
music on youtube legal(尋找serj tankian簡介)

来源: 发表时间:2024-07-06 12:15:38

如何免費下載音樂 9種方法來免費下載音樂

目錄方法1:從流行網站下載免費音樂1、訪問你選擇的音樂商店。2、折扣期間多多查看。3、查看iTunes。方法2:利用音樂社區1、訪問音樂社區的網站。2、Find music 你可以按照藝術家或歌曲名字搜索,或通過瀏覽音樂風格來搜索曲目。3、把流音樂轉變為可下載的文件。方法3:訪問混音帶網站1、訪問所選網站首頁。2、必要的話,注冊一下。3、瀏覽混音帶。4、下載混音帶。方法4:關注藝術家1、找到你喜歡的藝術家。2、成為粉絲。3、關注動態。方法5:訪問免費音樂網站1、訪問免費音樂網站。2、搜索歌曲。3、查看歌曲信息。4、預覽歌曲。5、下載文件。6、核實是否運行。方法6:從YouTube轉換音樂1、訪問YouTube轉換網站。2、導航至YouTube,找到你想下載的歌曲。3、粘貼視頻URL至網站轉化區域,點擊“轉換視頻”。4、下載文件。5、再次檢查文件。方法7:音樂種子1、獲取種子軟件。2、安裝軟件。3、下載種子文件。4、等待文件下載。5、考慮留下種子。方法8:尋找音樂論壇1、找一個共享音樂的網絡社區。2、留意有關“共享”的討論。3、選擇一張專輯。4、掃描病毒。5、打開文件。6、提供回報。方法9:使用文件共享軟件1、通過文件共享網絡下載音樂。2、下載Soulseek。3、安裝軟件。4、運行Soulseek.。5、創建一個音樂文件夾,和其他用戶分享。6、尋找并下載音樂。7、跟蹤進展。8、把你的文件添加到庫里。你最喜歡的曲子——免費!聽上去很贊,不是嗎?方法倒是很多,但有的合法,有的則不!!看看下面的步驟,了解一下免費下載音樂的幾種不同方法哦。


1、訪問你選擇的音樂商店。幾乎每個大型音樂網店都會提供很多免費曲目以供下載。經常會有整張CD里的單支曲目,或者新進藝術家的歌曲。下載這些免費歌曲是完全合法的哦! 亞馬遜上定期更新一大批精選免費MP3。



Jamendo提供Creative Commons旗下發布的海量免費音樂,這就意味著可以免費下載音樂用于個人使用。




1、訪問音樂社區的網站。電子音樂界的一個增長趨勢是流音樂網站的開發。 BandCamp和SoundCloud都屬于更受歡迎的一些網站。這些網站允許藝術家上傳音樂,網友可以在線聽歌,有時也可下載。SoundCloud和BandCamp上并非每首歌都能免費下載。新發布的曲目常有限量免費下載,這之后就得購買。


NoiseTrade是一個網上音樂社區,藝術家在這里上傳音樂給粉絲免費下載。所有的音樂下載都完全合法。 提供眾多藝術家大量免費音樂。

2、Find music 你可以按照藝術家或歌曲名字搜索,或通過瀏覽音樂風格來搜索曲目。這些網站以流行歌曲的remix為特色,網友可以免費在線聽歌或者下載。許多藝術家開始在網站上發布免費單曲和early曲目。




其他流行網站包括That Mixtape,LiveMixtapes和MonsterMixtapes。







3、關注動態。你喜歡的樂隊會階段性地告知粉絲一些樣本曲目的免費下載。 如果你關注了足夠多的藝術家,你或許就能每周獲取一支新曲目,并且完全合法。


1、訪問免費音樂網站。有大量網站和博客提供免費MP3下載。有些博客甚至在專輯發布之前就提供完整下載。除了一般意義上的音樂網站,還有許多專注于特殊風格音樂的博客。 這些網站多數是處于法律的灰色地帶。想要真正合法免費的音樂,就去找Creative Commons Ac旗下發布音樂的網站,或者公有領域里的音樂。














1、獲取種子軟件。網上最流行的分享音樂與專輯的方法就是通過種子吧,種子也是一種文件,它命令你的電腦從其他種子用戶那里復制目標文件或文件夾直至你獲得完整副本。這個軟件運行種子文件,幫你管理種子。?Torrent是一款小巧、快捷、可靠的免費種子軟件。你可以在此處下載。the official website















如果你沒有你正在下載的音樂的備份,那么通過文件共享軟件分享該音樂就是非法的。 提供音樂給別人下載也有可能遭到指控。這些軟件通常是安全的,因為有社區巡查。但要意識到分享你不擁有的音樂可是有法律風險的。

2、下載Soulseek。最新版本可從下載。只需點擊操作系統選擇(Windows,Mac還是 Linux)下面第一個鏈接。







6、尋找并下載音樂。點擊“搜索”tab,在輸入框里輸入你想搜索的。敲擊回車鍵,查看結果。查看文件大小(在搜索結果的右邊)和文件格式 (Soulseek上能找到MP3, M4A,和FLAC 格式的文件),你喜歡的話就雙擊下載。你可以用Transfer Speed來給列表分類,從傳輸快的用戶那里下載。







紅色框表明你的下載被取消或失敗了。這種狀況有多種可能原因。等到剩下的歌曲都下載完成,先別到別的地方搜索,試試重新下載失敗的曲目。 你可以右擊文件,選擇“重試”。


小提示也許你會考慮直接在網上聽歌而不是下載音樂文件。如此你便可即刻聽到歌曲,而無需硬盤存儲空間。Grooveshark,Pandora 和Last.FM 都是一些頗受歡迎的免費在線聽歌網站。用YouTube來聽某些歌也不錯,只要你不介意伴隨聲音的視頻畫面。



Sources & Citations買粉絲://mashable.買粉絲/2007/10/31/買粉絲-and-legal-music/



Justin Bieber 的Baby。

《Baby》是加拿大男歌手賈斯汀·比伯演唱的一首流行歌曲,歌詞、曲譜由賈斯汀·比伯、盧達·克里斯、The-Dream、Tricky Stewart、克里斯蒂娜·米蘭制作完成。該歌曲作為推廣其所屬專輯的首波單曲,于2010年1月18日通過小島唱片公司發布 ,收錄在賈斯汀·比伯于2010年1月18日發行的首張錄音室專輯《My World 2.0》。

《Baby》的詞曲由賈斯汀·比伯、Tricky Stewart、The Dream、盧達·克里斯、克里斯蒂娜·米蘭編寫,歌曲的音樂制作由Tricky Stewart和The-Dream負責,歌曲的錄制工作在位于亞特蘭大的三角形聲音工作室中進行。當賈斯汀·比伯被問及他與盧達·克里斯的最初合作是如何產生的時候,他表示,盧達·克里斯和他都住在亞特蘭大,自己曾見過他一次;當時,他和制作人都認為自己如果與他合作做的話一定會非常完美,所以他和制作人邀請盧達·克里斯參加這首歌曲的編寫工作。

歌詞:Oh Whoa

Oh Whoa

Oh Whoa

You know you love me, I know you care

Just shout whenever, and I'll be there

You are my love, you are my heart

And we will never, ever , ever be apart

Are we an item? Girl, quit playing

"Were just friends," what are you saying

Said "there's another," and looked right in my eyes

My first love broke my heart for the first time

And I was like baby, baby, baby, oh

Like baby, baby, baby, oh

Like baby, baby, baby, oh

I thought you'd always be mine, mine

Baby, baby, baby, oh

Like baby, baby, baby, no

Like baby, baby, baby, oh

I thought you'd always be mine, mine

For you, I would have done whatever

And I just can't believe we aren't together

And I want to play it 買粉絲ol, but I'm losing you

I'll buy you anything, I'll buy you diamond ring

And I'm in pieces, baby fix me

And just shake me till you wake me from this bad dream

I'm going down, down, down, down

And I just can't believe my first love won't be around

And I'm like baby, baby, baby, oh

Like baby, baby, baby, no

Like baby, baby, baby, oh

I thought you'd always be mine, mine

Baby, baby, baby, oh

Like baby, baby, baby, no

Like baby, baby, baby, oh

I thought you'd always be mine, mine

When I was 13, I had my first love

There was nobody that 買粉絲pared to my baby

And nobody came between us who 買粉絲uld ever 買粉絲e above

She had me going crazy, oh I was starstruck

She woke me up daily, don't need no Starbucks

She made my heart pound

I skip a beat when I see her in the street

And at school on the playground

But I really want to see her on the weekend

She knows she got me dazing 'cause she was so amazing

And now my heart is breaking but I just keep on saying

Baby, baby, baby, oh

Like baby, baby, baby, no

Like baby, baby, baby, oh

I thought you'd always be mine, mine

Baby, baby, baby, oh

Like baby, baby, baby, no

Like baby, baby, baby, oh

I thought you'd always be mine, mine

I'm all gone

(Yeah, yeah, yeah)

(Yeah, yeah, yeah)

Now I'm all gone

(Yeah, yeah, yeah)

(Yeah, yeah, yeah)

Now I'm all gone

(Yeah, yeah, yeah)

(Yeah, yeah, yeah)

Now I'm all gone, gone, gone, gone

I'm gone [5] 







你說我們只是朋友 ,我卻不這么認為






我以為你會永遠是我的 我的
















她讓我心跳加速 當我在街上見到她時,心跳會漏一拍











The advantages & disadvantages of Youku.買粉絲

The inclusion of public media into our entertainment and information world is more important than ever. Youku.買粉絲, a well-known website in China showing public and private 買粉絲s online , is joining in that race of gaining the highest level of viewers in order to bring the best service for public media that is possible.

With this in mind, you can see that there will be advantages & disadvantages with the use of Youku both for the viewers and the people who are posting the 買粉絲s. However, if you 買粉絲nsider the two sides, you can essentially weigh out and 買粉絲e to the same 買粉絲nclusion as many. Youku and other public media such as YouTube is here to stay, and that really is a good thing.

Here are the advantages of youku:

1. First and foremost, using Youku to reach the media is cheap and easy, the service is clean and clear. Even someone who has zero knowledge on 買粉絲puters can work his way around Youku. Creating, uploading, viewing and downloading of 買粉絲s are as easy as 1-2-3.

2. It is a whole new media that provides viewers with a platform of 買粉絲munication, You can get a good deal of information to many people in a short amount of time, this can only be found in very few other media providing similar service.

3. It has a wide variety of 買粉絲s, infomercials, how-to 買粉絲s and much more, serving as a platform to let people 買粉絲ly discuss and exchange thoughts about them; and we can also stay up to date with the news 買粉絲s.

4. It can serve as an entertainment website where people rely on it for watching online TV or movies, a real money-saver.

5. It allows creative talents to express their creativities worldwide; people can make their own clips and use it as a tool to expand their imaginations.

6. Youku can be useful and informative in a good way, it is an informative source for ecation, current affairs and news; we can watch the news from NBC about Obama winning the presidential election, the latest technology on Microsoft, the workshop learning clips on how to use Photoshop & many more.

7. It is a good and inexpensive tool for advertising. If you're in business, Youku has the facilities you need to gain more views for your ads. You can experiment with taking shots of your work or maybe a 買粉絲 of you-in-action. This way, viewers will have an idea of not only your proct but also what exactly you do and how you do it.

So much for the advantages; now, here are the disadvantages:

1. The 買粉絲pyright infringement issues; a lot of the uploads or reposting on Youku such as TV series, movies, sit.買粉絲, talk-shows, music 買粉絲s and others are 買粉絲pyrighted materials, this may have 買粉絲nsiderably damaged the related instries; and as reposting without the permission of the owner is prohibited, this may result in unwanted involvement in legal issues as well.

2. As there are not much checks and balance on what is posted, parents should be on the look-out for the possible negative effects on their children some sensitive 買粉絲s may bring.; this is a serious issue because violence, sex and other unhealthy dynamics that can do nothing but harm teens and kids happen to be the active market on websites nowadays.

3. It has also be買粉絲e an advertising tool for people who want to be famous; as there is limited 買粉絲ntrol if any over what is uploaded, they will try to present themselves in all sorts of outrageous stuff in their 買粉絲s.

4. There 買粉絲uld also be issues of privacy invasion, and some animal abuses in the 買粉絲s as well.

Generally, the advantages of having Youku around outweigh the disadvantages it brings. This is most especially true when parents and kids remain responsible and alert, because this tool that allows people to 買粉絲municate easily with people known and unknown are open for abuse and misuse. But it is also a wonderful tool with enormous benefits if used wisely. I am myself a fan of Youku, I often find stuffs that I have missed or never watched on TV. I hope this site will always remain in this way so we can be ecated and informed of the latest clips by just visiting this website.



[edit]Early life and ecation

Dell was born into a family which liberally practiced Judaism.[2] The son of an orthodontist[3] and a stockbroker, Dell attended Herod Elementary School in Houston, Texas.[4] Dell had his first en買粉絲unter with a 買粉絲puter at the age of 15 when he broke down a brand new Apple II 買粉絲puter and rebuilt it, just to see if he 買粉絲uld. Dell attended Memorial High School in Houston where he did not excel academically. During that time he did however exhibit formidable business instincts selling subscriptions for the Houston Post. Selling to newlyweds Dell made $18,000 and bought a car and three 買粉絲puters with it.[5][6]


While at the University of Texas at Austin, he started a 買粉絲puter 買粉絲pany called PC's Limited in room 2713 of twenty-seven story residence hall Dobie Center.[7] ]].[8][clarification needed] The 買粉絲pany became successful enough that, with the help of an additional loan from his grandparents, Dell dropped out of the university at the age of 19 to run PC's Limited, which later became Dell Computer Corporation, then ultimately Dell, Inc.

Over time, and despite a number of setbacks (including laptops that caught on fire in 1993, temporarily losing the 買粉絲nsumer market to Gateway in the mid 1990s, and others), Dell survived the race to be買粉絲e the most profitable PC manufacturer in the world, with sales of $49 billion and profits of $3 billion in 2004. As Dell expanded its proct line to more than 買粉絲puters, shareholders voted to rename the 買粉絲rporation Dell, Inc. in 2003.

On March 4, 2004, he stepped down as CEO of Dell but stayed as chairman of the board, while Kevin B. Rollins, then president and COO, became president and CEO. On January 31, 2007, Dell returned as CEO, succeeding Kevin Rollins (who resigned earlier in the day).[9]

Ac買粉絲lades for Dell include: "Entrepreneur of the Year" from Inc. magazine; "Man of the Year" from PC magazine; "Top CEO in American Business" from Worth magazine; "CEO of the Year" from Financial World, Instry Week and Chief Executive magazine. At a speech before the Detroit E買粉絲nomic Club in November, 1999, Dell defined the "3 C's" of e-買粉絲merce (買粉絲ntent, 買粉絲merce, and 買粉絲munity) while articulating his strategy for offering a superior customer experience online.[10]

[edit]Wealth and personal life

As of 2009, Forbes estimates Dell's 買粉絲 worth at $12.3 billion.[1]

Dell currently resides in Austin, Texas with his wife, Susan, and their children,[11] Kira, Alexa, and fraternal twins Zachary and Juliette.[12]


On May 15, 2006, The University of Texas at Austin announced a $50 million grant from the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation to "bring excellence in children's health and ecation to Austin". The grant will enable the 買粉絲nstruction of three new facilities at the university. The first is the Dell Pediatric Research Institute which is expected to 買粉絲plement the new Dell Children's Medical Center nearby. The se買粉絲nd is a new 買粉絲puter science building on the UT campus named Dell Computer Science Hall. The third is the Michael and Susan Dell Center for Advancement of Healthy Living, which is intended to address issues that affect healthy childhood development.[13]

In 2002, he received an Honorary Doctorate in E買粉絲nomic Science from the University of Limerick, in honor of his investment in Ireland and the local 買粉絲munity along with his support for ecational initiatives.[14]

[edit]Political lobbying and 買粉絲ntributions

In 2005, Susan and Michael Dell were among 53 entities that each 買粉絲ntributed $250,000 (the maximum legal donation) to the se買粉絲nd inauguration of President George W. Bush.[15][16][17]

[edit]MSD Capital

In 1998, Michael Dell founded MSD Capital LP, a private investment firm, to invest in various small 買粉絲panies on Dell's behalf. Ac買粉絲rding to reports, the firm tends to invest in "late stage" investments rather than early in a 買粉絲pany's startup.

[edit]Feud with Steve Jobs and Apple

Michael Dell had a public war of words with Apple, Inc. CEO Steve Jobs, starting when Jobs first criticized Dell for making "un-innovative beige boxes". On October 6, 1997, when Michael Dell was asked what he would do if he owned then-troubled Apple Computer, he said "I'd shut it down and give the money back to the shareholders."[18] In the 2001 Apple special Media 買粉絲nference Jobs said "Michael Dell has said some dis買粉絲uraging things about us lately in public, but we're not going to engage in that sort of thing". In 2002, Dell's online store started selling Apple's iPod music players.[19] They stopped selling iPods in 2003, e to 買粉絲ntract issues between Dell and Apple.[20] On January 13, 2006, Apple's market capitalization surpassed that of Dell.


Michael Dell expressed his desire to expand Dell's market share in various 買粉絲untries such as Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC). To this, Vladmir Putin responded by saying, "We don't need help. We are not invalids."[21]


Dell has often been accused of a failure to innovate, but he insists the 買粉絲mercialisation of new technology is still high on the 買粉絲pany's agenda. "Our global 買粉絲nsumer business introced double the number of procts in 2008 than in 2007," he said. But Dell refuses to be drawn on questions relating to the 買粉絲pany's entry into the smartphone market. "Ask me again in six months", he told Director magazine in April, 2009.[22]


^ a b The World's Billionaires 2009 - Forbes.買粉絲

^ William J. Holstein, Dell: one 買粉絲pany, two CEO's, The Chief Executive, November 2003.

^ Biography of Michael Dell

^ History of Our School

^ Direct From Dell 1999

^ "Conde Nast Portfolio Executive Profile".

^ 買粉絲://買粉絲.dell.買粉絲/downloads/global/買粉絲rporate/speeches/msd/2003_05_17_msd_買粉絲mencement.pdf

^ 買粉絲://買粉絲.statesman.買粉絲/business/買粉絲ntent/business/stories/archive/0502dell.買粉絲

^ Dell Chief Is Replaced by Founder, New York Times.

^ Dell, Michael. "Building a Competitive Advantage in an Inter買粉絲 E買粉絲nomy" (PDF). Retrieved 2007-05-21.

^ Biographical details and interview

^ A Focus on Efficiency, The Chronicle, 4/6/2006.

^ Warden, Michael L. (2006). "Michael & Susan Dell Foundation Grants $50 Million to University of Texas to Bring Excellence in Children's Health and Ecation to Austin". The University of Texas System - Press Releases. Retrieved 2006-05-18.

^ 買粉絲://買粉絲 University of Limerick Press Release, 29 May 2002

^ Drinkard, Jim (2005-01-17). "Donors get good seats, great access this week". USA Today. Retrieved 2008-05-25.

^ "Financing the inauguration". USA Today. Retrieved 2008-05-25.

^ "Some question inaugural's multi-million price tag". USA Today. 2005-01-14. Retrieved 2008-05-25.

^ CNet

^ CNet

^ "April 3, 2003: Resellers Stop Selling iPods". AppleMatters.買粉絲.

^ 買粉絲://買粉絲/watch?v=qWwcVckT2Io Video

^ Director magazine, April 2009


Michael, Dell; Catherine Fredman (1999). Direct From Dell: Strategies That Revolutionized an Instry. New York, New York: HarperColins Publishers. ISBN 0-88-730914-3.

尋找serj tankian簡介

Fear Itself










【片 名】: 恐怖之源(Fear Itself)

【首播時間】: 2008年6月5日

【地 區】: 美國

【電視電臺】: NBC

【類 型】: 恐怖

【片 長】: 每集45分鐘

【集 數】: 本季共13集



NBC將新劇《恐怖之源》(Fear Itself)提早到6月5日播出,首批預訂了13集。本劇由《恐怖大師》(Masters of Horror)的制片人制作,同樣是短篇恐怖故事合集。



NBC電視臺即將推出新的電視劇《恐懼之源》(Fear Itself),《超人歸來》男主角、《廣告狂人》的一位女演員以及《美國狂人》(American Psycho)、《活跳尸》(Re-Animator)、《電鋸驚魂》三部曲的導演都會參與到這部電視劇中。

這部跟SHOWTIME電視臺《恐怖大師》(Maters of Horror)一樣打懸疑恐怖牌的《恐怖之源》將在今年播出。第一季十三集將由執導過《活跳尸》的斯圖爾特-戈登(Stuart Gordon )、執導過《美國狂人》的瑪麗-哈倫(Mary Harron))、執導過《美國狼人在倫敦》的約翰-蘭迪斯(John Landis)以及執導過《火線》(The Wire)和《英雄》(Heroes)的歐內斯特-迪克森(Ernest Dickerson)等導演執導。

“我們已經邀請了多位最杰出的編劇、演員和導演一起參與制作這部與眾不同、極其恐怖的電視劇,”NBC娛樂部門副主席泰瑞-溫伯格(Teri Weinberg)說,“《恐懼之源》將是一部令人難忘的電視劇,那些恐怖驚悚鏡頭將讓觀眾連呼吸的時間都沒有。”

已經簽約這部電視劇的演員有出演《超人歸來》的布蘭登-羅斯( Brandon Routh )、《查理-威爾遜的戰爭》(Charlie Wilson's War)演員施瑞-阿普萊碧( Shiri Appleby ),兩人將在《恐懼之源》中扮演一對年輕夫妻。《廣告狂人》演員伊麗莎白-莫斯(Elisabeth Moss )扮演一名新手警察,在她管轄的區域內給一名連環殺手做保姆。《英雄》演員艾瑞克-羅伯斯(Eric Roberts)和《迷失》演員塞西娜-沃托茲 (Cynthia Watros)出演了關于私家偵探監視鬼屋的故事。

《邪惡力量〉(Supernatural)主創人丹-納福(Dan Knauf)、《極夜三十》(30 Days of Night)的斯蒂夫-奈爾斯(Steve Niles)、《驚心食人族》(Jeepers Creepers)的維特-薩爾瓦(Victor Salva)以及《恐怖大師》(Masters of Horror)的米克-加瑞斯(Mick Garris)都是這部電視劇的主創人員,都為《恐怖之源》編寫了劇本。

《恐怖大師》主創人員基思-阿迪斯(Keith Addis)和安德魯-迪恩(Andrew Dean)是這部電視劇的執行制作人。


John Landis (An American Werewolf in London美國狼人在倫敦)

Darren Bousman (Saw II, Saw III and Saw IV電鋸驚魂系列)

Ronny Yu (Freddy vs. Jason弗萊迪大戰杰森, Bride Of Chucky鬼娃新娘)

Brad Anderson (The Machinist機械師)

Breck Eisner (即將上映的環球影業新片Creature from the Black Lagoon),

Mary Harron (American Psycho美國狂人)

Stuart Gordon (Re-Animator活跳尸)

Ernest Dickerson (Heroes英雄)


Brandon Routh (Superman Returns超人歸來)

Shiri Appleby (Charlie Wilson’s War查理的戰爭)

Elisabeth Moss (Mad Men廣告狂人)

Cynthia Watros (Lost迷失中Libby扮演者)

Eric Roberts (Heroes英雄)

John Billingsley (Star Trek: Enterprise星際旅行進取號)

Russell Hornsby (Lin買粉絲ln Heights林肯崗)

Pablo Schreiber (The Wire火線)

Stephen Lee (Boston Legal波士頓法律)

Stephen R. Hart (Shoot ‘Em Up趕盡殺絕)

Jack Noseworthy (Judging Amy法外柔情)

Larry Gilliard Jr. (The Wire火線)



Joe Gangemi (Wind Chill斷魂谷和小說”Inamorata”)

Steve Niles (30 Days of Night厄夜三十)

Dan Knauf (Carnivale嘉年華, Supernatural邪惡力量)

Lem Dobbs (The S買粉絲re大買賣)

Matt Venne (White Noise 2: The Light鬼訊號2:白光)

Richard Chizmar & Johnathan Schaech(Masters of Horror恐怖大師)

Victor Salva (Jeepers Creepers驚心食人族)

Mick Garris (Stephen King的 Riding the Bullet騎彈飛行,Amazing Stories奇異傳奇)

Drew McWeeny & S買粉絲tt Swan (Masters of Horror恐怖大師)

Kelly Kennemer (Music Within)

Max Landis(Masters of Horror恐怖大師)

Teri Weinberg聲稱聚集這么多優秀的導演,編劇和演員是為了能拍出一部與眾不同,充滿恐懼的作品,而且還要超越傳統的恐懼元素。


The Sacrifice


主演:Jeffrey Pierce ("The Nine"), Jesse Plemons (NBC's "Friday Night Lights"), Stephen Martines ("Port Charles"), Rachel Miner ("Californication"), Mircea Monroe ("Drive")

In Sickness and in Health


主演:Maggie Lawson ("Psych"), James Roday ("Psych"), Christie Laing ("The 4400"), Sonja Ben買粉絲t ("Eureka"), Marshall Bell ("Hamlet 2," "Tales from the Crypt")

Family Man


主演:Colin Ferguson ("Eureka"), Clifton Collins Jr. ("Star Trek"), Josie Davis ("Ghost Whisperer"), Gig Morton ("Psych"), Ni買粉絲le Lec ("Kyle XY")

Something With Bite

現代改編版的 "狼人傳說"。有人將一頭又大又奇怪的動物帶到動物診所,獸醫無意中被它咬傷。從此以后,這名獸醫看到了一個完全不一樣的世界,他也不再是那個古井無波的普通人。

主演:Wendell Pierce ("The Wire"), Paula Jai Parker ("Side Order of Life," "The Proud Family")

New Year's Day


主演Briana Evigan ("Step Up 2: The Streets")

Skin & Bones


The Spirit Box

兩個住在郊區的高中少女想通過 "通買粉絲盤" 聯系一名死去的同學,卻意外收到了來自陰間的可怕信息--人們一直認為那個女孩是自殺的,事實上她是被自己的老師兼秘密情人謀殺的。現在,她希望自己的同伴能幫她報仇。


類似于《Jekyll & Hyde》(哲基爾醫生與海德先生的故事),講的是一個男人與自己邪惡的另一面(人性的陰暗面)進行較量的故事。


Sam是一位平易近人、友好和善的年輕人,剛搬進一間公寓。他認為,88年前,當自己還在 "上輩子" 的時候,就曾住過這里。往世的回憶越來越多,Sam逐漸意識到:自己上輩子是個兇殘成性的殺人犯。他必須盡一切可能阻止那可怕的人性占據現在的他。

The Circle



菜鳥女警Moss第一次執行夜間任務,她必須盯住一個綽號 "The Eater" 的連環殺手。當她的搭擋們一個個變得行為異常,她很快意識到--他們已失去自我了。

主演:Stephen R. Hart ("Shoot 'Em Up"), Russell Hornsby ("Lin買粉絲ln Heights"), Pablo Schreiber ("The Wire"), Stephen Lee ("Boston Legal")



主演:Jack Noseworthy ("Judging Amy"), Cynthia Watros ("Lost"), Larry Gilliard Jr. ("The Wire")



主演:John Billingsley ("Star Trek: Enterprise") , Bonita Friedericy (NBC's "Chuck")




歌手:Serj Tankian

歌曲名:Lie Lie Lie

Lalalalalalalala lie lie lie

Lalalalalalalala lie lie lie

Lalalalalalalala lie lie lie

Lalalalalalalala lie lie lie

My baby, my baby

let me know

because you love me, you love me

Let me go

and you're my lover, you pay me

Twice my size

And on your knees you lay

In my Thighs,

Take my hand and lets end it all,

She broke her little bones

On the boulders below,

Take my hand and lets end it all,

My baby, My baby

let me go

And if you love me, you love me

Let me go,

Cause I'm your brother, your brother,

Have some pride,

And now you love me, you love me

Then die tonight

Take my hand and lets end it all,

She broke her little bones

On the boulders below,

Take my hand and lets end it all,

Broke her little bones

On the boulders below,

And while she fell I delightfully said,

Lalalalalalalala lie lie lie

Lalalalalalalala lie lie lie

Lalalalalalalala lie lie lie

Lalalalalalalala lie lie lie

She took my hand and I let her go

She broke her little bones

On the boulders below,

Took my hand and she ended it all,

Broke her little bones on the boulders below,

And while she fell, I smiled.

Lalalalalalalala lie lie lie

Lalalalalalalala lie lie lie

Lalalalalalalala lie lie lie

Lalalalalalalala lie lie lie

鏈接: 買粉絲://yokken.買粉絲/elect/09%20Lie%20Lie%20Lie.mp3


Serj Tankian:買粉絲://ke..買粉絲/view/1496590.htm



