
13 brown 買粉絲untry singer kane(七年級下冊英語單詞表)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-07 09:43:48

r) / v.

report / rI5pC:(r)t / n.

restaurant / 5restErEnt /, / 5restErCnt / n.

rice / raIs / n.

right / raIt / adv.&n.

RMB abbr.

rule / ru:l / n.

said / sed / v.

sat / sAt / v.

saw / sC: / v.

say / seI / v.

scarf / slB:(r)f / n.

sex / seks / n.

shop / FB:p /, / FCp / n.

shop / FB:p /, / FCp / v.

shop assistant

shy / FaI / adj.

Singapore / 7siNE5pC: /

singer / 5siNE(r) / n.

sir / sE:(r) / n.

sit買粉絲 / 5sItkB:m /, / 5sItkCm / n.

situation / 7sItFJ5eIFEn / n.

size / saIz / n.

skill / skIl / n.

sleep / sli:p / v.

smart / smB:(r)t / adj.

snow / snEJ / n.

snow / snEJ / v.

soap / sEJp / n.

soap opera

sometimes / 5sQmtaImz / adv.

song / sC:N /, / sCN / n.

soup / su:p / n.

south / saJW / n.

south / saJW / adj.

special / 5speFEl / n.

spend / spend / v.

sports shoes

square / skwer /, / skweE / n.

st abbr.

stand / stAnd / v.

star / stB:(r) / v.

station / steIFEn / n.

stay / steI / v.

stop / stB:p /, / stCp / v.

story / stC:rI / n.

straight / streIt / adv.

straight / streIt / adj.

street / stri:t / n.

study / 5stQdI / v.

suggestion / sEg5dVestFEn /, / sE5dVestFEn / n.

summer / 5sQmE(r) / n.

summer camp

sunglasses / 5sQn7glAsIz /, / 5sQn7glB:sIz / n.

sunny / 5sQnI / adj.

supermarket / 5su:pE(r)7mB:(r)kIt / n.

sure / FJr /, / FC: / adv.

surprised / sE(r)5praIzd / adj.

Sydney / 5sIdnI /

take / teIk / v.

take a photo

take a walk

talk / tC:k / v.

talk / tC:k / n.

talk about

talk show

tall / tC:l / adj.

taxi / 5tAksI / n.

tea / ti: / n.

teach / ti:tF / v.

team / ti:m / n.

Tel abbr.

terrible / 5terEbEl / adj.

test / test / n.

the children's palace

the Great Wall

the Palace Museum

the United Kingdom / TE ju:7naItId 5kINdEm /

the United States / TE ju:7naItId 5steIts /

there / Ter /, / TeE / adv.

thief / Wi:f / n.

thin / Win / adj.

think of

through / Wru: / prep.

Thurs. abbr.

Tian'an Men Square

tiger / 5taIgE(r) / n.

Tokyo / 5tEJkIEJ /

Toronto / tE5rCntEJ /

tour / tJr /, / tJE / n.

toy / tCI / n.

Tues. abbr.

turn / t\:(r)n / v.

TV show

TV station

ugly / 5QglI / adj.

unfriendly / Qn5frendlI / adj.

uniform / 5ju:nIfC:(r)m / n.

unit / 5ju:nIt / n.

vacation / veI5keIFEn /, / vE5keIFEn / n.

verb / v\:(r)b / n.

visit / 5vIzIt / v.

visit / 5vIzIt / v.

wait / weIt / v.

wait for

waiter / 5weItE(r) / n.

walk / wC:k / n.

walk / wC:k / v.

wall / wC:l / n.

wallet / 5wB:lIt /, / 5wClIt / n.

warm / wC:(r)m / adj.

was / wEz , wB:z /, / wEz, wCz / v.

wash / wB:F /, / wCF / v.

wasn't / 5wB:zEnt /, / 5wCzEnt /

water / 5wC:tE(r) / n.

way / weI / n.

wear / wer /, / weE / v.

weather / 5weTE(r) / n.

Wed. abbr.

week / wi:k / n.

wel買粉絲e / 5welkEm / int.

went / went / v.

were / wE(r), w\:(r) / v.

west / west / n.

west / west / adj.

What about …?

windy / 5wIndI / adj.

winter / 5wIntE(r) / n.

world / w\:(r) ld / n.

would / wJd / v.&aux.

wrote / rEJt / v.

young / jQN / adj.

yours / jC:(r)z / pron.

zoo / zu: / n.
