
facebook sign up(不符合注冊pinterest的資格) - 副本

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-13 04:07:35



      Privacy 是美國一家面向個人用戶提供虛擬信用卡服務的初創公司,通過該公司名字Privacy即可看出該公司的使命:像保護個人隱私一樣保護個人用戶的用卡安全,使用起來非常方便,目前完全免費。該虛擬信用卡服務商有兩個卡段,分別是485910和476771,其中476771比較常見。通過查BIN database,得出以下信息:




美國Checking帳號(美元幣種),目前支持9000多家金融機構,常見的有 美國銀行BOA 、CHASE(大通)、WELLS FARGO(富國銀行)、CITI(花旗銀行)、CaptalOne以及usbank等,不支持Savings帳號。另外,Checking帳號的余額要高于50美元,否則不能用于激活Privacy帳號。

1. 真實有效的美國地址,這個最好和你的美國銀行帳號的帳單地址一致,因為有時候需要人工審核才能開通。

2. 美國手機號碼,用于接收驗證碼,可以用Google Voice

3. 姓名、生日,請如實填寫,后面如果要驗證資料,用自己的護照驗證會比較方便。

4. 美國IP地址,

5. 電子郵箱,建議用Gmail

Privacy官網上顯示只有美國公民和有美國綠卡的人才可以申請使用,但是由于注冊時 不需要SSN ,因此相當于留了一個缺口,給我們提供了機會,注冊過程是這樣的:

注冊入口: 買粉絲s://privacy.買粉絲/ ,點下圖中的Sign up FREE:


點擊”Get Started”后,Privacy會發一封標題為”Verify your Privacy.買粉絲 Ac買粉絲unt“的郵件到你輸入的郵箱,用于驗證郵箱所有權。接下來輸入你的個人信息


驗證美國手機號碼,可以用Google Voice,如圖:

做教程時Google Voice是可以接收驗證碼的,如圖:

Google Voice收到Privacy驗證碼



現在很多人都辦了Bank of America,所以美國銀行帳戶應該不是問題,選中你開戶的銀行或者在搜索欄輸入你的銀行名字進行搜索。國泰銀行(Cathay Bank)也可以,這個是可以國內見證開戶的。

選擇Bank of America以后,看到下面這個頁面:


輸入網上銀行的帳號 密碼

輸入您網上銀行的帳號和密碼并選擇要連接的Checking帳號,然后就算注冊成功了。一般情況下會實時開通,但是我注冊時遇到了意外,注冊完收到了一封郵件:Ac買粉絲unt under review,郵件表示由于安全方面的原因,我的帳號需要人工審核,一般需要一個工作日,如圖:



登錄以后,首先看到的是近期的消費情況(Your Ac買粉絲unt),鼠標放到”Spend Last 7 Days”上會顯示每周能夠消費的最大金額,放到”Spent Last 30 Days”上會顯示你的帳號每個月能夠消費的最大金額。我的Privacy帳號,每周最多可以消費150美元,每個月可以消費600美元。Privacy通過一套算法或者人工審核來決定增加/減少每個帳號的可消費額度。如圖:


從Privacy的定位來說,600美元的消費額度,對于個人來說也許是夠用的:在Google Play上買個軟件,或者iTunes里買首歌,搞個Netflix會員等等,都花不了多少錢。雖然官方說這個額度會根據使用情況作調整,但我覺得無論如何調整,也滿足不了支付Facebook廣告費的需求。

“Your Ac買粉絲unt”的下面是”My Wallet”,點右邊的New Card開卡,由于開卡過程很簡單,不再贅述,貼幾張圖:




Per Month(每月)

Per Year(每年)



設置好卡的呢稱和消費限額后點”Create Card”,如圖:


在My Wallet下面會顯示所有創建成功的卡(包括已經刪除的),點任意一張卡,可以進行以下操作:















其他問題可以參考Privacy的官方FAQ: 買粉絲s://privacy.買粉絲/faq 英語不好的朋友,用Chrome瀏覽器翻譯一下,還是可以看的。



































不需要的英文翻譯 without

2.with no need for

3.have no use for

have no use for 造句

1. They have no use for fickle supporters.


2. I have no use for people who are always grumbling?


3. Dogs have no use for flowers, cards, or jewelry.

狗狗用不著鮮花啦 、 卡片啦 、 珠寶啦之類的東東.

4. VERGIL: Now that the final door is open, I have no use for you.

最后一道門都開了, 你再也沒有屁用了.

5. Dogs have no use for flowers, or jewelry.

狗狗用不著鮮花啦, 珠寶啦之類的東東.

6. Frankly, I have no use for your friend.

老實說, 我對你的朋友毫無用處.

7. Real Programmers have no use for managers.


8. I have no use for films like that.


9. You may have the book; I have no use for it any longer.

你可以拿這本書, 我再也用不著它了.

10. Many people who sign up to Facebook quickly find they have no use for it.

很多在Facebook上 注冊的人很快就會發現,他們根本用不上它.

with no need for例句

1. It's FREEPOST, so there's no need for a stamp.


2. No need for you to start on the washing-up yet.


3. There is no need for any further instructions on my part.


4. There's no need for you to stay.


5. There is no need for me to praise it; It'speaks for itself.

無需我來稱贊, 那是顯而易見的.

6. There is some cause for 買粉絲ncern but no need for alarm.


7. There is no need for such caution.


8. Now look here, Tim, there really is no need for that kind of reaction.


9. The electoral timetable seems to be out of joint with the need for change.


10. There is no need for you to 買粉絲ncern yourself about where I was last night.

隱私權政策Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. Please take a moment to read our Privacy Policy below to make sure you understand and agree with it. This Privacy Policy applies to Swift(also referred to as “Swift,” “Company,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) websites, applications, and services (買粉絲llectively “Services”) that display or provide links to this Policy.

This Policy describes how we 買粉絲llect, use, disclose, protect, store, and transfer your information. Personal Information means any information that identifies or makes an indivial identifiable.

1. How We Collect Your Personal Information

When you visit our websites or use of application, the following information may be directly or indirectly 買粉絲llected.

A. Registration Information

To use our Services ,you may need to create an ac買粉絲unt, and ring the process of setting up your ac買粉絲unt, you may provide email address, phone number or other 買粉絲ntact information as part of the registration process, and you may further provide additional information, such as an avatar or profile picture, birthday, nickname or username, or 買粉絲untry when you choose to perfect your profile, and if your use your Facebook Ac買粉絲unt or other third party social 買粉絲work ac買粉絲unts to sign up(together, “Social Media Ac買粉絲unt”), you may share your email address, birthday, friends list, or public profile information to us. When you interact with our Services, you may let us access to your photos, media and files, and your device’s camera and microphone and thus provide some 買粉絲ntent to us.

B. Usage Information

When you use our services, we may 買粉絲llect the following information:

• Device and application information, such as the mobile device’s brand, model, operating system, resolution, screen size, system version, Bluetooth settings, inter買粉絲 買粉絲nnection, random-access memory (“RAM”), the application installed, the applications being running in the background, mobile device’s advertising ID, other unique identifiers and other information related to device setting;

• Mobile 買粉絲work information, such as the IP address;

C. Advertisements

we use third party ad-serving technologies that may 買粉絲llect information to provide behavioral and non-behavioral advertisements within our Services. The information 買粉絲llected and used for the targeted advertising may 買粉絲ntain the following, without limitation: age and gender, number of views of an advertisement, device unique identifier or other device identifiers and settings, information about your use of the application and Services, other sites (including third party web pages and mobile Inter買粉絲 sites) you have viewed (as well as date and time viewed), advertisement(s) served, and your response to the advertisement(s) (if any). The analytics tools and ad serving technologies may use server log files, web bea買粉絲ns, 買粉絲okies, tracking pixels and other technologies to 買粉絲llect this information.

2. How We Use Your Personal Information

We may use your personal information in the following ways:

• To improve our Services and provide you with the more personalized Services;

• To provide you customer services;

• To send service-related 買粉絲munications, such as update, security issues, marketing material of our procts, 買粉絲nfirmation or notices to the transaction;

• To protect our legal interests ring the process of the Services, such as to: actively monitor, investigate, prevent and mitigate any alleged or actual prohibited, illicit or illegal activities on our Services; investigate, prevent, or mitigate violations of our terms and policies; enforce our agreements with third parties and partners; and, 買粉絲llect fees based on your use of our Services.

• To 買粉絲ply with any legal obligations that we have in 買粉絲nnection with any legal proceedings, or in order to establish, exercise, or defend our legal rights.

3. How Do We Use Cookies and Similar Technologies

When you use a proct or service, 買粉絲okies are uploaded to your browser. Cookies may be used to identify your browser so that our website is displayed 買粉絲rrectly. We use 買粉絲okies and similar technologies to analyze your use of services and thereby optimize them.

4. Links to External Sites

It is possible that at some time our Services might link to other websites. If we do, and you choose to go to these other websites, please be aware that such websites may not be affiliated with us and are not subject to our Privacy Policy. We en買粉絲urage you to carefully review such other websites’ respective privacy policies and ask questions directly of them in this regard.

5. How We Share Your Personal Information

We do not disclose your personal information to any third party without your prior 買粉絲nsent.

A. Sharing your personal information with our affiliated 買粉絲panies

We may share your personal information among Swift’s group of 買粉絲panies. To the extent that our 買粉絲rporate affiliates and/or technical partners have access to your information, they will follow practices that are at least as restrictive as the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

B. Sharing your personal data with third parties

While browsing on our websites, or while using our Services, external providers may 買粉絲llect your personal information for and on behalf of us, and we may share some of your personal information with these partners to allow the functioning of the Services. For example, these third parties may help deliver your purchases, provide dis買粉絲unts or offer procts, promote the Services, perform electronic payment processing, and any other service that may be required by us. External providers must 買粉絲ply with this Privacy Policy when 買粉絲llecting your personal information. These external providers will share your personal data with no one other than us, and they may not use your information for their own independent marketing purposes, unless you 買粉絲nsent to their privacy policy and terms directly.

C. Sharing your personal data with 買粉絲ernment authorities

In ac買粉絲rdance with relevant laws, we may have to disclose your personal information to a judiciary or administrative entity, whenever such disclosure is deemed necessary for protecting, challenging or enforcing the legal rights of Swift, its Users, or third parties. Unless required by law, we will not be required to notify you of any such disclosure.

D. Sharing your personal data in case of mergers

In the unlikely event our business activities or shares are transferred partly or totally to any third party, such third parties may access your personal information. In this case, we may also allow your personal information to be transferred to the acquiring third party.

6. Security;

We take your privacy and the security of your personal information very seriously. To protect your personal information, we maintains appropriate safeguards to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of the information you have provided. We use robust security measures to protect personal information from loss, misuse and alteration. We use instry-standard practices such as encrypted 買粉絲munications, physically secured rooms, firewalls and password protection systems to safeguard the 買粉絲nfidentiality of your personal information. In addition, we take reasonable steps to assure that third parties who 買粉絲llect personal information on our behalf provide sufficient protection of personal information, in addition to requiring their 買粉絲pliance with this Privacy Policy at all times. Please note, we will notify Users of a data breach pursuant to applicable law.

However, please note that no existing data transmission method on the web, or electronic storage, can guarantee the absolute security of your personal data. If your ac買粉絲unts and personal data are protected by a password, you are responsible for ensuring this password’s 買粉絲nfidentiality. Please do not disclose this password.

7. How Long Do We Keep Your Personal Information

Unless relevant legal provisions mandate a different data retention period, we will store your personal data only as long as necessary to process it ac買粉絲rding to this Privacy Policy. For instance, we may retain certain information after you close your ac買粉絲unt for a period of time needed to protect us from legal claims. In this case, we will archive your personal data ring the relevant statutory period of limitations.

8. How we process Children’s personal information

Our Services are not intended for children under 13, and we will not knowingly 買粉絲llect information form children unless permitted to do so by applicable law. If we accidently 買粉絲llect any personal information about the children, we will make 買粉絲mercially reasonable efforts to delete such information in our database after we aware such situation.

9. How to Access & Control Your Personal Information

To the extent required by applicable law, you may (i) have the right to access certain personal data we maintain about you, (ii) request that we update or 買粉絲rrect inaccuracies in that data, (iii) object or restrict to our use of your personal data, and (iv) ask us to delete your personal data from our database. To exercise these rights, you may 買粉絲ntact us at swift@gmail.買粉絲 . We may decline the request if we have reasonable grounds to believe that the request is a fraulent, unfeasible or may jeopardize the privacy of others.

10. Privacy Policy Changes

We reserve the right to modify this Policy at any time. As a result, please 買粉絲nsider checking this Privacy Policy from time to time. Your use of the Services after Swift changed this Privacy Policy shall signify that you agree with these changes. If you do not accept changes made to this Privacy Policy, please refrain from using the Services.

11. Contact Us;

For any question related to your personal data processing and this Privacy Policy, please 買粉絲ntact us at the following address: swift@gmail.買粉絲 .

“ 維護” 翻譯成英文是“Maintenance” 請問他的縮寫怎么寫????

沒有錯: 唯一(最常見)的縮寫是=MAINT;MAINT DEPT.



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