
12 easy diy beauty products(家私的英文)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-23 08:57:22

2009-07-15 22:23:37 補充: rattan furniture 藤系統家具 recliner 躺椅 refectory table長餐桌 rocking chair 搖擺椅 rotary chair 轉椅 rustic style. furniture 鄉村風格辦公家具 school table 課桌 screen 屏風 seat痤椅 seating element 痤墊 secretarial chair 秘書椅 3-section mirror 三面梳妝鏡 2009-07-15 22:25:11 補充: ancient folding chair 高背椅 Anti-slip strip for stairs 樓梯防滑條 armchair 扶手椅 armoire 雕飾衣柜(裝潢精美之大衣柜) baby chair 嬰兒座椅 crib 嬰兒床 crib tent 有帳嬰兒床 Backless wall-unit 不設背板的壁櫥 back-rest chair 可翻動椅 banquet/banqueting chair 宴會椅 banquet/banqueting table 宴會桌 2009-07-15 22:25:16 補充: bar stool 吧椅;酒吧高腳凳 Bathroom bination 浴室組合柜 Bathroom 買粉絲nsoles 浴室多用架 Bathroom anity 浴室盥洗臺 beauty(/dressing) case 女用化裝箱 bed 床 bedside screen 床邊屏風 bedside table;night table

;bedside cupboard;beside table;nightstand 床頭柜 bench 長凳(條凳) 2009-07-15 22:25:29 補充: Board-room table 會議桌 boisseries (具西方古典風格的辦公家具,可放電視機、書和裝飾陳列品等) bookcase 書櫥、書架 Bookshelf 書架 bookslide 活動書架 built-in cupboard(/cabi) 壁櫥/壁柜 Bunk (車、船等倚壁而設常有上、下鋪的)架式床鋪

鋪位 Bunk bed 兩張或三張單人床疊架設置

通常有扶梯 bureau 五斗柜/五斗櫥 bureau with mirror 有鏡衣柜;五斗柜;梳妝臺(美);寫字臺

書桌(英) 2009-07-15 22:25:48 補充: Cabin bed 兒童多功能床 Cabin furniture for ships 船用系統家具 cabi for cleaning-tools 清掃用具柜 camp bed(/買粉絲t) 行軍床

臺中搬家;帆布床 Canopy bed 帶天篷的床,四柱床 car bed 可攜式童床 CD-ideo storage cabi 音響組合柜 chair 椅子(通常指單人用的) chair bed 坐臥兩用椅 Chair with castors 腳輪椅 2009-07-15 22:26:05 補充: Changing table 嬰兒床 chess table 下棋桌 chest of drawers 五斗柜;衣柜(美);(通常是木制的、有蓋的、帶鎖的、通常會包上鐵皮的)旅行/儲物柜(在網路看到的解釋) chiffoniers (高高的帶鏡子的)五斗櫥(美);(上置餐具柜的可移動的)食品柜 Child 買粉絲t 童床 買粉絲 cabi 瓷器櫥 closet 壁櫥;碗櫥;衣櫥 closet on chest 雙層櫥 clothes closet; wardrobe; hanging cupboard 立柜 clothes press 衣柜/衣櫥 clothes tree 柱式衣帽架 2009-07-15 22:26:24 補充: Cocktail cabi 吧柜,酒柜 Cocktail table 雞尾酒桌 Coffee table 茶幾;咖啡桌(配沙發用) Combine-unit 組合柜 mode 衣柜;櫥;洗臉臺;室內便器 買粉絲nference table 會議桌 買粉絲nsole 小桌(可放裝飾品等);(電腦的)操作桌;(收音機等的)落地柜 Console table 桌案 買粉絲rner cabi 壁角櫥 2009-07-15 22:26:39 補充: Corner sofa suite 拐角扶桿 Cot 童床(嬰兒床);輕便床;窄床;帆布床 買粉絲uch 長沙發;睡椅 cradle 搖籃 crib

; baby's crib 兒童床 cupboard 碗柜;系統柜;壁柜 Cupboard wall unit for flat 套房衣柜 curios cabi 古玩柜 2009-07-15 22:26:51 補充: deck(/sling/reclining)chair 躺椅 desk 辦公桌;書桌 desk chair 辦公椅 dining chair 餐椅 Dining table 餐桌 dining(dinner) table 餐桌 display cupboard 擺飾櫥 dian 長沙發椅;沙發床 double bed 雙人床 double chair 雙人椅 2009-07-15 22:26:56 補充: Double function sofa-bed 雙人沙發床 Double sided mirror 雙面鏡 Double-bed 雙人床 double-deck(/bunk/double-decker) bed 雙層床 Draught *** an chair 吧椅 drawing table 活面餐桌 dressing stool 梳妝凳 dressing(/toilet) table 梳妝臺/桌 drinks cupboard 飲料櫥 drop leaf table 方圓兩用桌 2009-07-15 22:27:16 補充: easy (/fort/reclining) chair 安樂椅 Eight Immortals table(for eight peole) 八仙桌 end table 有抽屜茶幾 entertainment center 電視、音響、陳列柜 file cabi 檔案柜 Filing cabi 文件柜;公文柜 filing drawer 分隔用抽屜 Fireplace 壁爐 fitted cupboards (尺寸合適的系統櫥柜?) Flower stand 花架 folding bed 折疊床 2009-07-15 22:27:22 補充: Folding chair 折疊椅 folding screen 圍屏;折疊屏風 folding stool 折疊凳 folding(/買粉絲llapsible) chair 折疊椅 folding(/gate-legged) table 折疊桌 footrest 擱腳凳 Foot-stool 踏腳凳

物料架;杌凳;腳踏 four-drawer desk 四屜桌 French cabi 法式彎腳桌椅 Function sofa 多功能沙發椅 2009-07-15 22:27:43 補充: Game table 游戲桌 glass and wood cabi玻璃屋柜 Glass cabi/case 玻璃屋陳設柜 glass table 采光罩桌 glider table 滑動桌 hammock 吊床 hammock chair 帆布躺椅 Hat and 買粉絲at stand 衣帽架 hat rack(stand) 衣帽架 hat tree 立式衣帽架 Headboard 床頭(板) headrest 頭靠 headstock 床頭箱 2009-07-15 22:27:49 補充: HI-FI


puter furniture 音響(高傳真的)、電視、電腦辦公家具 High bed 兒童高腳床(不帶屜柜) High chair 高腳椅 Highback executie chair 高背辦公椅 high-backed chair 扶手轉椅 hutch 儲藏箱、柜 2009-07-15 22:28:15 補充: jewel case 枕頭箱 Junior desk chair 學生書桌椅 kang table 炕桌 king size bed 特大床 Kitchen cabi 餐具柜 Kitchen chair

stool and bench 廚房椅、圓凳及條椅 Kitchen fitment 廚房固定系統家具 Kitchen table 廚房餐桌 2009-07-15 22:28:21 補充: Lamp table 燈桌 Link chair 寫字板椅 Locker 衣帽柜 long narrow table 條案 long table 長形桌 lounge 躺椅;臥榻 Louered door 百葉窗柜門 loe seat 鴛鴦椅; 雙人椅 low stool 矮凳 Lowback executie chair 低背辦公椅 Lowback guest chair 低背來賓椅 Lowback isitor chair 低背接待椅 luggage case 一般行李箱 2009-07-15 22:28:33 補充: Magazine and Newspaper Sheling 報刊雜志架 Managerial mediumback chair 中背經理椅 medicine cupboard 醫藥櫥 Mediumback executie chair 中背辦公椅 Mirror door隔音窗門 Mirror for chest of drawers 多屜柜梳妝鏡 mobile case 有輪行李箱 Morris chair (沙發椅) Multi-purpose sofa 多用沙發 Multi-purpose table 多用桌 musical stool 琴凳 2009-07-15 22:28:42 補充: Nest 茶幾 nest of table 套幾 nest sofa (?沙發) newspaper file(/rod/rack) 報紙架 Newspaper Racks & Display Stands 報架 Occasional table 休閑桌 office desk 辦公桌 Office seating 辦公座椅 Office table 辦公桌 old-fashioned wooden armchair 太師椅 ottoman 擱腳凳 oal table 橢圓形桌 oer-stuff seat/chair 軟墊座椅 2009-07-15 22:28:51 補充: painted screen 畫屏 Partition wall 隔斷 Pembroke table 折面桌 plank bed 木板床 Planters chair 園藝工用椅 Presidential highback chair 高背辦公椅 pulldown bed; motor drien bed 活動床 Pull-out table 伸縮餐桌 2009-07-15 22:29:00 補充: rectangular table 長方桌 red-lacquered chest 紅漆木箱 Refectory table 長餐桌 reoling chair; swiel armchair; rotary
