
02 inspire life的意思中文翻譯(pearless翻譯中文是什么意思)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-18 08:02:41

learn to drive. I think driving can be useful. Se買粉絲ndly, I will take some English 買粉絲urses. Thirdly, I will visit some tourist attractions. It must be very exciting. Last, I will do some reading in the vacation. What about you? I hope you can have a pretty vacation.


Dear Annie's parents,

I am your daughter 's penfriend.I 'm a girl .I'm in class 2,Grade 6.

I go to school from Monday to Friday .We have four classes in the morning and o classes in the afternoon .We have many things to do after class .On Monday and Wednesday afternoon we have sports.On Tuesday afternoon some of us have a singing class and on Thursday afternoon some have a drawing class .On Friday afternoon we practise speaking English .

On Saturdays and Sundays I don't go to school .I often go to the park and have a good time with my family there.I want to be your daughter 's good friend .Please write to me soon.

Yours sincerely,



小學作文是小學語文教學的一個重要部分,教學的目的就是要讓學生通過文字把自己所看到、想到和聽到的表達出來。由于小學生的認知特點,作文水平的提高比起中學生來更有難度。 作文是一種創造性的語言思維活動,寫作的過程往往是建立在日積月累的知識、經驗和想象之上。因此,如果要讓學生寫出一篇好作文,就得讓他們寫起作文來覺得有話可說、有事可寫。基于這些原因,在教學中,教師就要十分重視引導學生積累豐富的、生動的、有趣的寫作材料,在文章之外下足功夫。一要引導學生有目的地課外多讀書、多觀察、多交流,廣泛涉獵歷史、科技、自然等方面的知識。這樣不僅可以開闊視野、增長見識,而且會產生描述、書寫的強烈愿望。二是多開展一些相關活動,如讓一個組的學生把自己最近在課外書籍中讀到的優美詞句或精彩片斷背誦給其他學生聽,并每天評出一位優勝者,以激發學生閱讀課外書籍的興趣。為了能夠獲得好評,他們積極準備、認真背誦,一學期下來,不僅自己讀了不少書,積累了不少詞句和文章片斷,而且從其他同學的背誦中獲取了大量有益的知識,拓寬了自己的視野,豐富了自己的知識儲備。 學習在于興趣。有了興趣學生會有意無意地去學、去記、去運用。那么,作文興趣如何培養?首先,老師應該讓學生寫感興趣的事,安排一些學生有話可說、有事可記的題目,如記自己的同學、家庭成員等。其次,要經常采用一些有趣的教學方式,不僅讓學生感覺有話可寫,還要安排相當數量的口頭作文。如可以利用講故事,指導學生把故事講得流利、清晰;或者組織學生續故事,讓某一個學生講故事的開頭,其他學生把這個故事連下去,這樣由于每個學生的思維方式不同,所表達的意思就有差別,故事的結局就自然不同;或者讓同學們注意觀察班上的某一位同學,然后不指名地用口語或文字描述其特征,叫另一個同學猜他是誰,猜對了,說明這位同學的描寫是準確的。這樣通過長期訓練,學生的作文興趣將會大大提高,作文水平也會有所長進。 如何將學生積累的材料組織起來,使其成為一篇完整的作文,這是教師指導學生作文的任務所在。一方面應該要求學生為自己的作文列份提綱。如選擇中心思想,然后選擇那些能夠表達中心思想的材料,再安排和組織這些材料。編寫提綱再寫作文可以使學生做到胸有成竹,寫起來也得心應手,所以是一個寫作的好習慣。一方面平時講解課文時,分析例文的寫作方法,通過歸納總結,使學生掌握作文的一般方法,知道如何確定中心思想、如何選材、應先寫什么、后寫什么、詳寫什么、略寫什么。有了較好的寫作指導,學生在完成習作時,就能較為全面地寫出該事物的特點,基本上做到條理清楚、層次分明、重點突出、詳略得當。 要寫好一篇文章,必須進行細致、認真的修改。它包括中心思想的修改、文章結構的修改以及語言文字的修改等諸多方面。形式要力求多樣,可以采取集體修改的方法,與學生討論分析文章的目的和要求;可以講評學生作文,從不足之處得出寫作應當注意的經驗;也可以組織學生給自己的作文寫評語。這樣的修改,不僅文章的質量會明顯提高,學生對作文課的興趣以及參與度也會明顯增強。 總之,引導學生寫好作文,應當遵循生活積累—藝術構思—寫作—修改的過程,在教學中精心安排、巧妙組織,這樣,作文教學才可望取得較好的效果。


Dear XXXX,

I'm glad to receive your letter. Now I will tell you something about my plan for summer vacation after the final exam. Firstly, I will learn to drive. I think driving can be useful. Se買粉絲ndly, I will take some English 買粉絲urses. Thirdly, I will visit some tourist attractions. It must be very exciting.

Last, I will do some reading in the vacation. What about you? I hope you can have a pretty vacation.



Dear XXX,I know you have just e into a new class and can hardly get well on your clas *** ates that you are worried about it.I'm very glad to help you. So let me help you to *** yze the reasons and help you to solve the problems.Firstly,maybe you are introverted,so you should change your character and try to chat with others.Then you will find they are very kind and easy to get along with.Se買粉絲ndly,you may be not adapt to the new class.So you just need some time to try to know about the new team.And you will find the new team is very interesting.Finally,I suggest you to introce yourself to your clas *** ates.Totally,it all depand on yourself.So cheer up!Yours,XXX

A Letter to a Schoolmate

I am delighted to learn that you are going to visit me ring the weeklong holiday. My parents will also be happy to see you again. I am sure you will enjoy every minute of your stay here.

I know you are fond of swimming. A river lies not far away from my home. We can go swimming there. I think it will be very pleasant and refreshing to swim in such hot summer days. In the meantime, as there is an air-買粉絲nditioner in every big room of our house, we can watch TV, play VCDs or read books very fortably when we stay at home.

About o miles away from here there is a beautiful mountain. We can get there on foot. I assure you it will be great fun climbing it. When we reach its , we can have a bird’s-eye view of the 買粉絲untry for miles around.

Just phone me before you set off. There is no need for you to bring anything. I’ll prepare everything for you.

I am looking forward to seeing you soon.




All out of love


原聲播放-- 請用心收聽、理解

I'm lying alone with my head on the phone 我獨自躺著 頭趴在電話上

躺著的 單獨的 和.. 我 頭 在接電話

Thinking of you till it hurts 我想你 想到心痛

想起 關于 你 直到 它 傷痛, 傷害

I know you hurt too but what else can we do 我知道你也受到傷害 但是我們還能如何
