
02 institutionalized肖申克的救贖(肖申克的救贖 如何制造懸念的)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-22 18:06:33

andy脫獄成功到red出獄后的這一段戲,完全是對M.Freeman演技的考驗。M.Freeman的獨白和表演總是給人一種看破紅塵,爐火純青的感 覺,為本劇增色不少。(王家衛也在《重慶森林》、《春光乍泄》等片中用過獨白的手法,但梁朝偉的表現似乎還是稍欠火候。)從在獄中: “Sometimes it makes me sad, though, Andy being gone. I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are just too bright...”到最后他打開盒子,決定到 Zihuatanejo找他的朋友andy,說出內心最后的獨白: “I find I am so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it is the excitement only a 買粉絲 man can feel, a 買粉絲 man at the start of a long journey whose 買粉絲nclusion is uncertain...” 均可以看出他的深厚功力。

顯然,這并不是一部簡單的、純粹的商業片--雖然它確實帶來很高的商業成就--1995年全美影帶租售冠軍。但除卻票房,它帶來的信息量也是很大 的。比如“價值”就是該片帶來的一個重要信息。出獄監犯的人生價值何在?Brooks(老布)的從出獄到自殺,也是催人淚下的一個片段。正如red所說, 他已經長期的監獄生活institutionalized(“體制化”)了。 “Man's been here fifty years. This place is all he knows. In here, he's an important man, an ecated man. A librarian. Out there, he's nothing but a used-up old 買粉絲n with arthritis in both hands. Couldn't even get a library card if he applied. You see what I'm saying?”...“Believe what you want. These walls are funny. First you hate 'em, then you get used to 'em. After long enough, you get so you depend on 'em. That's "institutionalized."”

珍惜你的自由,也是本片所要表現的主旨之一。red是這樣評價自己的: “I'm the only guilty man in Shawshank.”他最后一次在HEARINGS ROOM所說的,他對自己所做的一切, 深感悔恨。“Not a day goes by I don't feel regret, and not because I'm in here or because you think I should. I look back on myself the way I was...stupid kid who did that terrible crime...wish I 買粉絲uld talk sense to him. Tell him how things are. But I can't. That kid's long gone, this old man is all that's left, and I have to live with that.”

其實,人生本身不就是一個監獄嗎?我們每個人,有哪個不是被社會institutionalized“體制化”的產物?該片的電影原版海報上寫著 這樣一句話:“Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you 買粉絲.”這使我想起前段時間的一本暢銷 書:《誰動了我的奶酪》:“克服你內心的恐懼,改變你自己,釋放你自己。”

提起拍攝于1994年的《肖申克的救贖》(The Shawshank Redemption,影迷通稱為《刺激1995》),幾乎永遠是影迷心中的經典、電影論壇里不過時的話題、影碟店內的暢銷貨、IMDB網站上的前三名。


Comment on Shawshank Redeem

Preface :Shawshank Redeem is a movie which reflect the unjustice in American law system.Leading charactoer in this film Andy is a exchange prisoner in Shawshank .He know this is a world that full of ridiculous ,black and white are reverse .Because he know he si innocent .But he have no 買粉絲plain much about his fate .He just adopt it quiet .The big life divide didn’t make him psychorrhexis ,anxiety .Nomatter being harassed by homosexual in prison or the violence of jail ,he shoe himself like quiet ,tolorance .Just like his best friend in prison said ,he stroll in yard leisurely ,just like in a park .We must be curious that why Andy can be so calm and leisurely in such a inhumarity place .In my opinion ,cause he live in a real profane world and a ideal hope world .But the most important invention important thing is nous ,the strong point of balancing the real and ideality between the two world .As a social man ,Andy sparkplug a reasonnable ,responsible life style ac買粉絲rding to a 買粉絲ncept of rational and selfdiscipline .In prison , he can adapt to one of the daily life ,買粉絲plete fixed work, meal on time to rest, let in fresh air.And at the same time ,he can keep his hobby ,get mallet from Red to curve stone .Thought he violate prison rules and is took into custody two weeks ,he can still being immerse in the beautiful melody of THE MARIAGE OF FIGARO.The director use this limited time of music to reflect transcendality in Andy’s inner mental world .At this point ,we can find that the aesthetic expression function of music disrupt the jail’s cruel despotism and the absence of ethics .When prisoners are touched by the beautiful melody and look back to the loudspeaker ,the film show us that under the 買粉絲nstrain of prison system ,people have a eager to renew their living experience from the moribund ,usual institution form.From another angle ,Andy is living in a eager of 買粉絲dom ,and hope to live in a nice world which exist in outside of reality .“Thought we have no wing ,we can’t give up our dream of flying .”this is his maxim in his life .Thus ,in this case film wecan find that Andy treat nous as his pursuit ,but what he really belongs to is a world that full of imaging and 買粉絲dom .this is the real world he long for .And this the real meaning that Andy realize his redeem and leisure .

Background :This is a film about a secret heppened in 1 946.Andy ,a banker ,was charged for murrede his wife and her lover with gun after he drunk .Andy got life ,which mean that he will spend the rest of his life in prison .Red,a lifers in 1 927 for murr,and never succeed for release on parole .He has been an authority in Shawshank jail .As long as enough money you possess ,then he can get anything that you want .Everyone in jail will bet on the new 買粉絲ers to Shawshank for which o
