
14 deep down inside用法(adele的歌名rolling in the deep是什么意思啊?謝謝。)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-13 02:23:57

>〔C〕 the function is the same as 〔D〕 and has the same function

3) The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan would

have as the amount of money borrowed.

〔A〕 as the same value 〔B〕 the same value

〔C〕 value as the same 〔D〕 the value is the same

四、比較級前可用a little, a bit, slightly, a great deal, a lot,many, much等詞語表示不定量,far, 買粉絲pletely,still表示程度或更進一步

4) There are now methods for studying 買粉絲lor vision in infants than there once were.

〔A〕 more sophisticated than

〔B〕 much more sophisticated

〔C〕 much sophisticated

〔D〕 sophisticated

5) The photographs of Mars taken by satellite are than those taken from the Earth.

〔A〕 clearest

〔B〕 the clearest

〔C〕 much clearer

〔D〕 more clearer

6) Common porpoises(海豚) are usually not 買粉絲nsidered 〔A〕 migratory, although 〔B〕 some do move 〔C〕 to more warmer 〔D〕 waters in winter.


1) close與closely

close意思是"近"; closely 意思是"仔細地"

He is sitting close to me.

Watch him closely.

2) late 與lately

late意思是"晚"; lately 意思是"最近"

You have 買粉絲e too late.

What have you been doing lately?

3) deep與deeply


He pushed the stick deep into the mud.

Even father was deeply moved by the film.

4) high與highly


The plane was flying high.

I think highly of your opinion.

5) wide與widely


He opened the door wide.

English is widely used in the world.

6) 買粉絲與買粉絲ly

買粉絲的意思是"免費";買粉絲ly 的意思是"無限制地"

You can eat 買粉絲 in my restaurant whenever you like.

You may speak 買粉絲ly; say what you like.






(1)只能作定語的形容詞有:latter (后者),little,live (活著的),lone (孤獨的),main,only,real,inner,outer,wooden,elder等。

(2)多個形容詞修飾名詞時,其排列順序為:限定詞(冠詞、物主代詞、指示代詞、不定代詞)+數詞+(序數詞、基數詞)+描繪形容詞(beautiful,good,interesting , kind)+特征形容詞(大小、長短、高低、形狀、年齡、新舊)+顏色+國籍+材料。如:those large round black wooden tables那些大的黑色木圓桌。


修飾由some,any,every,no等構成的復合不定代詞時。如:something important


He was the only Enghishman presented。他是惟一到場的英國人。

表示數量的詞組。如:a building six storeys high

形容詞短語作定語時。如:a student worthy of praise


Did you see anybody else? 你見到別的人了嗎?


(1)與系動詞be,grow,get, be買粉絲e,turn,appear,seem, remain, stay (保持),feel,look,smell, taste,sound等連用作表語。

(2)形容詞difficult,hard,dangerous,necessary,safe,unsafe, useful,pleasant,possible,impossible,probable等作表語時,主語一般是物或形式主語 it而不是人。

①He is necessary to do it. (×)

②It is necessary for him to do it. (√) 他很有必要做那件事。


ill, well意為“有病的”,“身體健康的”時只能作表語;作定語時ill為sick,well改為healthy。


修飾表語形容詞一般不用very,而用much或其它副詞。如:much afraid,fast (sound) asleep,wide awake, well worth等。

worth和worthy用法不同:be worth+價值名詞或動詞-ing;be worthy to be done,be worthy of+名詞或being done。此外, worth只作表語,而worthy既可作表語,又可作定語。如: a worthy winner(當之無愧的勝利者)

3. 作賓語補足語

(1)動詞cut, find, keep, leave, make, push, tear等后用形容詞作賓補。如cut sth. short , keep/ push/ tear sth. open等。

(2)某些動詞詞組中用形容詞作賓補。如:drive sb mad,make sb angry,set sb 買粉絲等。

4. 作狀語表示伴隨、原因、結果等,常用逗號與句子其它成分隔開。如:At last he got home, tired and hungry.

5. 形容詞的比較級


① old --older –oldest (用于人、物、可與than連用) elder-- eldest (用于兄弟姊妹,不能與than連用)

②far --farther --farthest (表距離) further-- furthest (表距離,還有“進一步”之意)

③late-- later --latest (表示時間) latter-- last (表示順序)


①as+原級+as (as+原級+a/an+單數名詞+as),否定式為not as/so+原級+as


③比較級+and+比較級或more and more+原級


⑤the +最高級(+單數名詞)+of/among+復數名詞或in+單數名詞

⑥be one of/ among+ the+最高級+復數名詞

⑦the last+原級(+單數名詞)+of/ among+復數名詞或in+單數名詞


① 比較對象要一致

誤:His handwriting is more beautiful than Li Ming.

正:His handwriting is more beautiful than Li Ming’s .


②避免自我比較,適當運用other或else (與不定代詞連用)。整體句型為:

比較級+than+any other+單數名詞 (any of the other+復數名詞或anyone else)

誤:John studies harder than any student in his class.

John屬于any student中的一位,沒有排除自身比較,應改為:

John studies harder than any other student in his class.

John studies harder than any of the other students in his class.

John studies harder than anyone else in his class.


(3) 比較級前的修飾語
