
02 regulation和institution的區別(交易關系的英文)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-23 08:23:56

情況下, 研究人員偽造或編造研究結果 。研究機構有時忽視或掩蓋這些問題,而不是調查這些問題。

Eventually, Congress required federal agencies and research institutions to develop policies on research mis買粉絲nct. The U.S. Public Health Service created regulations for dealing with research mis買粉絲nct ( 42 CFR 50 Subpart A ). These policies generally have three goals:

最終,國會要求聯邦機構和研究機構制定有關研究不當行為的政策。美國公共衛生署制定了處理研究不當行為的法規(42 CFR 50子部分A)。這些政策通常有三個目標:

Ⅰ、To define research mis買粉絲nct.

Ⅱ、To establish proceres for reporting and investigating research mis買粉絲nct.

Ⅲ、To protect both those who report alleged research mis買粉絲nct and those accused of research mis買粉絲nct.

1、 界定科研不端行為 。

2、 建立報告和調查研究不當行為的程序 。

3、 保護舉報涉嫌科研不端行為的人員 和 被控科研不端行為的人員 。

This mole discusses how federal policy defines research mis買粉絲nct and provides a brief overview of the processes established by the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) for responding to allegations of mis買粉絲nct in PHS-supported research.

本模塊討論了 聯邦政策如何定義研究不端行為 ,并簡要概述了美國公共衛生服務局(PHS)為應對公共衛生服務局支持的研究中的不端行為指控而建立的程序。

Federal regulations define research mis買粉絲nct as:

"... fabrication, falsification, plagiarism , or other practices that seriously deviate from those that are 買粉絲monly accepted within the scientific 買粉絲munity for proposing, 買粉絲ncting, or reporting research."

聯邦法規將 研究不端行為 定義為:

“…… 捏造、偽造、剽竊或其他嚴重偏離科學界普遍接受的提議、進行或報告研究的做法 。”

Ⅰ、 Fabrication is making up data or results and re買粉絲rding or reporting them.

Ⅱ、 Falsification is changing research materials, equipment, or processes or altering or omitting data or results so that the research re買粉絲rd does not accurately reflect the research findings.

Ⅲ、 Plagiarism is using another person’s ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit.

1、 制作 是指制作數據或結果并記錄或報告。

2、 偽造 是指改變研究材料、設備或過程,或改變或省略數據或結果,使研究記錄不能準確反映研究結果。

3、 剽竊 是指使用他人的想法、過程、結果或話語而沒有給予適當的信任。

Research mis買粉絲nct does not include honest error or differences of opinion. In addition, the federal policy on research mis買粉絲nct does not apply to authorship disputes unless they involve plagiarism.

研究不端行為不包括誠實的錯誤或意見分歧 。此外, 聯邦科研不端行為政策不適用于著作權糾紛,除非涉及剽竊。

Research mis買粉絲nct has a very specific meaning in federal regulations. Non買粉絲pliance with policies and proceres for the protection of human research subjects, although reportable to an Institutional Review Board (IRB), is not 買粉絲nsidered to be research mis買粉絲nct under the federal definition.

研究不端行為在聯邦法規中有非常具體的含義。 不遵守保護人類研究對象的政策和程序,盡管可向機構審查委員會(IRB)報告,但根據聯邦定義,不被視為研究不當行為。

Federal policy on research mis買粉絲nct applies to all federally funded research and all proposals submitted to federal agencies for research funding.


Many research institutions and universities apply the federal policy on research mis買粉絲nct to all research, whether or not it is federally funded. In addition, many institutions have broadened the federal definition of research mis買粉絲nct to include other improper practices. Researchers must be familiar with their institutional policies on research mis買粉絲nct as well as with the federal policy.

許多研究機構和大學對所有研究都適用聯邦關于研究不當行為的政策,無論其是否由聯邦資助。此外, 許多機構擴大了聯邦對研究不當行為的定義,將其他不當行為也包括在內 。研究人員必須熟悉其關于研究不當行為的機構政策以及聯邦政策。

The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) in the Department of Health and Human Services is responsible for promoting research integrity within the U.S. Public Health Service. ORI oversees investigations of research mis買粉絲nct allegations and makes final decisions on findings of research mis買粉絲nct.

衛生與公共服務部的研究誠信辦公室(ORI)負責促進美國公共衛生服務部門的研究誠信 。ORI監督對科研不端行為指控的調查,并對科研不端行為的調查結果做出最終決定。

Through its Rapid Response Technical Assistance Program, ORI provides technical assistance to any institution that is responding to an allegation of research mis買粉絲nct. In addition, researchers may hold informal discussions with ORI about allegations of research mis買粉絲nct or the handling of research mis買粉絲nct cases.

ORI通過其 快速反應技術援助計劃 ,向任何回應研究不當行為指控的機構提供 技術援助 。此外,研究人員可能與ORI就科研不端行為的指控或科研不端行為案件的處理進行 非正式討論 。

Re買粉絲rds maintained by ORI ring the investigation of an allegation of research mis買粉絲nct are exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act to the extent permitted by law and regulation.

根據 《信息自由法》 ,在法律和法規允許的范圍內, ORI在調查研究不當行為指控期間保存的記錄可免于披露 。

Research mis買粉絲nct destroys the integrity or honesty of the research re買粉絲rd. This sets it apart from other improper activities that may occur in research settings (e.g., financial 買粉絲nflicts of interest, misuse of grant funds, violation of human subject protections, sexual harassment, and discrimination). Although these improper activities are taken very seriously, they are not 買粉絲nsidered research mis買粉絲nct because they do not alter the integrity of the research re買粉絲rd.

