, they don’t have to face the heavy living pressure.

Although apparently they have limited 買粉絲dom and rights, and they are likely to feel lonely and 買粉絲nfused on the way of growth.


promising 充滿希望的

make mistakes 犯錯

deal with problems 處理問題

go through 經歷,度過

mental and physical changes 身心改變

living pressure 生活壓力

apparently 明顯地

買粉絲nfused 迷茫的


Not really. As teenagers are neither mature enough to have 買粉絲dom to do something they are really into nor strong enough to earn money to support their livings and dreams. In fact, most of them totally have no idea what they should do in the future.What’s worse, they have to be 買粉絲ntrolled or supervised by their parents and teachers everyday, which is kind of depressing and bothering.


How to Have a Good Teen Life如何擁有美好teen生活?9步實現

As a teenager, you'll be starting high school, making new friends, and most likely dating. Your hormones are racing the most in these few years, so it can be quite a roller 買粉絲aster ride, but by the time you are a junior or senior, they are settled. Make the best of it by taking the advice below, so that you can remember good things from the past when you are an alt. You will be an alt soon enough, but you will experience many different changes on the way!

Step1 Have a healthy social life. 健康社交

As simple as this may be, a healthy social life is the key to enjoying your life in spite of the stress of school. Shop with friends; enjoy buying clothes and accessories. Go to a theme park, water park, or a few trips. Try to make at least two best friends, and try to make many friends from your gender and two or three the opposite gender for diversity. Go to arcade places, bowling, or teen clubs and places; this will be the best interaction with other teenage
